Cheney VS Reid


New Member
Oh yeah I have nothing to say to you MED. Everybody knows your mindset.

Seems like you just did, asswipe. Take your hatred and along with Vis and Wavels, Shove it up your little tight pussie ass. BTW I love you. LOL.


New Member
That\'s brillant Med......
Thanks, glad you liked it, wait, I thought you weren't talking to me. Thats the response from the right, sorry but you offend my criteria for conversing, geeze, you nazis need a break, oh wait I forgot to call you a name.....Uh, Dickhead seems appropriate.


New Member
"You call yourself a man. You are a tyrant with a tirade. I'll bet you are a squeeky little fart with a little man complex. You couldn't wipe the sweat off a real mans balls, so go on with your mindless drivel and join your retard friends Vi and Wavels and all the other gutless wonders on this site, none of whom have been to war but talk shit like old warriors, Pussies all!"

"Seems like you just did, asswipe. Take your hatred and along with Vis and Wavels, Shove it up your little tight pussie ass."

Yes, as Med says, take you hatred and leave the loving types like Med to spread Karma around the forum. *lol*



New Member
"You call yourself a man. You are a tyrant with a tirade. I'll bet you are a squeeky little fart with a little man complex. You couldn't wipe the sweat off a real mans balls, so go on with your mindless drivel and join your retard friends Vi and Wavels and all the other gutless wonders on this site, none of whom have been to war but talk shit like old warriors, Pussies all!"

"Seems like you just did, asswipe. Take your hatred and along with Vis and Wavels, Shove it up your little tight pussie ass."

Yes, as Med says, take you hatred and leave the loving types like Med to spread Karma around the forum. *lol*

Venemous Vi. You are surely the one to talk about spreading Karma. You have no viable solutions to your agendas outside of killing anyone that doesn't agree, talk about brilliant!


New Member
Indie ...

Don't take Med's threats seriously. Take him up on a five-mile run or a 100 mile bike ride and see who wins. *lol*

Isn't it amazing how liberals, democrats and communists always resort to threats of violence, personal attacks and just straight-out bluster when their oxen get gored? It's fucking laughable.

Indie ... you are a breath of fresh air in the forum. Keep up the straight talk and don't be intimidated by blowhards.



New Member
Indie ...

Don't take Med's threats seriously. Take him up on a five-mile run or a 100 mile bike ride and see who wins. *lol*

Isn't it amazing how liberals, democrats and communists always resort to threats of violence, personal attacks and just straight-out bluster when their oxen get gored? It's fucking laughable.

Indie ... you are a breath of fresh air in the forum. Keep up the straight talk and don't be intimidated by blowhards.

Breath of right wing drivel is more like it and as for venemous vi's breath aarrrggggh, I wouldn't want to guess, probably more like a fart.


Well-Known Member
Thanks...Vi. I think med is just pissed off at the world. Thats a shame because life is short.


New Member
Hey Med ...

Have you ever noticed that when you point the finger at someone, you have three more pointing back at you? Check it out, its true. *lol*



New Member
Hey Med ...

Have you ever noticed that when you point the finger at someone, you have three more pointing back at you? Check it out, its true. *lol*

Yeah, especially on this site, the three mouseketeers, Vi, Wavels, And 7X, Seems like a newbie is trying to get in on the action, Hempster or whatever the little creeps name is. Hey I do what I can and if you notice, unless attacked, I refrain from attacking. This Hempster came right out of the blue and attacked me, Go figure, what an asshole. Untill that post, I had never heard of the prick, then he called me an ignorant slut. What is a poor boy to do?


New Member
And while you're blustering, those whom you support in the legislative branch have just sealed our fate to be over run by the earth's third-world population. Did you see Diane Finestein on TV last night? She looked like a deer in the headlights. She's scared shitless of the backlash. And for good reason. She should just run for cover, cuz the people in California are gonna kick her ass. Yikes!



New Member
And while you're blustering, those whom you support in the legislative branch have just sealed our fate to be over run by the earth's third-world population. Did you see Diane Finestein on TV last night? She looked like a deer in the headlights. She's scared shitless of the backlash. And for good reason. She should just run for cover, cuz the people in California are gonna kick her ass. Yikes!

I think you should observe my posts lately a little closer. I am of the opinion that the Dems are a gutless bunch as afraid of the lobbiests as the Repubes are dependent on them for money. The whole rotten congress is bought and paid for, with a very few exceptions, and since I don't feel like arguing over who those are I'll not name my choices. You are aware of my view on Illegals, it hasn't wavered from the start. It'll be interesting to see if those that voted for this bill get their asses kicked next election. I believe the American people will forget as the Repubes will schedule another attack around August '08'. I'm voting against any and all incumbents. I realize this might not make a difference, but it is my civic duty to vote against the assholes that have done the worst job in History, If I could fire the lot, I would.


Well-Known Member
If I could fire the lot, I would.

don't forget to put a check on the little "ineligible for rehire" box...
