Why is it illegal to be naked?

I have no problumn with seeing naked ppl and i can be around naked ppl without wanting to fuck them. my prob is with the rapest and perves that have been around scence the Beginning couldent and wouldent controll them selves. you would have men. jacking off in public looking at naked wemon or worse Raping them because they were already both nude and it real quick easy acsess for a perv
There is an avrage of 803 rapes a day and thats with there being clothes it would only get eaiser for preditors if there wasent clothes
That's what laws would be for. And honestly such situations that you speak of would not be what would happen most of the time. Those occurrences would actually decrease from today's number if society was a naked one. Just look at the nude communities. Sure, if a law was passed today that allowed nudity anywhere, then maybe all the pedophiles, perverts, and rapists of today might want to go around and be deviants, but again laws would help protect people from those kind of people.

But with enough time, all those deviant people would die off. And so would the perverted attitude of society. Society as a whole would change its attitude about it. And as time went by more and more society would grow more and more tolerant and accepting of their bodies and everyone being nude. It would become the norm.

You don't seem to understand the concept of societal change. Think about society's attitude towards racism and slavery just a couple hundred years ago. The average person was a racist back then. Non-racists were a minority and were laughed at for wanting blacks to be free. Now it's completely the opposite, most people aren't racist and racists are ridiculed.
Just try getting through these bad boys -

New anti-rape underwear, shorts to help women during sex attacks
Critics aren’t convinced a line of anti-rape clothes will really work, but the designers insist the garments can make women feel safer and prevent sex attacks. They recently raised more than $50,000 on the crowdfunding site, Indiegogo.
BY Rheana Murray
Published: Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 11:46 AM
Updated: Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 2:36 PM
www.indiegogo.com A pair of rape-resistant shorts from AR Wear. The shorts lock at the waistband are created with material that can’t easily be cut or ripped.
New rape-resistant underwear, yoga pants and shorts promise to keep women safe and unwanted sex predators at bay.

The garments work by creating a barrier that even the most determined rapists can’t break, rip or cut, “so that women and girls can have more power to control the outcome of a sexual assault,” according to AR Wear’s Indiegogo campaign, launched to raise funds to produce the line.

But will they really work?

The Telegraph blasted the idea of anti-rape wear as “wrong on so many levels,” and The Washington Post questioned if it’s anti-feminist. Commenters voiced doubts that a pair of sturdy underwear will be much help in the event of an attack, but the designers swear the garments work.

Known only as Ruth and Yuval (they declined to release their last names), the Nyack, N.Y., women said they designed the products to be worn in potentially dangerous situations — while clubbing, out on a first date, running alone at night or traveling abroad, for example.

They told the Daily News in an email the idea sparked years ago, after Yuval saw a news story about a woman who was raped with people nearby. If something could have slowed the attack — like stubborn undergarments, for example — it might have given bystanders enough time to take notice and help.

www.indiegogo.com A pair of scissors can’t even cut through the garments’ straps.
Yuval teamed up with Ruth, who was nearly raped twice, to bring her idea to life. Ruth recalled being attacked in her late 20s, and how quickly the man ripped down her jeans and underwear “in one fluid motion.”

“She started screaming and something caused her attacker to run off,” the designers wrote. “The memory of how he had pulled down her clothing so quickly made her believe that AR Wear could be effective at preventing some rapes by causing delay.”

Neither woman would provide any personal information except their first name, due to “the sensitive nature and stage of development of the product.”

Ruth and Yuval cite studies that prove resisting rape increases a woman’s chance of escape, and say their anti-rape shorts, underwear and pants do just that.

Cut-resistant straps and webbing create an “innovative skeletal structure” that the wearer locks at the waistband, so they can’t be pulled down or pushed aside.

www.indiegogo.com Will this underwear save you from rape? That’s what two New York designers say. They recently raised more than $50,000 to fund the line.
But the designers insist the garments are comfortable and easy to get off — wearers can release the hold by turning a tiny lock to a designated clock position.

Despite criticism, there’s clearly interest.

Ruth and Yuval have raised more than $52,000 on Indiegogo — enough to start producing their line. They expect the pieces to sell between $50 and $60 online and are experimenting with plus-size and men’s lines.

That's what laws would be for. And honestly such situations that you speak of would not be what would happen most of the time. Those occurrences would actually decrease from today's number if society was a naked one. Just look at the nude communities. Sure, if a law was passed today that allowed nudity anywhere, then maybe all the pedophiles, perverts, and rapists of today might want to go around and be deviants, but again laws would help protect people from those kind of people.

But with enough time, all those deviant people would die off. And so would the perverted attitude of society. Society as a whole would change its attitude about it. And as time went by more and more society would grow more and more tolerant and accepting of their bodies and everyone being nude. It would become the norm.

You don't seem to understand the concept of societal change. Think about society's attitude towards racism and slavery just a couple hundred years ago. The average person was a racist back then. Non-racists were a minority and were laughed at for wanting blacks to be free. Now it's completely the opposite, most people aren't racist and racists are ridiculed.
Well i see were your coming from. But i realy wouldent want the perves that are around to be legaly aloud to be naked in public around my girls. Its been nice Conversating with you. Were not going to get any were with this.
Well i see were your coming from. But i realy wouldent want the perves that are around to be legaly aloud to be naked in public around my girls. Its been nice Conversating with you. Were not going to get any were with this.
Don't you realize that those pervs would be around everybody else also who would also be naked? Not just your girls. They would be around everybody else as well. You don't think they would get sick of being a perv when everyone is naked all the time, like they would never get used to it or something? No, trust me. If you hang around naked people for a while, even just a few hours, you get over yourself pretty quickly and realize everything is ok. Let alone being naked and being around everybody else naked all day everyday. It just becomes living, that's it.

But since you will continue to think that the all the pervert monsters would roam the streets constantly looking for prey all the time, good day to ya.

But you and your some of your family- go to some nude beaches, live life and have fun. It is healthy. Remember you only live once.
its more of a hygiene thing. Some people don't practice it. Imagine trying to get a seat at a bar with shit stains on every seat. Then theres the kids.. would you really want some middle aged perv dangling his cheesy cock In your 4 year old daughters face at the mall.. didn't think so. Clothes.. theres a reason
Laws do not protect people. They are guide lines and social norms that are written down with punishments to deter people by threatening punishments. Most of us break laws every day. If you've never driven over fifty-five miles and hour or smoked cannabis, when it was illegal in your state, you are missing something. That is the funny thing about how some people think, if you write something down on paper or the internet then all of society will adhere to the writings. That is just silly, when the people doing the writing break more of the rules than people that just do what they want.
its more of a hygiene thing. Some people don't practice it. Imagine trying to get a seat at a bar with shit stains on every seat. Then theres the kids.. would you really want some middle aged perv dangling his cheesy cock In your 4 year old daughters face at the mall.. didn't think so. Clothes.. theres a reason
All you ignorant people keep thinking of these absolutely worst case scenarios that would not be the norm of reality. Your hypothetical scenarios would be frowned upon and outlawed. And they would not be what would happen most of the time like you're thinking (or lack of thinking).

puffdatchronic, please read the first 4 pages of this thread before commenting. I have a feeling you didn't.
true I didn't, but I doubt that you came up with some argument which negates the grim realities I stated. people are dirty, children are innocent, this is why clothes are the law. I am in no way offended by seeing a naked person, but I would be grossed out if one came too close to me.
true I didn't, but I doubt that you came up with some argument which negates the grim realities I stated. people are dirty, children are innocent, this is why clothes are the law. I am in no way offended by seeing a naked person, but I would be grossed out if one came too close to me.
Ignorance is not bliss. Please read all that has been said. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking like that. Animals don't think like that about themselves and they are all naked. You are a creation of the earth just like they are.
Being informed seems so much more blissful. Telling people what to think, or even better how to think like an animal, has to be so rewarding, you probably only say kind words to people that don't need to be ashamed for having thoughts that differ from yours.
Being informed seems so much more blissful. Telling people what to think, or even better how to think like an animal, has to be so rewarding, you probably only say kind words to people that don't need to be ashamed for having thoughts that differ from yours.
It seems you have discovered sarcasm. Do you feel smart now?

I'm not telling people what to think. I'm discussing the topic like forums are designed to do. Nothing is wrong with providing a point of view.
I have another point to add about the idea of wearing clothes because of cold environments. If an environment is too cold for people to survive naked, then people shouldn't be living there in the first place. They have no business being there in the first place.
Oh great, so everyone truck down south of the equator to further overcrowd southern cities and spread disease….

Also animals have fur or thick hides to protect them. Unless you're a naked mole rat, then you'd live underground, blind and pink and since your blind you wouldn't see your fellow mole rats and their pink asses anyway.

Dude, if the nudist thing is so cool, then why hasn't it EVER caught on? Nudists colonies have been around for decades… It's not that I have a problem with the naked body-on the contrary: I think we need more body acceptance in our culture, but I don't want to look at what I may find unappealing. It's not the body people are objecting to, it's certain bodies. AND some folks are not as hygenic as others

BTW, where on earth are furless animals packed together in cities and densely populated areas like people are? Can you give an example in the animal kingdom?
this world just isnt clean enough for all that. im ALL nudity but i like things clean too and bare crotches everywhere would have this place crawling with disease in a week. theres not enough purell in the world. i agree with Hooka, i perfer to choose my nudity, that way i actually enjoy it