I have studied History and I am here to say your full of shit my friend.... WWII Democrat (liberal) FDR was in power, War of 1812, the President in power was James Madison (who was a democratic - republican) The predecessor to today\'s Democratic Party (but he could be described either way), The Predecessors to the Republicans were the Federalist Party. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) (Liberal) Was President during WWI. Wars under Republicans, Civil War (Lincoln) (won for the North), Spanish-American War (William McKinley) (Won), Korean War (Harry S. Truman) Cease Fire no clear winner, Vietnam Started by a democrat but lost under a republican.Moral to the story here, next time you talk out your ass Indie, try and know what your talking about... Looks like you need to go back and read your history.VI you should know better, but it seems like you got caught up in the moment anti-liberal ferver. Indie, next time use fact check dot com.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................First of all, I would like to say I am not your friend. I wished I had the time to respond quicker to your liberal vomit, but like most conservatives, I have a job. You talk about FDR *the Godfather of the Welfare system* who was a liberal and a democrat, but he understood the threat. He also didn\'t want to get involved despite countless requests from Winston Churchill, but he waited......possibly prolonging the war instead of shortening it. FDR and the democrats of the 40\'s were a totally different breed; from the pantywaist, tree hugging, kool-aid drinking, hippies/liberals of today. The democrats of FDR\'s time were concerned about America and not about politics and power. They did not know how to lose, and lost was not in their vocabulary.The liberals in WWII were in the UK and France. Busy meeting with the Germans and the Italians *Which were the enemy* and came back and declared they\'d made a deal with The Axis. Kind of sounds like Nancy Polosi\'s trip to Syria....................................Korean war, you say there was no winner. We beat the communists all the way back to China, was looking over the mountain into China, and you say we didn\'t win? That\'s what you want everyone to believe. Vietnam was lost under a republican? Vietnam was lost because of people in Washington playing politics. Sound familiar?..............................................................And then you stop at Vietnam, the Liberal high point........What about the Cold War? The Gulf War? Did you forget about these? Or did they just not fit your rant? Next thing u know you will start throwing food at me. Cut and Run you Pantywaist Losers! Why don\'t you cry about Civil & Gay Rights or somthing Liberal, leave the wars to the MEN.