What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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Things like not shooting within 1/4 mile of any occupied structure would fall under local law.

Sounds reasonable to me, as long as the test is free.
I'd imagine it would be a small fee similar to obtaining a drivers license. I think my local DMV charges $24
Although I voted for Moderate Control, There is one thing I don't like about the background checks.

Non-violent offenders should be allowed to carry.
Sure, no complaints from me there
Where do you stand on the gun control issue?

This question does not include military or police, only average Americans in American society

You should have to pass an instant background check and then be able to purchase a gun on the spot and carry it either concealed or in plain sight.

Just like here ;]
That's a good point I hadn't initially thought of, you're right, I change my opinion

It sure would be nice if we could get our shit together enough for most people to be happy on this issue.

I think the root of the problem is obvious, though: We are an extremely violent culture. Only time can fix something like that.
It sure would be nice if we could get our shit together enough for most people to be happy on this issue.

I think the root of the problem is obvious, though: We are an extremely violent culture. Only time can fix something like that.
Looks like you're stuck in that 14% minority again tough guy. Good luck getting your tea party revolution going with backwoods hicks who don't know how to start a lawn mower.

Lol, you dream of a 14% constituency. Big LOLZ @ revolution. Im sitting fat and happy in my fortress, ensconced in an extremely cohesive gated community filled with (gun-toting) IT professionals, engineers, business owners and high ranking service members. Almost every one of them are devout Christians (can't have everything) and patriots. We'll be just fine if the shit hits the fan, you'll be putting out the fires on your children's backs. You keep dreaming about what type of individuals are true Conservatives.
You sure you understand the point of a waiting period?

I am not sure you understand the point of a waiting period. Should a woman who is a victim of domestic assault be told she has to wait 2 weeks to defend herself against a probable recurring attack?

There are 300 million guns in America. You can obtain one outside of the system in numerous ways. A waiting period is not effective against people who are not interested in following the law and/or are intent upon committing murder.

Most of the recent mass killings in America were done by legally bought firearms some including waiting periods.

Until you address the people pulling the trigger you are never going to fix the problem no matter how long your waiting period is.
Lol, you dream of a 14% constituency. Big LOLZ @ revolution. Im sitting fat and happy in my fortress, ensconced in an extremely cohesive gated community filled with (gun-toting) IT professionals, engineers, business owners and high ranking service members. Almost every one of them are devout Christians (can't have everything) and patriots. We'll be just fine if the shit hits the fan, you'll be putting out the fires on your children's backs. You keep dreaming about what type of individuals are true Conservatives.
"cohesive gated community", "fortress", "devout christians and patriots", "true conservatives"...that post reads like the droppings of a paranoid, provincial, culturally and intellectually impoverished jack ass.

"your childrens backs" lol you have the dreams of a rabid dog.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

"You are allowed to be armed to ensure the security of a free state" - kept purposefully vague for the very reason that in 1789 the militia and the government were equally armed. Do you think you're equally armed right now? Do you have F-22's in your militia arsenal? Do you think even your .50cal's can compete with the weapons available to the US military? Do you think you stand the slightest fucking chance against what they have to offer?

Yes? Well then, you're retarded. Go get your head checked out.

No? Well then why the fuck do you need some retarded militia? To protect ur crops from foreign invasion?!


Probably because 30,000 people aren't killed every year in America by ropes.. DUMBASS
LOL two thirds of those 30,000 people are SUICIDES.


Why do you want people to kill themselves in much more painful ways? Why do you hate people so much?
Gun control laws have no chance of controlling guns. Any criminal who wants a gun can easily get one no matter what the laws are. Criminals don't follow laws, just like liberals don't follow logic.
Gun control laws have no chance of controlling guns. Any criminal who wants a gun can easily get one no matter what the laws are. Criminals don't follow laws, just like liberals don't follow logic.

You hardly seem qualified to invoke logic after a dropping a load of idiot shit like that.
It sure would be nice if we could get our shit together enough for most people to be happy on this issue.

I think the root of the problem is obvious, though: We are an extremely violent culture. Only time can fix something like that.
Hypothetically, If we removed every gun from America, do you think we'd have more, less or equal amount of murders that we do now?
Hypothetically, If we removed every gun from America, do you think we'd have more, less or equal amount of murders that we do now?

I suspect that the murder rate would drop, but I hope you don't take that as any kind of support for doing so on my part.

It also ignores a huge amount of the entire issue surrounding the use of firearms.
@Padawanbater2 I thought you might like this, not sure if you're familiar with his stance on GC:
I suspect that the murder rate would drop, but I hope you don't take that as any kind of support for doing so on my part.

It also ignores a huge amount of the entire issue surrounding the use of firearms.
If you suspect the murder rate would drop, how can you reconcile the belief that the murder rate is directly correlated with our violent culture as opposed to the access of guns?

If you believe less murders would take place if less people (or no people) had access to guns, doesn't that mean the access to firearms is a variable in the equation that shouldn't be overlooked simply by invoking the second amendment?

I see this issue similar to the first amendment issue, we have certain restrictions on free speech ("FIRE!" in a theater), do you feel there are valid arguments to be made on restricting certain aspects of obtaining or owning a firearm?

(Just to clarify, I don't believe access to guns is the only variable in why the murder rate per capita is off the charts in the US compared to other nations, I just think it should be addressed and using the second amendment as a scapegoat to ignore it is wrong)

@Padawanbater2 I thought you might like this, not sure if you're familiar with his stance on GC:
I wasn't, thanks for posting this

I can understand his position given the time period and context. I would probably feel the same way if we were debating this in 1800's Europe
If you suspect the murder rate would drop, how can you reconcile the belief that the murder rate is directly correlated with our violent culture as opposed to the access of guns?

If you believe less murders would take place if less people (or no people) had access to guns, doesn't that mean the access to firearms is a variable in the equation that shouldn't be overlooked simply by invoking the second amendment?

I see this issue similar to the first amendment issue, we have certain restrictions on free speech ("FIRE!" in a theater), do you feel there are valid arguments to be made on restricting certain aspects of obtaining or owning a firearm?

(Just to clarify, I don't believe access to guns is the only variable in why the murder rate per capita is off the charts in the US compared to other nations, I just think it should be addressed and using the second amendment as a scapegoat to ignore it is wrong)

I suspect it would drop simply because I'm assuming it's easier to die from a gunshot than, say, a stabbing/beating. Further, I have no problem with having reasonable legislation.

That being said, I plan on owning a firearm for at least as long as I can operate one. One in particular holds an indescribable amount of sentimental value to me. Some people try to make the argument that they might need to fight our own military, but that's just stupid and will never happen unless you are part of some batshit survivalist group or cult. No, beyond personal defense (and my belief is that I have the right to the same weapons my likely attacker could have), there are still plenty of other doomsday scenarios. Social/economic/major infrastructure collapse. Red Dawn.

And I mean Patrick Swayze "You git up there and you piss in that radiator, Danny" Red Dawn.

On the much more pratical side, it is an absolutely fantastic tool. I have met plenty of people who still hunt for a large part of their food. They are still out there, usually in places like Alaska and Montana. Also, because I'm in the first generation from either side of my family to not be born working on a farm, I've seen the need for them many, many, many times over in that setting.

You will have to work with us crazy gun owning bastards if you want some change, and you are going to have to keep it reasonable.

I suspect it would drop simply because I'm assuming it's easier to die from a gunshot than, say, a stabbing/beating. Further, I have no problem with having reasonable legislation.

That being said, I plan on owning a firearm for at least as long as I can operate one. One in particular holds an indescribable amount of sentimental value to me. Some people try to make the argument that they might need to fight our own military, but that's just stupid and will never happen unless you are part of some batshit survivalist group or cult. No, beyond personal defense (and my belief is that I have the right to the same weapons my likely attacker could have), there are still plenty of other doomsday scenarios. Social/economic/major infrastructure collapse. Red Dawn.

And I mean Patrick Swayze "You git up there and you piss in that radiator, Danny" Red Dawn.

On the much more pratical side, it is an absolutely fantastic tool. I have met plenty of people who still hunt for a large part of their food. They are still out there, usually in places like Alaska and Montana. Also, because I'm in the first generation from either side of my family to not be born working on a farm, I've seen the need for them many, many, many times over in that setting.

You will have to work with us crazy gun owning bastards if you want some change, and you are going to have to keep it reasonable.

Bro, you sound like a completely reasonable gun owner to me, I would have absolutely no problem with people like you owning guns. When gun control is brought up, nobody is talking about you or the millions of people just like you who are responsible.

We're talking about the exceptions, and trying to reach a valid conclusion that allows for the second amendment (with reasonable restrictions the millions of gun owners just like yourself already adhere to). I don't want to take your guns away, I love shooting guns myself! I just think they should be restricted to safe and sane individuals who understand the responsibility.

I understand there are people out there who will choose to use a gun to commit mass homicide regardless of the rules we have in place, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the access and availability to any psychopath who might choose to do us harm. You must concede that point, right?

I want to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people, that's it. Our current gun laws don't seem to do that as there is a public mass shooting in America on the basis of every week!

We have to do something