Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
You can cherry pick all you want.
I wasn't there and neither were you.
Cherry pick? You watched the video. It is what it seems.You can cherry pick all you want.
I wasn't there and neither were you.
Cherry pick? You watched the video. It is what it seems.
Yep, "RACIST!!!" "War on wymin!" At this time, that's all the Democratic party has and it's weak. On the other hand, I don't see you denying that the Republican party is of and for racist white males.
I don't understand why you want to return the country to the clutches of the party of GWB. Their regime in the first decade of this century left this country in bad shape. We'll see what the Republican party machine leaves of Rand Paul when they are through with him. He is either going to be hamstrung by the push to the right that he will need to make in order to get the nomination or he will not get the nomination because he is not conservative enough.
Right now, neither party offers much other than more expansion in income inequality, more War on Drugs, more War, period. Things won't change as long as the SCOTUS rulings are in force that protect unlimited campaign donations as free speech and corporations are people.
I think you are right about Rand. Welcome to America.
Man, this statistic has been posted many times before but, since you have a memory with a half-life of Americanium, I'll spoon feed you a link: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook...our-health-especially-if-you-are-person-colorsome data. This link contains a break-down on statistics from police beatings by race But really, 5 minutes on Google will give you a plethora of data. Lazy ass.
From the US census, 2013
White non-hispanic percentage of the population is about 62%
Black non-hispanic percentage of the population is about 13%
Latino or hispanic percentage of the population is about 17%
Referring to table 5 in the link provided above, there were 4813 arrest related deaths between 2003-2009. If there were no bias in police beatings, one would expect the report to show about the same breakdown according to race. The percentage of people that die in arrest-related event is:
White non-hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 42%
Black non-hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 31%
Latino or hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 19%
Simplifying it to fit into your pin head; Black people are two to three times more likely to die in an arrest related incident than would be expected if there was no bias in police force.
Lazy ass
Your figures make it look as though whites are more likely to die during an arrest than blacks.
Interesting, if I am not logged in, I have to see Unclebuck's moronic, filled with stupid, posts....
In fact, my black employees consider me the most fair person they know. Even the other crews we work around would all attest to that FACT. Which of course is why the guys from the other crews are waiting in line to get a job working for me.
But someone isolated from all minorities (such as you) would never understand such things.
Man, this statistic has been posted many times before but, since you have a memory with a half-life of Americanium, I'll spoon feed you a link: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook...our-health-especially-if-you-are-person-colorsome data. This link contains a break-down on statistics from police beatings by race But really, 5 minutes on Google will give you a plethora of data. Lazy ass.
From the US census, 2013
White non-hispanic percentage of the population is about 62%
Black non-hispanic percentage of the population is about 13%
Latino or hispanic percentage of the population is about 17%
Referring to table 5 in the link provided above, there were 4813 arrest related deaths between 2003-2009. If there were no bias in police beatings, one would expect the report to show about the same breakdown according to race. The percentage of people that die in arrest-related event is:
White non-hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 42%
Black non-hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 31%
Latino or hispanic percentage arrest related deaths is about 19%
Simplifying it to fit into your pin head; Black people are two to three times more likely to die in an arrest related incident than would be expected if there was no bias in police force.
Lazy ass
The Democratic party in the south was an arm of the KKK about 100 years ago. The Republican party in the south is now an arm of the KKK.
Lazy and dumb ass
Claiming Republicans are racists does prove Republicans are racist.
Dumb? Where did I cite a statistic? The coroner's report found traces of mariauna and heroin. Running away from the police is a crime. Resisting a lawful order (Stop, police officers!) is a crime.OK, cite your source. What I read was that he ran from the police but they found nothing that gave a cause for an arrest. By your own words: you took a (uncited) statistic, modified it, and used it as a basis to promote a half-truth, or as commonly known, a lie.
lazy dumb lying ass.
You disgust me
Your reactions are visceral, not intilectual. Your aguments consist of insults and distortions. As lonmg as you view the world as you want to see it, instead of how it actually is, you will be clueless.You disgust me
They tend to leave harmless old farts be.They don't me.
Not lucky, just old and not a threat.When it happens be sure and come here and tell us about it.
Nice to be lucky I guess.
His bias makes him unable to draw logical conclusions. He distorts what he sees to fit his preconceived notions.The statistics you cite don't make your case. You are using the US population for comparison to the population of those arrested. Blacks are certainly arrested at a higher rate than whites. Your figures make it look as though whites are more likely to die during an arrest than blacks. I didn't follow the link, I just looked at your numbers.
Talk about lazy! Your ASSUMPTION that bias was the cause is intelectual dishonesty. Blacks are arrested at , what, 5-10 times as frequently as whites. For your ASSUMPTION to be true, the rate of deaths would have to 5-10 times as much as whites to even equal parity.
The statistics you cite don't make your case. You are using the US population for comparison to the population of those arrested. Blacks are certainly arrested at a higher rate than whites. Your figures make it look as though whites are more likely to die during an arrest than blacks. I didn't follow the link, I just looked at your numbers.
I think you got it mixed up. Blacks more likely to die at the hands of the police based on their proportion of the population. Whites less likely based on their proportion of the population.The statistics you cite don't make your case. You are using the US population for comparison to the population of those arrested. Blacks are certainly arrested at a higher rate than whites. Your figures make it look as though whites are more likely to die during an arrest than blacks. I didn't follow the link, I just looked at your numbers.
Not lucky, just old and not a threat.
Red is confused about the difference between an assumption and a fact. I stated a FACT that black people are 2-3 times more likely to die during an arrest than would be expected given their proportion of the US population. RED says that this is because black people are committing 5-10 times more crimes, hence 5-10 times more likely to be arrested. From what I can find on the web, it is true that black people in the US are 2-3 times more likely to be arrested. So, we agree that the police arrest blacks at a disproportionate rate and this is likely to be the largest factor that explains their death rate at the hands of the police.
The link above backs up your assertion. IT ALSO SAYS that "it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system". So there you have it -- a difficult to prove but an obvious conclusion is that a portion of these arrests are racially motivated. Racism is prevalent in the US and the police are not that different from the population. To me, one death due to a racially motivated arrest is too many. What body count do you feel is OK?
Let's talk about misinterpretting facts:
1)"black people are 2-3 times more likely to die during an arrest than would be expected given their proportion of the US population" This is misdirection. You used a statistic of population numbers instead of arrest numbers.
2)" RED says that this is because black people are committing 5-10 times more crimes," This is just an outright lie. I made no such statement.
3)"From what I can find on the web, it is true that black people in the US are 2-3 times more likely to be arrested. So, we agree that the police arrest blacks at a disproportionate rate and this is likely to be the largest factor that explains their death rate at the hands of the police." So you conceed that all of your statements before were false, but still keep arguing?
4)" difficult to prove but an obvious conclusion is that a portion of these arrests are racially motivated." Obvious only if you wish it to be true. Not obvious based on an unbiased view.
5)"Racism is prevalent in the US" No, it's not. Only a minority are racist. ACCUSATIONS of racism are becoming so, tho.
6)"To me, one death due to a racially motivated arrest is too many." Leaps to a blatantly false conclusion. The cop charged with murder was the same race as the decedant.
7)"What body count do you feel is OK?" Basically, a lie posed as a question. Like "have you stopped beating your wife?"
In conclusion, you conceed your claim that "blacks die in custody more than whites in custody" was unsupported, yet continue to beat a dead horse.