Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Thanks a lot @Pattahabi and how many time do you use it? In vegg? Bloom?
I have an iron def on one plant...what should I use?(I transplant it from 1gl to 3gl tonight so maybe it gonna fix it!)
Have a great day ★
Thanks a lot @Pattahabi and how many time do you use it? In vegg? Bloom?
I have an iron def on one plant...what should I use?(I transplant it from 1gl to 3gl tonight so maybe it gonna fix it!)
Have a great day ★
I would do a little testing. Once a week would be real safe, but you can get away with a little more than that. I find it especially good to use the foliar after transplant, and maybe a little in the drench water at transplant. You can use it through out the life of the plant. One time I had mites, and I didn't want to spray anything, so I used it foliar application right up till a few days before harvest (I generally don't foliar after 14 days or so into flower). Amazing stuff to say the least.


I will try both with my next watering...
Is it ok if I mix aloe Vera/coconut water/molasse together?
What about the white part of coconut? Is it good for compost? And aloe leaves?
Thanks guys!
I will try both with my next watering...
Is it ok if I mix aloe Vera/coconut water/molasse together?
What about the white part of coconut? Is it good for compost? And aloe leaves?
Thanks guys!
Probably leave the molasses out. You could add the coconut water also, although I would be careful especially if they are young. Might be better to experiment one at a time so you know the effects of each individually. All parts of both are excellent for compost!

Thanks a lot @Pattahabi and how many time do you use it? In vegg? Bloom?
I have an iron def on one plant...what should I use?(I transplant it from 1gl to 3gl tonight so maybe it gonna fix it!)
Have a great day ★

i like to use the coconut water at transplant as a drench. i have yet to try them together. aloe is a good stress reliever and i've watered that with liquid kelp at the same time for the ultimate stress reducer!

i could be wrong but i think greens have good iron. dandelion, nettle, spinach ect. you could get some dandelion greens and spinach from a store, dry them out in the sun or dehydrator, and then powder them. put them in a bucket of water and bubble for 24 hours, strain (or dont strain) and water right in.

anyone that can confirm this?
I never hear anybody talking about the iron needs of cannabis plants. Does anybody here have any advice on how much to add and a good source?

Do they not need Iron as much as they need Mag?
i like to use the coconut water at transplant as a drench. i have yet to try them together. aloe is a good stress reliever and i've watered that with liquid kelp at the same time for the ultimate stress reducer!

i could be wrong but i think greens have good iron. dandelion, nettle, spinach ect. you could get some dandelion greens and spinach from a store, dry them out in the sun or dehydrator, and then powder them. put them in a bucket of water and bubble for 24 hours, strain (or dont strain) and water right in.

anyone that can confirm this?
Hey ShlUby!

Aloe is an awesome stress reducer (along with SST's). Look for dynamic accumulators; comfrey, borage, nettle, dandelion, horsetail, etc. I've never looked up spinich specifically, but I'd expect all the dark leafy greans would be good. I don't know that I would add any heat or sun. I can only imagine this would degrade enzymes, secondary metabolites, etc. If it were me personally, I'd just top dress them in my containers. Worms will take care of em soon enough. ;)

Bong goes to the left, ear...



Hey ShlUby!

Aloe is an awesome stress reducer (along with SST's). Look for dynamic accumulators; comfrey, borage, nettle, dandelion, horsetail, etc. I've never looked up spinich specifically, but I'd expect all the dark leafy greans would be good. I don't know that I would add any heat or sun. I can only imagine this would degrade enzymes, secondary metabolites, etc. If it were me personally, I'd just top dress them in my containers. Worms will take care of em soon enough. ;)

Bong goes to the left, ear...




spinach has 4% human Daily value of iron. dandelion has 9% per serving. borage has lots of iron and mag both over 10%. if you type in "Nutrition Facts insert veggie/fruit here" into google they give you the breakdown. Easy, Peasy, Japanesey.

my dehydrator is capable of 95 deg. drying temps... i don't see what that would harm too much...
I am not sure about the def...
Some leafs in the middle (on 1 plant...a cheese) are dark green in the middle and light green on the a pic tonight!
And I am in France so I never add cal/mag...we don't have this problem in France there's enough in tap water...I guess...not so much about it on french
sites...but on US sites I hear about it all the time!
Canna need a lots of different types of metal in very small quantities so normally it never happens that is why I am not sure about it!
I think I am going to add a bit of azomite to be sure...what is the best way to do it? Scratch the soil or mix it with water?
Have a nice day!
I am not sure about the def...
Some leafs in the middle (on 1 plant...a cheese) are dark green in the middle and light green on the a pic tonight!
And I am in France so I never add cal/mag...we don't have this problem in France there's enough in tap water...I guess...not so much about it on french
sites...but on US sites I hear about it all the time!
Canna need a lots of different types of metal in very small quantities so normally it never happens that is why I am not sure about it!
I think I am going to add a bit of azomite to be sure...what is the best way to do it? Scratch the soil or mix it with water?
Have a nice day!

azomite needs to be broken down in the soil. maybe a little bit is soluble in water, but probably not much of high solubility rate.

Fe is one of the essential micronutrients. i don't think it's very mobile in the plant, once it's fixed, it stays. so that's why you see yellowing in the newest growth only. won't be on the middle areas. show us that pic jacob.

@littlejacob here are some reference pics.

i think i'm going to be ordering some dried herb borage and some other stuff. BULK DRY HERBS HERE
or any other spice you like. i have about 50 fuckin mason jars of different stuff lol. I love to cook though!
I didn't went to see my girls tonight...I will tomorrow!
My tap water PH is 7.5! I have to change it to 6??
How do you modified your water PH?
With lemon? I have a ph down but I guess it is not organic!
Have a great day ★
And thank you @ShLUbY but i am in France so herbco may not ship to my country...or may have huge shipping cost!
Impressive collection of dried herb anyway!
But I am in south of france, near Italy and there's a lot of herb around here and it's free! So I am going to learn a bit about local herbs!
Have a great day ★
Provence lavender!


Provence herb mix:


What about lavender, thyme, basil, rosemary, oregano I have some in my parents garden!
May I use some of it?
Have a great day ★
Absolutely! All of these have excellent compounds for our purposes. You can top dress in pots, some of those I blend, strain and spray for pest prevention (rosemary & thyme). You can make fermented plant extracts. Take your pick. ;)



I smell but not that is not very smelly in fresh form...unless you scratch some in your hand...maybe because it grow in dry place and don't need much watering!
Do I have to use rosemary and thyme fresh or dry?
How much of each for 1 gl?...2pound? (Fresh!..10% of it dry?!)