• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Cheney VS Reid


New Member
Looks like the shootout has begun. I hope Reid sticks to his guns, I think his re-election depends on what happens Here. If he caves in, a lot of folks I know say they will vote against him in the next election. We all know that the troops will get what they need without this bill, and if they don't, blame Bush. He could always pull them out of harms way.


New Member
Harry Reid is a one man, liberal freak show. He has cost himself plenty in the minds of Americans by stating that we have lost the war in Iraq while we are still at war. The man is calling our troops losers. How is that "supporting" the troops? Who needs Tokyo Rose when Harry Reid is doing such an admirable job?



New Member
Harry Reid is a one man, liberal freak show. He has cost himself plenty in the minds of Americans by stating that we have lost the war in Iraq while we are still at war. The man is calling our troops losers. How is that "supporting" the troops? Who needs Tokyo Rose when Harry Reid is doing such an admirable job?

same old asshole.


New Member
Med ...

Here we go again. I attack Harry Reid and you turn right around and attack ME! Who's the "asshole" here? And, you made the statement that you were never coming back into this forum. So, just like Harry Reid and most of the others in the democat party who voted for the war, then voted against it, you aren't much of a man of your word either ... are you. :finger:

If we have lost the war in Iraq as Harry Reid says we have, why isn't he, and the other members of the Democrat "leadership" in Congress refusing to fund the war? I mean, why would they agree, as they just did, to pour additional huge amounts of taxpayer funds into what they percieve to be a lost cause?



New Member
Med ...

Here we go again. I attack Harry Reid and you turn right around and attack ME! Who's the "asshole" here? And, you made the statement that you were never coming back into this forum. So, just like Harry Reid and most of the others in the democat party who voted for the war, then voted against it, you aren't much of a man of your word either ... are you. :finger:

If we have lost the war in Iraq as Harry Reid says we have, why isn't he, and the other members of the Democrat "leadership" in Congress refusing to fund the war? I mean, why would they agree, as they just did, to pour additional huge amounts of taxpayer funds into what they percieve to be a lost cause?

I've got a few words for you, but they don't include debate.


New Member
Ummm, Hmmm ... still the same old BS. No substance to your positions at all. Nuff said on this one. Round two coming up.



Well-Known Member
No We already won the war(Bush Was correct on the deck of the boat), now we just have to play referee in a Civil war now. (He was in no way prepaired for the Power Vacuum that would happen from removing a head of state)
(the plan of We will stand down as they stand up, didn't work... Didn't work with the ARVN troops in Vietnam, then we try troop escalation.... Another thing that didn't work in Vietnam.)
Bad thing is, while we are being referees we are having people from both sides killing the refs, something to do with us being occupiers or something like that. :rolleyes:

Also to get Al Qaeda in the Anbar Provence we have made deals with the enemy (Old Bath Party Officials).
I have a feeling that this will turn around and bite us in the in the ass. The United States has a bad habit of creating our own enemies.


New Member
I would like Harry Reid, Blinky Pelosi and the rest of the traitorous naysayers in the democrat party to name one battle that we've lost in Iraq. Just one.



Well-Known Member
if re-election goes to a man willing to declare defeat while our soldiers are still fighting and dying that entire electorate should be completely severed from the United States and treated as a foreign country. a hostile foreign country.



New Member
I knew there was a reason I left this site, It is populated by right wing hypocrites that wear blinders to the truth and spout rhetoric and hate toward all things that don't adhere to the most stringent right wing agenda. I'll be glad to let you Idiots feast upon your giant egos and proclaim victory in the war of words, for that is all you posses, Rhetorical bullshit and lies. Revel in your sameness for you are only fooling yourselves.


Well-Known Member
The truth will set you free....War of words? The Liberals love defeat. Study History.


Well-Known Member
I knew there was a reason I left this site, It is populated by right wing hypocrites that wear blinders to the truth and spout rhetoric and hate toward all things that don't adhere to the most stringent right wing agenda. I'll be glad to let you Idiots feast upon your giant egos and proclaim victory in the war of words, for that is all you posses, Rhetorical bullshit and lies. Revel in your sameness for you are only fooling yourselves.
i thought you left because you couldn't ratchet up the anti-Bush crap enough to make everyone who's not like you leave... :) but, it's cool.

new perspectives are invaluable to me, so clue me in to why it's good to go spouting off that we have lost. "the war is lost." what constructive purpose can that possibly serve when troops are still in harms way?

is that not simply caustic political vomit? is that not absolutely vile to you?

it's detestable to me and i'm certainly not in on any agenda other than to stabilize Iraq and get started on the task of rebuilding...


do you think he's (Reid) just playing mind games with the leaders in Iraq or do you think he really means that stuff? obviously he would have calculated the "collateral damage" from such a hefty statement.



New Member
7x ...

There will be no rebuttal of any consequence from Med. The man has no facts on his side. He's all bluster and BS. He relies on democrat talking points and has no reasonable arguements to make. The reason he left the site was because he got slaughtered in here, got embarrased and pissed all over his shoes. :?

Indie hit the nail on the head ... "Liberals love defeat. Study history" And Med is a prime example of this. Even though he got slaughtered and left the site in shame, here he is again, coming back for more debasement. I'm more than happy to oblige. :hump:



New Member
i thought you left because you couldn't ratchet up the anti-Bush crap enough to make everyone who's not like you leave... :) but, it's cool.

new perspectives are invaluable to me, so clue me in to why it's good to go spouting off that we have lost. "the war is lost." what constructive purpose can that possibly serve when troops are still in harms way?

is that not simply caustic political vomit? is that not absolutely vile to you?

it's detestable to me and i'm certainly not in on any agenda other than to stabilize Iraq and get started on the task of rebuilding...


do you think he's (Reid) just playing mind games with the leaders in Iraq or do you think he really means that stuff? obviously he would have calculated the "collateral damage" from such a hefty statement.

Actually, I believe we've lost and anymore rhetoric about instituting Iraqi freedom is just right wing hog-wash. The problem is your side does not know when to admit defeat, so many more will die for absolutely nothing but profit for the war contractors. When that cloud in your head clears, if ever, you'll see the light also. If you're so brainwashed that you believe all the Bush regime tells you, then too bad for you. You are missing the true facts of the situation and don't even question it. I call that Idiocy. Ten years from now when we look back on this war, IF it is over by then, we'll see it as much more of a fuckup than Viet Nam, Mark my words. Here's a question for you: why are you so interested in rebuilding Iraq? We've already fucked those poor people to tears, you want to stay and finish destroying the place so we can rebuild it, genious, absolutely Genious.


New Member
Standing With Harry Reid

by John Kerry

Thu Apr 26, 2007 at 01:34:05 PM PDT

{cross-posted from Huffington Post}
They’re at it again. When I came here to Daily Kos and supported Speaker Pelosi when she was attacked by the right-in, I said, “They thrive on destroying our leaders – we can’t let them.” I take no pride in my prognostication.
Now they’re going after my friend and Majority Leader Harry Reid.
And once again, it’s up to us to defend him.

There’s a very strange dynamic at play right now. When I talk to a people on my book tour, and when I take part in online discussions or calls with bloggers, I see an America that is sick and tired of politicians in Washington who refuse to change course in Iraq; an America that doesn’t believe the words that comes out of Dick Cheney’s mouth about everything from escalation in Iraq to global climate change; an America that wants our troops taken care of and knows that George Bush’s policy has not just been a failure, but an unmitigated disaster of arrogance and isolation from day one.
And then I read in the paper about another America, one where we’re supposed to believe it’s the Democrats that are in disarray. Where we ”fail to back” the Majority Leader. Where the GOP is united and ready to use the Iraq debate to paint the Democrats in a bad light.
You all know what’s happening – and once again, you need to let the media gatekeepers know it. Harry Reid is a tough guy and a good fighter, but he can’t change the media narrative all by himself. We all need to speak up and protect our leaders when they speak their mind. Minutes after he let loose with a steady stream of pejoratives about Harry Reid, I hit back at Dick Cheney. And I will continue to do so. It’s important … because if we don’t stand up for our leaders no one will. This isn’t about policy intricacies or a Democrat’s syntax, it’s about character – the character of a good man, Harry Reid, and the character of our Party which needs to stand up when our leaders are attacked.
And the worst part is, the whole attack is based on a completely out-of-context quote. This is what Harry Reid really said, "And as long as we follow the President's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course – and we must change course." Any questions? The President’s own generals say there is no military solution to the civil war in Iraq, that it requires the political solution the Iraqis have resisted. By the Vice President’s standard, are they “uninformed and misleading”?
I ask you to join me in hitting back. The time is now to take the fight to the other side. The GOP machinery is tottering and creaking. Dick Cheney has the approval ratings of the Yankees in Fenway Park, and he has zero credibility. I set up a page on my site defending Harry Reid, and calling attention to Dick Cheney’s long run of, yes, misleading and uninformed comments on Iraq. And, most of all, calling out the failure of this administration to make us safe.
Because that’s what they’re really trying to hide. It’s no coincidence that they step up these attacks on the very day that the bill setting a deadline to change course in Iraq, get tough on squabbling Iraqi politicians, and get our troops out of the middle of a civil war moved to the floor of Congress.
We can’t let them get away with it. We need to take the fight to them, and we can start by letting the media know that when it comes to Harry Reid speaking from his heart or Dick Cheney speaking from both sides of his mouth, we’ll take Harry Reid’s heart any day. Write letters to your local paper, call in to radio shows, write emails to the national media centers. These things make an enormous difference. I’ll continue to speak out at every opportunity, and I ask you to join me.
Speak out, stay active … the GOP is teetering on the brink over this. And it’s time to start giving them a push. That’s how we win a fight to set America back on the right course


New Member
7x ...

There will be no rebuttal of any consequence from Med. The man has no facts on his side. He's all bluster and BS. He relies on democrat talking points and has no reasonable arguements to make. The reason he left the site was because he got slaughtered in here, got embarrased and pissed all over his shoes. :?

Indie hit the nail on the head ... "Liberals love defeat. Study history" And Med is a prime example of this. Even though he got slaughtered and left the site in shame, here he is again, coming back for more debasement. I'm more than happy to oblige. :hump:

Venemous Vi is a scrote