$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

Not sure why everyone is shitting all over you, bro. I'm sure you won't be able to get a z for $50, but everyone is acting like there was never an agricultural revolution in this country. Everyone saying that it so hard to trim buds and to harvest is acting like the bag of flour they get at the store or the bag of Bali shag tobacco they buy didn't take 100 years of machine ingenuity to create a method of turning a crop into a sellable commodity. The machines are waiting for this shit.


Yeah, that's tomatoes, I know. But in due time...
Not sure why everyone is shitting all over you, bro. I'm sure you won't be able to get a z for $50, but everyone is acting like there was never an agricultural revolution in this country. Everyone saying that it so hard to trim buds and to harvest is acting like the bag of flour they get at the store or the bag of Bali shag tobacco they buy didn't take 100 years of machine ingenuity to create a method of turning a crop into a sellable commodity. The machines are waiting for this shit.

View attachment 3321115

Yeah, that's tomatoes, I know. But in due time...

It's my fault. I brought up the subject in front of the wrong audience. I'm former USMC so I can take a few punches without getting all emotional.

Man that's a nice looking greenhouse! Betcha someone puts a lot of work in it. Hey man, without the tomatoes and other consumables we wouldn't have a life to enjoy what we love. ;-)

Hope you and everyone are having a awesome holiday experience! Thanks for your input.
Not sure why everyone is shitting all over you, bro. I'm sure you won't be able to get a z for $50, but everyone is acting like there was never an agricultural revolution in this country. Everyone saying that it so hard to trim buds and to harvest is acting like the bag of flour they get at the store or the bag of Bali shag tobacco they buy didn't take 100 years of machine ingenuity to create a method of turning a crop into a sellable commodity. The machines are waiting for this shit.

View attachment 3321115

Yeah, that's tomatoes, I know. But in due time...
I disagree with this analysis and common sense shows it to be somewhat of a ridiculous comparison. Take a look out your window. If you live in the woods somewhere, then disregard, but I live at the beach and the homes are stacked in like shoeboxes around here. I just took a glance out my window. I see anywhere in the neighborhood of roughly a couple hundred people dwelling in their homes. Im willing to wager that almost all of them eat tomatoes. Raw tomatoes. Pizza sauce. Salsa. Ketchup. Indeed, these individuals are grubbing down tomatoes like its 1999. And not just tomatoes. All sorts of other vegetables. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, and all those snacks in between. This consumption requires massive operations like the one you have attached as an image.
While looking down the same street, I imagine that maybe 20% of them actually smoke cannabis. Out of that number, maybe 15% are daily smokers. Out of that number maybe 5% are full fledged rabid stoners. This comparison is bogus because consumption habits are entirely different, and there are even sub categories within cannabis consumption.
Im not doubting that there will be a surge in massive greenhouses filled with Cannabis in the very near future. To say that this surplus will have an effect on the market to the point of an elevator drop in market prices(especially down to $50 a pound or whatever ridiculous claim the OP made) is a stretch to say the least. While I understand the ideology of supply and demand as it relates to economics, its much more complicated in regard to Cannabis.There are other variables within this world to consider that are unique compared with other markets.There already is a surplus. Prices have gone up! Theyll spike even higher with full fledged legalization due to taxation.
By the way, I welcome this discussion from an actual grower familiar with this trade. The OP of this thread simply isnt and wasnt qualified to even weigh in on this topic, much less spearhead a thread about it. Its the equivalent of me waltzing into a physics forum and debating that crowd on dark matter and string theory. And yet, here we are.:blsmoke:
Here is the original article I intended to debate. The link is in the OP.

"Will Recreational Marijuana Prices Plummet In Colorado Next Year?
Posted by Johnny Green at 4:43 PM on November 2, 2014Marijuana Business News

I have always maintained that if the blackmarket is going to be put out of business in Colorado and Washington, prices would have to drop significantly from what they are right now. Sure, there are lots of people out there that are willing to pay $60-$85 an eighth, but true veterans (the consumers that make up a bulk of the market) will not pay those prices forever, if at all. Fortunately, more and more growers are getting their operations up and running and will soon be flooding the market with fresh supply. That, combined with increasing competition from new shops opening up, should affect prices quite a bit in Colorado and Washington.

At least one store owner agrees. Per Reason:

The advantages of a medical card should wane as supply rises and recreational prices fall. Kayvan Khalatbari, co-owner of Denver Relief, a medical dispensary that started serving recreational consumers in July, says after-tax prices in that market average $50 to $60 per eighth. He expects those prices to plummet by next year, however, as growers ramp up production and new suppliers enter the market. As of October 1, dispensaries no longer have to grow 70 percent of their inventory, and businesses dedicated to cultivation will be allowed.

“I would not be surprised, given the flood that’s going to happen, if we see $10 and $15 eighths by early next year,” Khalatbari says. “I would believe that. I could see ounces being sold for $50. I truly see that happening, because there is going to be so much competition [and] people are becoming so efficient in their production. They’re automating much more. We’re seeing best practices settle in. There’s less risk in operating because people are operating at a higher level. I think we’re going to become a very efficient industry very quickly. We’re going to see competition, and we’re going to see prices hit rock bottom early next year.” At that point, he predicts, the black market will dwindle away.

If prices for eighths truly fall to the $10-15 range, it would definitely eliminate the blackmarket in surrounding areas. No gang, cartel, or dealer can compete at those prices, especially since people would prefer to shop from a large selection, something that stores offer but the blackmarket generally doesn’t. Even at $140 an ounce, which is the average predicted price in Oregon if Measure 91 passes, I don’t see the blackmarket sticking around.

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About Johnny Green
Johnny Green is a marijuana activist from Oregon. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy. Follow Johnny Green on Facebook and Twitter. Also, feel free to email any concerns.
I disagree with this analysis and common sense shows it to be somewhat of a ridiculous comparison. Take a look out your window. If you live in the woods somewhere, then disregard, but I live at the beach and the homes are stacked in like shoeboxes around here. I just took a glance out my window. I see anywhere in the neighborhood of roughly a couple hundred people dwelling in their homes. Im willing to wager that almost all of them eat tomatoes. Raw tomatoes. Pizza sauce. Salsa. Ketchup. Indeed, these individuals are grubbing down tomatoes like its 1999. And not just tomatoes. All sorts of other vegetables. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, and all those snacks in between. This consumption requires massive operations like the one you have attached as an image.
While looking down the same street, I imagine that maybe 20% of them actually smoke cannabis. Out of that number, maybe 15% are daily smokers. Out of that number maybe 5% are full fledged rabid stoners. This comparison is bogus because consumption habits are entirely different, and there are even sub categories within cannabis consumption.
Im not doubting that there will be a surge in massive greenhouses filled with Cannabis in the very near future. To say that this surplus will have an effect on the market to the point of an elevator drop in market prices(especially down to $50 a pound or whatever ridiculous claim the OP made) is a stretch to say the least. While I understand the ideology of supply and demand as it relates to economics, its much more complicated in regard to Cannabis.There are other variables within this world to consider that are unique compared with other markets.There already is a surplus. Prices have gone up! Theyll spike even higher with full fledged legalization due to taxation.
By the way, I welcome this discussion from an actual grower familiar with this trade. The OP of this thread simply isnt and wasnt qualified to even weigh in on this topic, much less spearhead a thread about it. Its the equivalent of me waltzing into a physics forum and debating that crowd on dark matter and string theory. And yet, here we are.:blsmoke:

Stupidest total fail post ever. You just need to go wank off with the other morons flaming my thread. You data is stupid your quotes are BS and you are totally incapable of contributing Jack to the intention of my thread.

$500 a pound in the legal areas is coming in my opinion. Probably next year.
So you're saying the average person on the street can walk into a shop with 5 bills and walk out with a pound? Possession of a pound here outside the grow is illegal itself. An out of stater here can buy one quarter zip per day at the shops.
Stupidest total fail post ever. You just need to go wank off with the other morons flaming my thread. You data is stupid your quotes are BS and you are totally incapable of contributing Jack to the intention of my thread.

$500 a pound in the legal areas is coming in my opinion. Probably next year.
Ok now I think you're just looking for an internet fight. We've already explained how wrong you are in every way and you just don't get it. So I have a suggestion for you
So you're saying the average person on the street can walk into a shop with 5 bills and walk out with a pound? Possession of a pound here outside the grow is illegal itself. An out of stater here can buy one quarter zip per day at the shops.

Wholesale from the grower. And I'm getting this information from news articles. Study a bit and read. In Colorado as the industry matures the supply will go up and they are upping production rapidly in Washington too.
Ok now I think you're just looking for an internet fight. We've already explained how wrong you are in every way and you just don't get it. So I have a suggestion for you

Don't like it? Just get the eff off my thread. You obviously don't want to or aren't capable of contributing to the discussion SO JUST GET THE EFF OFF MY EFFIN THREAD!
I just got done hanging 20 or so heat pumps in a grow. I can pretty much see what these people are paying to start up. There will be no 500 dollar pounds
Or a lot of people won't make it and fold.
I just got done hanging 20 or so heat pumps in a grow. I can pretty much see what these people are paying to start up. There will be no 500 dollar pounds
Or a lot of people won't make it and fold.

These words are coming from the mouths of people on the legal side. It will probably save some dispensaries though getting it cheaper from the grower. Ironically, what I am reading now the black market is undercutting the legit shops. For now. But as legal production rises and legit folks become more efficient using trimmers and automated systems to lower the labor costs associated, it's getting cheap. That's what I am reading. Google up some news. Everything is evolving pretty rapidly.
These words are coming from the mouths of people on the legal side. It will probably save some dispensaries though getting it cheaper from the grower. Ironically, what I am reading now the black market is undercutting the legit shops. For now. But as legal production rises and legit folks become more efficient using trimmers and automated systems to lower the labor costs associated, it's getting cheap. That's what I am reading. Google up some news. Everything is evolving pretty rapidly.

Do you believe everything you read?In the article it says at least one dispensary owner agreed. .lmao..I'm sorry you made yourself look so stupid. .Imo u can't come back from this!! Create a new account and try again!
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Do you believe everything you read?In the article it says at least one dispensary owner agreed. .lmao..I'm sorry you made yourself look so stupid. .Imo u can't come back from this!! Create a new account and try again!

Just get the fuck off my thread. I'm sick of reading the ignorance. Thank you for never responding to any of my posts ever again. And have a nice day.
Just get the fuck off my thread. I'm sick of reading the ignorance. Thank you for never responding to any of my posts ever again. And have a nice day.
Obviously not, look at the shit article you brought to the table.. .. u seem mad. Calm down Johnny green... it's pretty obvious you're the confused guy from Oregon that wrote that crap!
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