Picture of your pet thread !!!

It's feline HIV, unfortunately. That's why I can't get another cat or let this one out. He doesn't mind being a house cat, he hated his first 6 mths on the street.

He's a very special and clever cat. Easy to train and very obedient (for a cat). He's the best ever.
You're not worried about getting pussy AIDS?

Don't have sex with that cat. Without protection at least.

I probably shouldn't have to tell you that, but you never know in Europe!


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There will be no law suit cause I own both dogs, y'all can hop off that high horse now ;)
In a way that actually makes it worse.

Since when did the pack leader ever let the others display dominance within the group? Must be an awful environment for the other dog.

I keep a pitbull with a cat and there is no way my dog would do anything to him. Why? Because I'm the boss and he doesn't challenge that.