Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Can anyone confirm its better to dilute a SST? and what exactly is the best way to make one? the recipe on build a is different than the one on the first page of this thread.
Sprouted Seed Tea v2.0

Jon Stika of Brew Your Own Magazine describes malt as “barley that has been sprouted to the point where enzymes are produced that will convert its starchy interior to sugar.” After the grain has been malted, the sugar is fermented by yeast to make beer.

This is an accurate overview of an article he wrote for those who want to make their own malt and here’s the Reader’s Digest version:

Weigh out 2 oz. of Barley seed and remove any foreign matter by the seeds into a large jar and fill it half-way with water and agitate to wash the barley. Pour off loose husks & dirt that float to the top. Drain in a colander. Repeat until everything has been removed.

Soak the seeds in water for 8 – 10 hours. Drain the seeds and weigh after completely draining the water off. Assuming you started with 56 grams, you want to hit a minimum of 84 grams at the end of these processes.

Let the Barley rest for 8 – 10 hours and then soak for another 8 hours, drain and weigh. Repeat if necessary but that’s not too unlikely.

Take a piece of cloth and you want to use something as ‘raw’ as possible like hemp cloth, organic cotton, linen, canvas, flax, etc. – just check with a large fabric store. If you buy a piece that is a square it probably helps or doesn’t.

Wet your cloth, wring out and fold it 2 times. During the rest cycles this is where you want to let the seeds rest. You want moisture surrounding the seeds but not water.

Once you hit 84+ grams, spread your seeds again in the middle of this folded piece of fabric, place that in a brown paper bag – 55F – 65F ambient temperatures will move this along quickly.

When the shoots inside the seed have grown the length of the seed you’re done. You’re not growing sprouts but rather activating the enzymes and the compounds in the endosperm as described in the post above.

Take these seeds and put them in a blender and some water and get it to a puree to the extent possible. Using 56 grams to start will give enough puree to make 5 gallons of tea.

Water your plants with this diluted tea. This will give you far, far more enzymes than the straight sprouting method. One thing about beer brewers is that they live & die by enzyme levels extracted from seeds and this article is cited on several home brew forums.


That trash can is almost pure worm food!

The plants all had super long stretchy stalks except for one so they got pulled:


Is that can made of galvanised steel - you ever worry about introducing weird zinc oxides or something into the mix?

I know zinc coated roofing iron is commonly used for rainwater collection without issue. Just wondering how it handles the crazy enzymes and acids that are present in healthy compost.
Is that can made of galvanised steel - you ever worry about introducing weird zinc oxides or something into the mix?

I know zinc coated roofing iron is commonly used for rainwater collection without issue. Just wondering how it handles the crazy enzymes and acids that are present in healthy compost.
Good point. Gonna look this up myself and see what comes out... but it counts for compost and most materials, nothing is really designed with microbial by products in mind now is it?...
I have studied this issue and if people are taking zinc the doctors recommend taking copper because it can deplete your copper somehow. I give copper and iron in higher doses in the galvanized containers. I do worry about the oils used in metal production. I give the tubs a good scrub before using.

Here is my first try in the same metal trashcan wrapped with a bamboo skirt - Holy Smoke Malawi Gold:

I have studied this issue and if people are taking zinc the doctors recommend taking copper because it can deplete your copper somehow. I give copper and iron in higher doses in the galvanized containers. I do worry about the oils used in metal production. I give the tubs a good scrub before using.

Here is my first try in the same metal trashcan wrapped with a bamboo skirt - Holy Smoke Malawi Gold:


Church at day 45, think i got about 11 days left on this lady.
I have studied this issue and if people are taking zinc the doctors recommend taking copper because it can deplete your copper somehow. I give copper and iron in higher doses in the galvanized containers. I do worry about the oils used in metal production. I give the tubs a good scrub before using.

Here is my first try in the same metal trashcan wrapped with a bamboo skirt - Holy Smoke Malawi Gold:

That is fucking gorgeous
Dank dank dank ! nice one midwest ! Shit i cant wait to harvest man.

I need to go away for a few months after this harvest & i was wondering if any of you came accross some methods of auto curing in jars ? I was looking at some methods that use a air pump and some valves, maybe my best cheapest shot ?
Hey can someone help me out here. Looked at my plant today they got these damn spots on em. If anything I know it's some kind of deficieny, I don't feed her often.

Here are a couple pics. She was flipped on the 2nd of Dec. For age.

If you can get past the stage of drying and the first stage of burping your jars you can throw in some Boveda Humidipaks. I used to use them for the entire cure, now I just use them for the long term portion.
Thank you!! I'm counting down the days (4) until it's chop time!
Dank dank dank ! nice one midwest ! Shit i cant wait to harvest man.

I need to go away for a few months after this harvest & i was wondering if any of you came accross some methods of auto curing in jars ? I was looking at some methods that use a air pump and some valves, maybe my best cheapest shot ?
Hey can someone help me out here. Looked at my plant today they got these damn spots on em. If anything I know it's some kind of deficieny, I don't feed her often.

Here are a couple pics. She was flipped on the 2nd of Dec. For age.

Nitrogen toxicity perhaps? Is that strain known for throwing natural reds like that?