$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

i got "denied" by one of my nurses. she was friendly when she pulled that catheter out of the end of my penis. then we joked and chatted for the day. i didn't get a chance to say thanks and good-bye so when i got home i found her on "myspace". i sent her a polite message complimenting her smile and letting her know i was just there to say hi. she didn't reply to my message and denied my friend request. i feel molded. :cry:

You know. she may have done that because she could risk her nursing license for "fratenizing " with a "Client" It prob is not personal .. Its falls under code of ethic's.... Who could dislike you FDD........?:blsmoke:

Thats true.....

Faded, you myspace stalked a nurse after she had fondled your package? Bad boy! Bad! :lol: Don't worry, I'd have done the same! Hope you get healed up quick... kayaks are much more forgiving than jetski's, get ready for Alaska man!


What are you.... some sort of nut.... ? trying to fdd swatted by a whale.... then we'd end up with our own Captain Ahab (or fdd ) in this case........ shoot dude.. just shoot him......... :o hey fdd.......:mrgreen:

they gave my an epideral so i had been numb from the waist down. then the 12 inches of tubing stuffed down the end. i was pretty much "in hiding". i almost started crying the first time i glanced down. it's still not back to normal. :-?:-?

I had one of those ..I got out of bed and said I needed to piss..so the nurse said go ahead ??? then I saw IT...AHHH ! I was so close to the TOILET that if I passed out I would have smacked my head on the bowl...they use them more to cut cost of orderlies....:evil:
Originally Posted by SocataSmoker
Faded, you myspace stalked a nurse after she had fondled your package? Bad boy! Bad! :lol: Don't worry, I'd have done the same! Hope you get healed up quick... kayaks are much more forgiving than jetski's, get ready for Alaska man!

If you've ever had a catheter removed...... thats as far from FONDLING as it gets...talk about a GRIM sensation......
Originally Posted by SocataSmoker
Faded, you myspace stalked a nurse after she had fondled your package? Bad boy! Bad! :lol: Don't worry, I'd have done the same! Hope you get healed up quick... kayaks are much more forgiving than jetski's, get ready for Alaska man!

If you've ever had a catheter removed...... thats as far from FONDLING as it gets...talk about a GRIM sensation......
I like it when they give it that real hard initial tug....:hump:
gave my cath th old band aid snatch at 3 am when i decided i could stand and pee like a real man no 1 told me there was a ballon anchor on the end:it slid around like it would come out: so i gave it a yank NOW IVE DONE SOME DUMB SHIT!!! BUT that by far and more was th dumbest thing i ever done :i blame the morphine lol, after 1 pint of blood and a terrible burn when i peed for a month i was ok lol P.S CHILDREN I AM A PROFFSIONAL STUNTMAN DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME
I thought about doing that too..... shit when I saw how the had to remove it I'm glad I didn't........ :o:o
gave my cath th old band aid snatch at 3 am when i decided i could stand and pee like a real man no 1 told me there was a ballon anchor on the end:it slid around like it would come out: so i gave it a yank NOW IVE DONE SOME DUMB SHIT!!! BUT that by far and more was th dumbest thing i ever done :i blame the morphine lol, after 1 pint of blood and a terrible burn when i peed for a month i was ok lol P.S CHILDREN I AM A PROFFSIONAL STUNTMAN DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME
she's 31 and really cute. i just sent her another message and assured her i wasn't a stalker. told her i was happily married and just wanted to say thanks. i told her i'd leave her alone now. she could have just said "your welcome". :neutral:
Looking her up on MySpace without her indicating she would like that is going too far and is outside the realm of normal nurse/patient relations. She is behaving appropriately.

If you really wish to thank her, then send her a handwritten note that she can display at her work station. :) Then, send her a box of special brownies. :lol:

You know, catheterization for a woman is SO not fraught with the same difficulties. I think it's the least we could have in exchange for womanating and childbirth. Oh, and that losing your virginity thing, too.
It burned.And my nurse tripped over the tubing.
Looking her up on MySpace without her indicating she would like that is going too far and is outside the realm of normal nurse/patient relations. She is behaving appropriately.

If you really wish to thank her, then send her a handwritten note that she can display at her work station. :) Then, send her a box of special brownies. :lol:

You know, catheterization for a woman is SO not fraught with the same difficulties. I think it's the least we could have in exchange for womanating and childbirth. Oh, and that losing your virginity thing, too.
she's a nurse who displays her myspace name on her hospital ID. she could easily put her myspace on "private". think about it. how many people a day see her? she came up second when i did a basic search. sounds all to simple to me. but whatever.
I love ya, fdd, but....you do know that...when a woman handles your penis, and then tries very hard to avoid you, it's not a good thing?
she's a nurse who displays her myspace name on her hospital ID. she could easily put her myspace on "private". think about it. how many people a day see her? she came up second when i did a basic search. sounds all to simple to me. but whatever.
Guys you know the truth is. I fucked up FDD's leg. It was no jetskiing accident. The truth is finally out.

I kid.:)
Yeah... FDD's penis, in a little cartoon voice: "What's that ya got there? Is that a joint? HEY! That's not a joint...no..no don't shove that in my...MMMMMFF!"
stop squirming!:twisted:lol poor fdd.....lmao off at this part"she was friendly when she pulled that catheter out of the end of my penis. then we joked and chatted for the day.":mrgreen: