Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

you must be new here if you don't recognize how stupid i am.

stupid like a fox.
Are you speaking of the squirrel being a fox squirrel ie red\pine squirrel? Take care older squirrels will get togather and castrate young males and you do seem a bit squirrely. So watch your nuts.
Are you speaking of the squirrel being a fox squirrel ie red\pine squirrel? Take care older squirrels will get togather and castrate young males and you do seem a bit squirrely. So watch your nuts.

i just checked, and the only other idiots who misspell "togather" like you were deprave and theexpress.

kinda narrows down whose sock puppet you are, eh?
So why is Trump disgusting ?? Cause he says it the way it is , Talking about Hispanic illegal aliens one of the many problems plaguing America,,
Or is it condemning bringing in Syrian / ISIS refugees ??? Or debating real issues plaguing america right now , where all others.
Seem to dismiss ???
Or is it that All others are not even in his league mind you he is a Genius It's TRUE, he graduated from WHARTON to achieve extraordinary success. Trump's IQ over 156 tops 99.99% of the smartest people in the WORLD is it that what scares you ????

America needs to VOTE & HIRE DONALD TRUMP, the best SOLUTION to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. As a business owner myself, #1 is always HIRE smart people with good instincts like Donald Trump adds
Our country is a mess $19 Trillion Debt, financially desperate for genuine leadership. Trump is the ONLY candidate that everyone AGREES 100% will deliver what he says. He's a sure bet to preserving freedom and prosperity for our children
So why is Trump disgusting ?? Cause he says it the way it is , Talking about Hispanic illegal aliens one of the many problems plaguing America,,
Or is it condemning bringing in Syrian / ISIS refugees ??? Or debating real issues plaguing america right now , where all others.
Seem to dismiss ???
Or is it that All others are not even in his league mind you he is a Genius It's TRUE, he graduated from WHARTON to achieve extraordinary success. Trump's IQ over 156 tops 99.99% of the smartest people in the WORLD is it that what scares you ????

America needs to VOTE & HIRE DONALD TRUMP, the best SOLUTION to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. As a business owner myself, #1 is always HIRE smart people with good instincts like Donald Trump adds
Our country is a mess $19 Trillion Debt, financially desperate for genuine leadership. Trump is the ONLY candidate that everyone AGREES 100% will deliver what he says. He's a sure bet to preserving freedom and prosperity for our children

Are you even American? Do you need these questions answered for you? His IQ is not 156 - give me a hard source on that. I know three other graduates from Wharton Business School, I also know about 5 from HBS. Getting an MBA does not equate political/economic success, if it was so then why did George W. Bush lead us into a recession? GWB has an MBA. If business success leads to economic political success, then why did Herbert Hoover lead us into the Great Depression? Or why did George H.W. Bush let Clinton win the election with the slogan, "It's the economy stupid!"

Illegal immigration is not that huge of a "problem." Syrian refugees are not a problem. An ISIS operative slipping in with Syrian refugees would be an idiot because it takes about 2 years to enter the country and you're subject to continued monitoring. It's far, far easier for a Daesh terrorist to come to the US on a regular old travel visa and then overstay.

He's filled with tons of empty policies. I've read them all, they're basic, they don't have depth, and they state the obvious.

The Trump Plan Will Achieve The Following Goals:

  1. Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.
Oh yeah? Too bad that China isn't even the biggest currency manipulator and only manipulates their own currency whereas the European Central Bank will manipulate the USD and the Central Bank of Japan will do the same.

Or on his China policy.. "Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers." This is just stupid because a lot of these "manufacturing jobs" that China "stole" with "illegal export subsidies and lax labor standards," China has lost to Bangladesh and Vietnam. You couldn't get American consumers to pay for Nike's that are made in a nice work space in San Francisco with full green energy and all that sort of stuff. He somehow thinks that this will "force China to the negotiating table." Negotiate for what? What is he trying to get China to negotiate? More "fair deals?" Get our jobs back? What happened to the "Free Market?"

Trump's tax plan is also somewhat of a joke, it's unrealistic. You have The Economist even writing, "But promising to fund tax cuts by closing unspecified loopholes is an old political wheeze. Mr Trump says the country’s “top” economists helped to develop his plan; alas, for now they remain anonymous." Then you actually have the country's "top" economists saying that his Tax Plan is not even remotely close to "Revenue Neutral." Detailed analysis has shown that it would reduce government incomes by $9.5 trillion over the next ten years which would mean that the US would have to borrow more, which would in turn increase our deficit. Not only that, almost every analysis has once more shown that his tax plan benefits the top earners - like him - the most.

No wonder you love Putin, you can't see the writing on the walls.
??? What curious who do you think is the biggest currency manipulator ??? i know who China and Japan are but you do not think so lol ,
Seriously ask your self who are the top 2 countries USA owes money to ???? and what do you think would happen if tomorrow China dumped all your treasuries ?? and i mean all of it ?? Would USA recover China is already dumping treasuries ,, but hey i know USA will look at the central banks as a savoir
It isn't the end of the world, just a portent of what can happen when the biggest buyer of America's biggest export -- its IOUs denominated in dollars -- stops buying.
That would leave the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort to the U.S. government to fill the gap left by its biggest creditor. Think this Zimbabwe style of central-bank monetization of an unsustainable government debt can't happen in one of the world's major industrialized democracies? Well, it may be starting in Japan.

But more recent Treasury data show China has been selling Treasuries outright. And while the markets have been complacent to the point of snarkiness, MacroMavens' Stephanie Pomboy thinks that's wrong. Unlike other Cassandras, she's been right in her warnings -- notably in the middle of the last decade that the U.S. financial system was dangerously exposed to a bubble in U.S. real estate. Hers was a lonely voice then because everybody knew, of course, house prices always rose.

As for the present conundrum, there's an $800 billion gap between the $1.1 trillion the Treasury is borrowing to cover the budget gap and the roughly $300 billion overseas investors are buying, Pomboy calculates. Banks, corporations and households have been doing little to fill that gap, preferring higher-yielding securities, so "it would appear the heavy lifting has been done by long-only bond managers extending duration and specs rushing to cover their shorts," she writes.

But Pomboy has little doubt that the Fed will step in to fill the gap left by others. In other words, debt monetization, a fancy term for printing money to cover the government's debts, which in polite circles these days is called "quantitative easing."

"Having pushed interest rates to zero, launched QE1 and QE2, there's no reason to believe that the Fed is going to allow free-market forces to destroy the fragile recovery it has worked so hard to coax forth now. And make no mistake, at $800 billion, allowing the markets to resolve the shortfall in demand would send rates to levels that would absolutely quash this recovery…if not send the economy in a real depression."

But her real concern is a bigger one. "The Fed's 'need' to take on an even more active role as foreigners further slow the purchases of our paper is to put the pedal to the metal on the currency debasement race now being run in the developed world -- a race which is speeding us all toward the end of the present currency regime." That is, the dollar-centric, floating exchange-rate system of the past four decades since the end of Bretton Woods system, when the dollar's convertibility into gold was terminated.
So all you need to do now is pray and get ready for the major american crash that is coming
??? What curious who do you think is the biggest currency manipulator ??? i know who China and Japan are but you do not think so lol ,
Seriously ask your self who are the top 2 countries USA owes money to ???? and what do you think would happen if tomorrow China dumped all your treasuries ?? and i mean all of it ?? Would USA recover China is already dumping treasuries ,, but hey i know USA will look at the central banks as a savoir
It isn't the end of the world, just a portent of what can happen when the biggest buyer of America's biggest export -- its IOUs denominated in dollars -- stops buying.
That would leave the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort to the U.S. government to fill the gap left by its biggest creditor. Think this Zimbabwe style of central-bank monetization of an unsustainable government debt can't happen in one of the world's major industrialized democracies? Well, it may be starting in Japan.

But more recent Treasury data show China has been selling Treasuries outright. And while the markets have been complacent to the point of snarkiness, MacroMavens' Stephanie Pomboy thinks that's wrong. Unlike other Cassandras, she's been right in her warnings -- notably in the middle of the last decade that the U.S. financial system was dangerously exposed to a bubble in U.S. real estate. Hers was a lonely voice then because everybody knew, of course, house prices always rose.

As for the present conundrum, there's an $800 billion gap between the $1.1 trillion the Treasury is borrowing to cover the budget gap and the roughly $300 billion overseas investors are buying, Pomboy calculates. Banks, corporations and households have been doing little to fill that gap, preferring higher-yielding securities, so "it would appear the heavy lifting has been done by long-only bond managers extending duration and specs rushing to cover their shorts," she writes.

But Pomboy has little doubt that the Fed will step in to fill the gap left by others. In other words, debt monetization, a fancy term for printing money to cover the government's debts, which in polite circles these days is called "quantitative easing."

"Having pushed interest rates to zero, launched QE1 and QE2, there's no reason to believe that the Fed is going to allow free-market forces to destroy the fragile recovery it has worked so hard to coax forth now. And make no mistake, at $800 billion, allowing the markets to resolve the shortfall in demand would send rates to levels that would absolutely quash this recovery…if not send the economy in a real depression."

But her real concern is a bigger one. "The Fed's 'need' to take on an even more active role as foreigners further slow the purchases of our paper is to put the pedal to the metal on the currency debasement race now being run in the developed world -- a race which is speeding us all toward the end of the present currency regime." That is, the dollar-centric, floating exchange-rate system of the past four decades since the end of Bretton Woods system, when the dollar's convertibility into gold was terminated.
So all you need to do now is pray and get ready for the major american crash that is coming

You're not actually American are you? Are you a Freshman in college? Or are you not capable of independent thought? You just literally copied and pasted paragraphs from a Barron's article I read back in about September-October. If China dumps all their US currency they will literally destroy their economy. They're buying debt which is an investment. You don't suddenly get rid of your investment just because "fuck that guy." That's how you lose money. Really, this is finance 101, super simple stuff. The effects of Chinese currency manipulation are pretty much gone. We're no longer hemorrhaging manufacturing jobs, we are in fact creating and gaining manufacturing jobs. China's sale of US Treasuries did not spike inflation, nor did it devalue the Treasuries themselves - we knew this. In all actuality our currency is gaining value, because we're the world's reserve currency. However here's the simple problem: The more other places want to buy your currency and stash their funds here, it makes our dollar more expensive, which in turns makes US goods more expensive over seas. Yet, this isn't the first time we've had a trade deficit. In fact, our last trade surplus I think was in late 70s early 80s.

You'd also know that what I said about Japan and Europe were correct, had you just posted the rest of the article, like where it says that Brazil's President has lambasted the US, Japan and Europe for creating a "tsunami of cheap money."
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It's really difficult to understand the idiocy of the people who listen to him! I mean, I understand that people are not satisfied with the government, but to applaud the shit trump says is too much to take. These trump supporters are the sheeple that I've talked about.

as expected, you've missed the point entirely. it isn't the sheep following trump, trump is following what your neighbors have been saying for years. we're tired of the defeatism and whiny diatribes of modern american liberalism. we're tired of being denigrated by a media intent on painting every american tradition as evil. we're tired of you and your holier than thou hypocrisy.
as expected, you've missed the point entirely. it isn't the sheep following trump, trump is following what your neighbors have been saying for years. we're tired of the defeatism and whiny diatribes of modern american liberalism. we're tired of being denigrated by a media intent on painting every american tradition as evil. we're tired of you and your holier than thou hypocrisy.
You can say that again.
as expected, you've missed the point entirely. it isn't the sheep following trump, trump is following what your neighbors have been saying for years. we're tired of the defeatism and whiny diatribes of modern american liberalism. we're tired of being denigrated by a media intent on painting every american tradition as evil. we're tired of you and your holier than thou hypocrisy.
And again.
as expected, you've missed the point entirely. it isn't the sheep following trump, trump is following what your neighbors have been saying for years. we're tired of the defeatism and whiny diatribes of modern american liberalism. we're tired of being denigrated by a media intent on painting every american tradition as evil. we're tired of you and your holier than thou hypocrisy.

we're tired of your racism, and the fact that you think pedophilia laws are a form of tyranny you sick old fuck.
America needs to VOTE & HIRE DONALD TRUMP, the best SOLUTION to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. As a business owner myself, #1 is always HIRE smart people with good instincts like Donald Trump adds.
Our country is a mess $19 Trillion Debt, financially desperate for genuine leadership. Trump is the ONLY candidate that everyone AGREES 100% will deliver what he says. He's a sure bet to preserving freedom and prosperity for our children

This would make a good bumper sticker.

Why are libtards such liars and hypocrites?
what you have to understand is that little bucky is none too bright. he latches onto an idea, twists it to suit his own agenda and his limited intellect simply won't let it go. terms like "racist" and "pedophile" stick in his sorry excuse for a mind and shade his every utterance. because of these failings he is rather easy to manage. it's even kind of fun to watch him run around, chasing his own tail and repeating the same tired cliches.
Personally any President that comes into office now is hog tied , there just a face to all Americans, there told what to do , say , and push for from the richest people in the world ..
you know you all here money does not buy everything ?? How wrong is that i mean money does buy anything for instance do you not think if you were one of the richest people in the world you could not purchase a nuke ??? Lets say you go to Russia or even USA and say hey i give you 100 trillion dollars cash for 2 nukes what would you think would happen ??

Far as i am concerned Hillary is nitwit and will not win she already showed her true colors as sec of state , putting her own interests before You ,, the others are ding bats wanna be's that have no chance in hell of coming close So who is left ???
Its that time people are looking for that Miracle
Trump he knows how the system works the corruption and all of it he is a perfect fit and lets face it USA needs Change out with the old and in with the new..
This is why Obama won people wanted change ,, and still do only problem was again he was probably told to keep some dead beats Hillary etc into the equation and it did nothing for him one bit but ,, Actually hurt him in the long run
Trump will come in and it will be same ole same ole some changes but nothing spectacular, how in the hell can USA change its ways when there in meetings and everyone will disagree all the time even disagree on things that is a no brainer to agree on,,,,, The system is one big cluster fuck
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i just checked, and the only other idiots who misspell "togather" like you were deprave and theexpress.

kinda narrows down whose sock puppet you are, eh?

Well that explains everything. Thanks again! I should have you come over and find all my lost socks, you clearly have a special talent for it. Seriously!