$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

i have 6 hour time released "oxycodone". that is a constant in the background. but i also have this bottle of "oxycotin" kickers. these are to be taken "as needed". sounds good to me. i needed 2. :mrgreen:
he threw in a side of florazepem just to keep me smiling. :)
The mj wont numb it?:-?
i got "denied" by one of my nurses. she was friendly when she pulled that catheter out of the end of my penis. then we joked and chatted for the day. i didn't get a chance to say thanks and good-bye so when i got home i found her on "myspace". i sent her a polite message complimenting her smile and letting her know i was just there to say hi. she didn't reply to my message and denied my friend request. i feel molded. :cry:
i got "denied" by one of my nurses. she was friendly when she pulled that catheter out of the end of my penis. then we joked and chatted for the day. i didn't get a chance to say thanks and good-bye so when i got home i found her on "myspace". i sent her a polite message complimenting her smile and letting her know i was just there to say hi. she didn't reply to my message and denied my friend request. i feel molded. :cry:
Someone will be seeing chris matthews soon
i got "denied" by one of my nurses. she was friendly when she pulled that catheter out of the end of my penis. then we joked and chatted for the day. i didn't get a chance to say thanks and good-bye so when i got home i found her on "myspace". i sent her a polite message complimenting her smile and letting her know i was just there to say hi. she didn't reply to my message and denied my friend request. i feel molded. :cry:

You know. she may have done that because she could risk her nursing license for "fratenizing " with a "Client" It prob is not personal .. Its falls under code of ethic's.... Who could dislike you FDD........?:blsmoke:
Someone will be seeing chris matthews soon

she's 31 and really cute. i just sent her another message and assured her i wasn't a stalker. told her i was happily married and just wanted to say thanks. i told her i'd leave her alone now. she could have just said "your welcome". :neutral:
Faded, you myspace stalked a nurse after she had fondled your package? Bad boy! Bad! :lol: Don't worry, I'd have done the same! Hope you get healed up quick... kayaks are much more forgiving than jetski's, get ready for Alaska man!

i can't expose her. she's really sweet as well. just someone who would make a good friend. she has kids my age as well.
You know. she may have done that because she could risk her nursing license for "fratenizing " with a "Client" It prob is not personal .. Its falls under code of ethic's.... Who could dislike you FDD........?:blsmoke:

LOL... a nurse wouldn't lose her license for having a patient on her myspace page. There is nothing unethical about nurse/patient speaking to one another outside of the medical facility.

Maybe it just freaked her out a bit that a patient went home and took the time to look her up on myspace.... usually patients just send a nice thank you note with a box of cookies.

There are lots of people who are not up to speed with technology and all the means of communication with it. She may very well only use myspace for her family and personal friends.

Who knows... maybe she just smoked a big fat doobie and accidentally hit the delete button when she meant to hit reply. Or perhaps FDD took too many pills and he's imagining the whole thing :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
LOL... a nurse wouldn't lose her license for having a patient on her myspace page. There is nothing unethical about nurse/patient speaking to one another outside of the medical facility.

Maybe it just freaked her out a bit that a patient went home and took the time to look her up on myspace.... usually patients just send a nice thank you note with a box of cookies.

There are lots of people who are not up to speed with technology and all the means of communication with it. She may very well only use myspace for her family and personal friends.

Who knows... maybe she just smoked a big fat doobie and accidentally hit the delete button when she meant to hit reply. Or perhaps FDD took too many pills and he's imagining the whole thing :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

she's a pretty active myspace user. i've been watching her. lol :mrgreen::mrgreen:

she saw my penis. enough said. :cry:
been there got more broken bones an scars that evel kneivil<rip> just keeps the pain pills handy an some good smoke now it hurts but when u can get as much movement around your knee as u can stand, helps with arthritis years later maybe the worst part is going to be when it starts healing an the stiches start itching good luck take it easy ----INJURY LIST 98-08 .pine stick thru knee cap+ 1 stick thru side of helmet 30 stiches in cheek+ 3 cracked ribs,with top of left hand crushed,<bounced sideWAYS OFF TREE>+ dislocated elbow.off tree agn+ jumped a 70 fter an collapesd my ankle on footpeg as landed++ dislocated both collarbones+ seperated both shoulders these are not to include all the STRAINS SPRAINS TEARS MUTI CONCUSSIONS AND OTHER MINOR BULLSHIT OOHH YEAH AND I HAD PINK EYE 1 TIME LOL ive wrecked em e way possible so I more than most know how u feel hang in it can only get better ps th pills can give a jones be carefull "i,m not bad but the bad dont fuck with me "
naw i just went and did some tours with elvis an morrison on zeta reticuli but morrison was such a pain i kicked his ass an came home elvis was cool cause he had the best drugs lol
The chicks usually dig me more after the see the few acres in my pants.:hump::hump:

they gave my an epideral so i had been numb from the waist down. then the 12 inches of tubing stuffed down the end. i was pretty much "in hiding". i almost started crying the first time i glanced down. it's still not back to normal. :-?:-?
they gave my an epideral so i had been numb from the waist down. then the 12 inches of tubing stuffed down the end. i was pretty much "in hiding". i almost started crying the first time i glanced down. it's still not back to normal. :-?:-?
Turtle was hiding in the shell.Sorry about the luck. Everytime i have to drop my pants i seem to get caught in a "hideaway" moment. Shyness abounds at times like those.