Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

How does any person gain a "right" if what people are falsely calling a right is really just permission to marry from the government ?

Some people should learn to distinguish between a right and a granted privilege from nanny.
How does any person gain a "right" if what people are falsely calling a right is really just permission to marry from the government ?

Some people should learn to distinguish between a right and a granted privilege from nanny.

straights don't need permission to marry, they just have to fill out some paperwork. takes about 4 minutes.
like abraham, jacob, david, and solomon, who all had multiple wives?

When you actually talk to God,`s best to listen. Only Bush (W) can talk to God today. See God knew Adam couldn`t make another man without him. Adam knew how he was created, he spoke with his creator. God knew, should he make a women, they could not populate the planet because of incest, do the math. Hint, they always say that God gave them a son or daughter, he did with Mary.

Are you lost yet ?
straights don't need permission to marry, they just have to fill out some paperwork. takes about 4 minutes.


How do you like the Mascara?
When you actually talk to God,`s best to listen. Only Bush (W) can talk to God today. See God knew Adam couldn`t make another man without him. Adam knew how he was created, he spoke with his creator. God knew, should he make a women, they could not populate the planet because of incest, do the math. Hint, they always say that God gave them a son or daughter, he did with Mary.

Are you lost yet ?

so why does the bible have so much polygamy then?

i thought it was one man one woman.
Christianity doesn't belong in government

The NT doesn't dismiss the OT

Will ya look at that,....we can agree on some things. Cristians are not the only people that dismiss Gay and should not guide a government. Staying with your faith and respecting a government, easy.
Will ya look at that,....we can agree on some things. Cristians are not the only people that dismiss Gay and should not guide a government. Staying with your faith and respecting a government, easy.
Can't even spell Christian properly...
I don't have any interest in arguing what people should do in a utopic society. I don't inhabit that society, I live in the real world, and in the real world gay couples in America are still being discriminated against on the sole basis that they're gay

This is unacceptable

translation = My cognitive dissonance and undying acceptance that there MUST be an exception for the state to act coercively disallows me to refute Rob Roys assertion. In other words you have no argument.
Christianity doesn't belong in government

The NT doesn't dismiss the OT

Agree, religion is a personal matter, but so are peoples relationships. Requiring people to seek permission to be married and then later to divorce (if that is an outcome) seems a little nannyish.

Why do you think Gay people need permission to marry, shouldn't they just declare it, put it in writing themselves and then be married if that is what they wish? Why do you think government should intervene in gay peoples lives?