Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
>Trump was talking about North Korea and their shitty nukes at one of the last debates
> Warn us that we need to worry about the danger
> People thought he was stupid for bringing old news from an irrelevant country
> Suddenly North Korea reveals their power level
> Turns out they have a weapon more powerful than anything we could have ever imagined

Meanwhile Hillary can't even Benghazi and Bernie doesn't know why student loans are more expensive than loans for homeowners.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if we didn't keep toppling regimes than North Korea wouldn't feel the need to developed nuclear weapons.
And maybe if we pulled all our troops out of south korea there would be so much peace and love that the north and south would spontaneously unify... Can I get a chorus of 'We are the World'?


Well-Known Member
Long live the queen

Lemme just say that anyone that thinks Donald had some inside track into NKoreas weapons program is on crack. Donald knows nothing

Edit: wasn't a hydrogen bomb.
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Well-Known Member
Lol. For shitsakes, who on this planet would believe the ranting of that fat kid? Are you really that gullible? You think the have the H bomb??? Really? Really?
They have something that can create an earthquake of over magnitude 5. Is that something to sneer at? When are you going to be impressed? To my thinking something that can create a force that big would make a huge mess if it was detonated on the surface.

Not much we can or will do about it though.


Well-Known Member
They have something that can create an earthquake of over magnitude 5. Is that something to sneer at? When are you going to be impressed? To my thinking something that can create a force that big would make a huge mess if it was detonated on the surface.

Not much we can or will do about it though.
It'd make far less of a mess if they detonated it when it's not contained by a mountain, but definately still capable of causing a large shit storm.

I'd be more worried if they started detonating them above things, the resultant EMP would be very destructive and alot harder to recover from.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Maybe if we didn't keep toppling regimes than North Korea wouldn't feel the need to developed nuclear weapons.

That's a good point. Intervening forcefully in other peoples lives overseas seems like a bad idea. Then again, laws which do that domestically aren't so nice either.


Well-Known Member
He blew another A bomb. Called it an H bomb. H bomb is like 100x more megaton. So he called it a mini- H bomb.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think if we closed 95% of our foreign bases and brought those troops home..the world would be a MUCH better place
According to the USA's constitution there isn't supposed to be a standing army.

Grow food, not government !

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
And maybe if we pulled all our troops out of south korea there would be so much peace and love that the north and south would spontaneously unify... Can I get a chorus of 'We are the World'?

Yes. Can you teach me the words ?



Well-Known Member
>Trump was talking about North Korea and their shitty nukes at one of the last debates
> Warn us that we need to worry about the danger
> People thought he was stupid for bringing old news from an irrelevant country
> Suddenly North Korea reveals their power level
> Turns out they have a weapon more powerful than anything we could have ever imagined

Meanwhile Hillary can't even Benghazi and Bernie doesn't know why student loans are more expensive than loans for homeowners.

So you know this new "HYDROGEN" bomb that North Korea has? Their last nuclear test in 2013 of a plutonium device registered 5.1 on the Richter scale. This new hydrogen bomb that they tested? Registered a 5.1 on the Richter scale. That equals out to be about ~10kT. The US' first hydrogen bomb test, Ivy Mike, in 1952 yielded out to 10mT (1000kT). This is NOT a hydrogen bomb. If it was a hydrogen bomb, it was a fizzle, a dud, or incredibly underyielding. What North Korea has done is probably make a mining tool. Their ballistic missile program is known to be terrible, and unable to deliver a payload of any significant size. When they do load up a missile to test it does a nose dive into the Ocean. When they don't put a dummy payload on it, it works... sort of. What they probably did was make a boosted plutonium bomb that utilizes some sort of hydrogen isotope to improve the yield -- which it did not do. Where did they get the heavy water for a Teller-Ulam device anyways? Oh right...

We also all know that the Benghazi hearings were a political stunt by the GOP to try to ruin Hillary and it had no actual bearing, nor did they actually care about what happened in Benghazi. Read up on all the US diplomatic mission attacks and ask yourself: Why is it only Benghazi that's brought up? GG Lord Can't, way to be an independent thinker.
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Well-Known Member
, the resultant EMP would be very destructive and alot harder to recover from.
Dont need a big scary bomb to kill a buncha of people. Just turn off the lights for a couple weeks. Stupidity/Ignorance will get half of them killed right quick without anyone lifting a finger.


Well-Known Member
Dont need a big scary bomb to kill a buncha of people. Just turn off the lights for a couple weeks. Stupidity/Ignorance will get half of them killed right quick without anyone lifting a finger.
An EMP would kill all unshielded electrical devices (basically all of them except military), and society would kill itself quickly.


Well-Known Member
I'd tend to agree. It would quickly be every man for himself, which is what a lot of people are simply waiting for/wanting

Lord of the flies


Well-Known Member
An EMP would kill all unshielded electrical devices (basically all of them except military), and society would kill itself quickly.

Exactly. Thus why bombs aren't needed, just turn out the lights.

I'd bet half the country would literally be dead, not dying but dead, inside of 6 months if the lights went out and stayed out.

I dont just keep that old truck around because it was dad's. It might be the only thing that starts one of these mornings...