$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

I assume it wasn't but I can't be sure. We all took turns having see with it...it was a hog fest..
And back when the medical scene out here was getting big you could expect to pay up to 25 dollars a gram , do you suppose they had compassion in mind at all? Highly unlikely. It's all about the money and to make profit plus meet licensing fee's and then charge a tax of 30+ percent on that , best place to score is on the street and the retail prices are going to fuel that.

You know, I haven't seen one fucking photo of your dank autos, put up...

I hope you all realize my intent was not to antogonize your love for your grow. I'm just a guy that loves weed, think it should be a choice for recreational use, and have grown. I seriously think, thanks to aggressive growth in genetic tech(Thanks Breeders) as well as Internet education including rollitupers, it's cheap and easy to grow. Why would they pay more than $50 an ounce in a legal and mature market?

Much respect bro.
I hope you all realize my intent was not to antogonize your love for your grow. I'm just a guy that loves weed, think it should be a choice for recreational use, and have grown. I seriously think, thanks to aggressive growth in genetic tech(Thanks Breeders) as well as Internet education including rollitupers, it's cheap and easy to grow. Why would they pay more than $50 an ounce in a legal and mature market?

Much respect bro.
time it takes to grow.. the labor involved.. trimming takes a fair amount of time.. the supplies (nutes, soil/water, electric) anyone can grow weed but it costs a couple bucks to grow some dank
Total fail post. A whole hog can go for $1 a pound. The buyer slaughter and cure. 500 or 600 pound hogs. It takes a while for these things to get that big. They will eat just about anything but you have to supplement with feed from the coop. And there is way more labor and investment involved than that I described. $$$$$ and time invested.

So how hard and laborious is it to grow weed again?

$50 an ounce versus $1 a pound?

Would like for this thread to die down. You guys aren't attempting to make any sense. Sure you love the weed drama, but at the end of the day, it's just weed. When it's legality has matured. It's gonna be cheap. Because........

The stuff is easy and cheap to grow!

Tudummmm! Peace out man.

I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to be associated with spearheading possibly the most retarded thread in the history of the growboards either.

Your argument was already systematically destroyed with factual historical data and current market analysis trends way back in the earlier pages of this thread. All of these subsequent posts simply serve as comedy and as an opportunity for established members of this community to make it rain Rep Likes on each other. None of which, you'll notice, are landing in your box. We're simply keeping you talking so you can dig yourself even deeper. Youre not using a shovel either dude. You're operating a tractor.

You've already gone on record with so many hilarious claims that it's obvious you're not a grower. Allow me to list a couple of the more choice ones which are located on page 3 ;)

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos

(Almost spit out my coffee when I read that)

Or this one:

" I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. "

I can prob mow through an ounce of bud in ten minutes dude. This statement alone is enough to prove youve prob never even trimmed in your life.

This thread is pure Gold. Please, Oh Please!!!!.... May it go on. And on.
I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to be associated with spearheading possibly the most retarded thread in the history of the growboards either.

Your argument was already systematically destroyed with factual historical data and current market analysis trends way back in the earlier pages of this thread. All of these subsequent posts simply serve as comedy and as an opportunity for established members of this community to make it rain Rep Likes on each other. None of which, you'll notice, are landing in your box. We're simply keeping you talking so you can dig yourself even deeper. Youre not using a shovel either dude. You're operating a tractor.

You've already gone on record with so many hilarious claims that it's obvious you're not a grower. Allow me to list a couple of the more choice ones which are located on page 3 ;)

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos

(Almost spit out my coffee when I read that)

Or this one:

" I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. "

I can prob mow through an ounce of bud in ten minutes dude. This statement alone is enough to prove youve prob never even trimmed in your life.

This thread is pure Gold. Please, Oh Please!!!!.... May it go on. And on.

Are you serious? WTF? I'm all about MJ being a choice. Why the hostility? I'm on your side!
Whatever dude. You're all simply over dramatizing it.
Ok bro, you seem like a decent guy but just a little confused on growing cannabis. Just because you grew a couple autos in a little tent doesn't mean you know anything about growing a large quantity. It's seriously a lot of work and on a daily basis, cuttings, potting, up potting, washing pots, mixing soil, pest control, and then chopping, trimming, drying..........all that takes a lot of time, time equals money in our society. We wouldn't do all that work if it didn't pay well. You're way out of your league in this thread and you're making yourself look bad.
At some point, possibly not until page 87, but at some point, it's going to stop being fun embarrassing you and your ridiculous claims into the briny depths of obscurity. We're here to help. Due to the rules of these boards, nobody is allowed to opine on what exact breed of stubborn, uneducated, smart mouthed newb you may or may not be. It's not too late for you though. Sure, this thread will follow you throughout your stay on the forums, but hopefully we can succeed in educating you, and to assist you in your journey to becoming an actual successful procurer of the Dank. Instead of just a pretend one.
We're here for you bro. Come on over from the Dark, into the Light.
At some point, possibly not until page 87, but at some point, it's going to stop being fun embarrassing you and your ridiculous claims into the briny depths of obscurity. We're here to help. Due to the rules of these boards, nobody is allowed to opine on what exact breed of stubborn, uneducated, smart mouthed newb you may or may not be. It's not too late for you though. Sure, this thread will follow you throughout your stay on the forums, but hopefully we can succeed in educating you, and to assist you in your journey to becoming an actual successful procurer of the Dank. Instead of just a pretend one.
We're here for you bro. Come on over from the Dark, into the Light.

UGH! Whatever man. What does it matter. Seriously. It's all just noise. You think it matters more.

It is what it is bro. Kinda happy tonight with whatever this stuff is I grew. ;-)
why only be kinda happy when you can be extremely happy

post a pic of the autos
I have had but I don't currently have a pic. Ain't gunna happen. Sorry for the big deal you make it out to be. It's just fuckin weed peeps. Free it and let go. Grow your own! And supply meds for free. Make it love, not WAR!
I lost my iPhone today. I hope Apple will give me one for what it cost them to make. Actually I'm hoping they'll just give me one for free. Actually I'm hoping they'll pay me to give me one for free. I might stop at Chuck-E-Cheese tonight on my way home. I hear that place is filled with joy. And games. Maybe I'll win a prize in that foam hammer machine, or the ski ball table.

(Sorry, just trying to match the cadence of your posts)
Not gonna read this until I make predictions...

Yeah, $50 is reasonable but you need to talk about what "top shelf" will mean.

Also, if it hits $50, you'll all be cool with it. Well, the good growers and breeders will be. The heat'll be off. You'll be growing fine, fine tomatoes. And making a good living at it.

The thugs'll be pissed. Hafta find a real job.

The best growers will get the same status as fine wine makers. Right now they have higher staus within a certain group but lower status within society as a whole.