Well-Known Member
Not a pet pic I realize but I thought it fit this thread. Last year before AK was adult legal I was suddenly over my legal med limit after a successful harvest. That made me nervous so I double seal-a-mealed my herbs, put them in 2 lidded buckets and hid them deep in the woods. Months later I ran out and went to get them, realizing once I got there that I didn;t have room for the buckets in my backpack, just the herbs, and I was on my bike. So I just grabbed the buds and left the buckets. A week later I went back to get the buckets and a bear had chomped into one of the buckets! They're 5 gal so the bite's bigger than it appears in the pic. Still based on where it was more likely a brown bear than a black. Not a big one, but big enough to get jaws around a 5 gallon bucket.
Anyway, I was just glad to have already grabbed my buds, they were in perfect shape!

Anyway, I was just glad to have already grabbed my buds, they were in perfect shape!