Haha whenever one of the low wage advocates gets dumbfounded they use Mcdonalds as the answer , i'll take Mcdonalds for $300 Alex
Your tounge just cant manage an answer to my question but fuk it , i'll answer your last question/statement .
Yes i think all employees pay should be based on the profits they make for the company they work for , the total hourly labor we pay to operate both storage bldgs is $50 an hour between 3 employees , we also give all employees an untaxed xmas bonus of $1 for every hour they worked that year, we also send them & their kids a $100 bill on their birthdays & give them a $100 pre paid visa on Thanksgiving , i know crazy right ? Why pay em so much when i could get people to do what they do for half the cost ?
Because i value the work they do for me , i value their work ethic , i value their longevity in a job normally associated with high turn over rates ( Manager 12 yrs ) i value zero employee theft , i value their customer service because thats what makes me money .
Most of all i value them as people & i enjoy helping their familys have a real life , you wouldnt understand how happy it makes me knowing the people who work for us never have to worry about making xmas for their kids because they know the exact dollar of their xmas bonus & can count on it being there .
I would not like to do business in your coin op laundromat, i can see it in my minds eye , some old crusty Sea Hag with a bad attitude making change & selling soap all pissed off & funky .
How much money , houses & cars does one person need before they care about others ?
Answer one damm question , i dont care which one