Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I smell but not that is not very smelly in fresh form...unless you scratch some in your hand...maybe because it grow in dry place and don't need much watering!
Do I have to use rosemary and thyme fresh or dry?
How much of each for 1 gl?...2pound? (Fresh!..10% of it dry?!)
I would start very low dosage, and work your way up. With fresh rosemary I would start somewhere around 1tsp blended into 1 gallon. Cilantro is also an outstanding pest preventitive. Not very quantitative, but I used about 1/4-1/2 a bunch of organic cilranto belnded into 1 gallon water. I've never blended dry leaves, but I have added plenty of dry to topdress my notills.

Awesome info there P
Thanks Vn! I wish I had more time to add to that. Kinda high and tired atm. ;)

I would start very low dosage, and work your way up. With fresh rosemary I would start somewhere around 1tsp blended into 1 gallon. Cilantro is also an outstanding pest preventitive. Not very quantitative, but I used about 1/4-1/2 a bunch of organic cilranto belnded into 1 gallon water. I've never blended dry leaves, but I have added plenty of dry to topdress my notills.

Thanks Vn! I wish I had more time to add to that. Kinda high and tired atm. ;)



what you think about growing cilantro as a cover crop? i'm thinking about throwing some seeds down in my no-tills. :) I eat the hell outta that stuff in all kinds of dishes. be a great cover i think, well for me it would be lol, and pest preventative for the plant!
Cilantro is a nightmare to grow even by itself, apparently. Goes to seed fast or done such. High maintenance.

This came up once on ICmag and that was Coots perspective

not a nightmare at all. I like to grow it in spring and fall. i like to harvest the plant while they are still small, like less that 8". take scissors and cut the leaves off above the soil 1/2". it will shoot new apical meristems from the base and this is how you keep the growth short. the main problem with it going to seed, at least for me, is heat. it makes them want to bolt (kinda like basil).

That being said, besides providing pest deterrence, i wonder what they would offer in terms of nutrient extraction from the soil and then clipping the trimmings into the pot for breakdown... not sure what root structure cilantro has, fibrous or taproot... need to do some reading i suppose.
Just do it!



what you think about growing cilantro as a cover crop? i'm thinking about throwing some seeds down in my no-tills. :) I eat the hell outta that stuff in all kinds of dishes. be a great cover i think, well for me it would be lol, and pest preventative for the plant!
I have not tried to grow cilantro. Along with Rrog, I remember Coot saying it was a nightmare to get started. Sounds like you have a way to grow it, so I would say go for it! I love home grown ipm ingredients! (I also love cilantro - we eat it in a lot of dishes).


I have not tried to grow cilantro. Along with Rrog, I remember Coot saying it was a nightmare to get started. Sounds like you have a way to grow it, so I would say go for it! I love home grown ipm ingredients! (I also love cilantro - we eat it in a lot of dishes).



how to grow cilantro. Drop seeds onto soil and water them in. keep topsoil moist every couple days. DONE. piece of cake :) you have to grow a lot of it though, like a dense population of them. almost like grass IMO. just mow, harvest, and enjoy.
how to grow cilantro. Drop seeds onto soil and water them in. keep topsoil moist every couple days. DONE. piece of cake :) you have to grow a lot of it though, like a dense population of them. almost like grass IMO. just mow, harvest, and enjoy.
Sounds easy enough! I might have to give it a try. Now if I could just figure out how to grow an avocado tree indoors - fresh guac all year! :mrgreen:

Sounds easy enough! I might have to give it a try. Now if I could just figure out how to grow an avocado tree indoors - fresh guac all year! :mrgreen:


my cousins mom has an 8yr old avocado tree that hasnt put out any fruit yet. she overwinters it indoors and puts it out in the summer... probably not under any good amount of lighting though in the winter. i hear they take a long time before they put off fruit.

i really want to try a citrus tree. like a lemon lime grafted to the same tree. it would be valuable enough to me. i love using fresh citrus. especially in juices!
Sorry!..but is cilantro same as coriander? (Same family of parsley? Persil in french...!)
Cause if it is...this plant do not like direct sun...and it is very resistant!
I have some in the garden
I also have mint...and the last peperoni who finish...!
Sorry!..but is cilantro same as coriander? (Same family of parsley? Persil in french...!)
Cause if it is...this plant do not like direct sun...and it is very resistant!
I have some in the garden
I also have mint...and the last peperoni who finish...!

yes, same plant. i looked at the nutrition, and it offers basically nothing, but in terms of pest resistance it's a good one!
Sorry!..but is cilantro same as coriander? (Same family of parsley? Persil in french...!)
Cause if it is...this plant do not like direct sun...and it is very resistant!
I have some in the garden
I also have mint...and the last peperoni who finish...!
yes, same plant. i looked at the nutrition, and it offers basically nothing, but in terms of pest resistance it's a good one!
I believe cilantro is the leafy green part and coriander are the seeds.
I've never used geranium oil but I would suggest buying the oil pure and making your own at the percent weight they did. maybe higher or lower depending. I know citrus oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, neem oil, etc. and compost tea foliars can get powedery mildew but try the geranium if you haven't.