Which political party do you think will win the 2016 presidential election?

Which party will win?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 15 78.9%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
Bernie by a landslide..Clinton v. Trump will cancel each other out..Clinton not trustworthy, Trumps insanity..Bernie is Teflon.

I'd pay money to see Clinton/Trump cage fight HBO ppv.

I'd even pay extra if they each get to choose one from an arsenal of weapons.
You are delusional Marianne. Bernie won't get the nomination, so he's doomed right there.
I think I still understand straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks. But feel free to refresh me.

...except that he didn't use either of those.

He simply asked you to point out where his reasoning was false and in response you tried to change the subject.

That's a complete, abject logic fail- unless you're on Faux Spews, of course.
See you just did it again, another logic fail.

no, you are making wild claims without substantiating them.

i even listed all my mundane claims about how republicans are racist, which plays poorly in an expanding minority electorate, and about how they hate/deny science that NASA says is true.

you yelled "logical fallacy" and then failed completely to back up your claim at all. you cowered. as cowards tend to do.

if you're going to be dumb, at leat walk as down your path of idiocy.
no, you are making wild claims without substantiating them.

i even listed all my mundane claims about how republicans are racist, which plays poorly in an expanding minority electorate, and about how they hate/deny science that NASA says is true.

you yelled "logical fallacy" and then failed completely to back up your claim at all. you cowered. as cowards tend to do.

if you're going to be dumb, at leat walk as down your path of idiocy.

They're completely immune to logical thinking or building a compelling argument. There is no reasoning with them, as they're operating on some other level than reason.
no, republican racism in face of a growing number of minority voters is what makes a republican victory so difficult.

outright idiocy, like denying the conclusions of NASA on global warming, is also a snare.
Why is it rappers says the race wars are getting worse with obama in office then the past
It will be the Corp Party...again.


"According to the report, US-based global corporations like Wal-Mart, Google, UPS, Microsoft, Nike, AT&T, and Intel, acting through US business organizations like the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the US-China Business Council, are actively lobbying against the new labor legislation. They are also threatening that foreign corporations will withdraw from China if it is passed."

Got to laugh.
No.you can't read and comprehend or you don't want to me able to prove that black rappers say the races war and poverty is getting worse since obama entered office and we have had to struggle more.
Racism got worse after the civil war, and especially after reconstruction, too

Black people were given the right to vote and white people didn't like that. How do you think the KKK originated?

Today we have a fraction of the population who still harbor racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic ideologies, so when measures get passed that limit or restrict the majorities ability to discriminate - as have been during the Obama administration - the power structure fights back. We saw it in South Carolina with the conservative statehouse flag removal, in Illinois and Indiana with the refusal to acknowledge equal rights among homosexuals despite the Supreme Court decision, and in the many different riots involving innocent, unarmed (usually) black men being killed by white cops.

Racists/sexists/Islamophobes don't like that our government is cracking down on their bullshit, and some of them have actually taken up arms against it because they're so entrenched in their own nonsensical beliefs.

The country "struggles more" because silly racist fucks refuse to acknowledge that even the gay's and Arabs share the same rights they do. They want to live in a world where only straight, white men enjoy American rights.
Why is it rappers says the race wars are getting worse with obama in office then the past

Jmo, but rappers lack heart, memory and rage. Too much time/energy producing BLING.

The shit that happens today really lacks compassion, seems it's more important to get it recorded on "MY" I phone then it is to come together as a community.

But then again I'm an old fart, they just don't make "them/protesters" like they use to.


Maybe one day we will all get fed-up with substandard living and come together.

Oh, Merry Christmas!
No.you can't read and comprehend or you don't want to me able to prove that black rappers say the races war and poverty is getting worse since obama entered office and we have had to struggle more.
Racism got worse after the civil war, and especially after reconstruction, too

Black people were given the right to vote and white people didn't like that. How do you think the KKK originated?

Today we have a fraction of the population who still harbor racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic ideologies, so when measures get passed that limit or restrict the majorities ability to discriminate - as have been during the Obama administration - the power structure fights back. We saw it in South Carolina with the conservative statehouse flag removal, in Illinois and Indiana with the refusal to acknowledge equal rights among homosexuals despite the Supreme Court decision, and in the many different riots involving innocent, unarmed (usually) black men being killed by white cops.

Racists/sexists/Islamophobes don't like that our government is cracking down on their bullshit, and some of them have actually taken up arms against it because they're so entrenched in their own nonsensical beliefs.

The country "struggles more" because silly racist fucks refuse to acknowledge that even the gay's and Arabs share the same rights they do. They want to live in a world where only straight, white men enjoy American rights.

So we're talking 2015 correct. Racism still happens sure. Racial profiling happens to. Yall left wingers whitey all cry racism blah blah and don't live it 1st hand.. I no many blacks and chill with them alot. I no what alot of blacks say as well as older blacks 40s 50s 60 etc. Some says certain things are better but others are getting bad some think it's all better and some say it's getting worse. So it's def not anything what yall cry. The government is all for getting bigger richer lefties and righties all sign the same papers. yall keep.pointing fingers but the governemnt will do what they want no matter who is in office
So we're talking 2015 correct. Racism still happens sure. Racial profiling happens to. Yall left wingers whitey all cry racism blah blah and don't live it 1st hand.. I no many blacks and chill with them alot. I no what alot of blacks say as well as older blacks 40s 50s 60 etc. Some says certain things are better but others are getting bad some think it's all better and some say it's getting worse. So it's def not anything what yall cry. The government is all for getting bigger richer lefties and righties all sign the same papers. yall keep.pointing fingers but the governemnt will do what they want no matter who is in office
"Some say this, some say that"...

Cool story bro
"Some say this, some say that"...

Cool story bro
Your right some say all and yall 5 in this site bash the same ignorant stupid shit with no proof except what this or rhat website says. A poll can be done and not even be true. UT yall keep believe the crap shit yall see every where see with your own eyes before blabbing at the lips. I'm out
There are still a lot of wild cards in the deck:

Will Hillary get the D nomination? If she gets indicted for her email felonies, then probably not. If not Hillary, then who? I have no idea. Maybe Bernie.

Will Trump get the R nomination? Probably not. So, who will? My guess is Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio.

Bernie vs. Cruz?
Hillary vs. Cruz?