one day old tacos in truck, bueno or no bueno?

I live in catalunya, not many places like that round here, especiallky where you can feed a dozen people for a week with 10 bucks. I like mexiacn food but pretty confused about it.
I'll simplify it for you. Tortillas, rice, beans and any cheap meat (including goat, horse, and leftover butcher junk).
Most authentic Mexican food is cooked using leftover Taco Bell sauces.
These are real deal tacos like, not taco bell BS. Real mexican tacos just half corn and half flour, just fajita beef, cilantro and onions.. I worked with Mexicans for years, I have seen them eat two day old tacos left in a truck in the middle of the summer.... But I decided on two day old, hamburger helper left uncovered in the fridge...Not sure if thats much better.... I just got home, been gone for two days...

Do almost what Singlemalt said! Except space the first taco a minimum of 24 hours before the rest. If there's E.Coli, Salmonella or Shigella contamination you'll know by then. Problem is you won't know the difference between the dysentary, so you may need antibiotics if it lasts longer than 72 hours.

Are the taco's worth a trip to urgent care? I'd say you only have a 5% chance of that trip but I hate having to report to my keepers, so up to you :)
I was camping with my buddy and his dad when i was younger. The summer sausage said sell by a couple years prior.
I told his dad, he told me to shut up and eat it. It said sell by not eat by.

I got a few Mexican friends, I love eating with them.

My Chinese step mom was a bitch and she would cook the weirdest and hottest stuff.
I ate it every time, couldn't let her win. Needless to say I spent some nights in tears.

Eat them. I would let deer meat hang overnight in 68 degrees if i kept flies off it.
Yes Wal-Mart is evil as fuck.. I try to shop at whole foods or central market... Mexican meat markets are usually great places to get meat..But real men, hunt thier own meat.. Europe your not even allowed to own a gun, right?

No guns round here man, I remember even the few gang members i knew in the uk whoever was known to have a piece was a of a fabled character. Ive only seen handguns a couple of times and ive never seen a copper holding a gun and ive been arrested several times.
@ODanksta you know your shit brah. I'm right there with you in everything you said, except for the charro beans, I tend to think they're fucking nasty. Borracho beans are pretty good tho. And yes tex mex sucks!! I live in TX and we have some awesome Mexican/taco joints but the tex mex pisses me off.

I'm hungry as balls now and am thinking of hitting up this place in town I haven't tried. To me, the best Mexican food I've ever had was in Cali. San Diego was awesome. So was San Fran.

This place has carne asada fries, what they call a San Diego Burrito, and other goodies. If I go I'll take some pics of the slop and post it on here.
@ODanksta you know your shit brah. I'm right there with you in everything you said, except for the charro beans, I tend to think they're fucking nasty. Borracho beans are pretty good tho. And yes tex mex sucks!! I live in TX and we have some awesome Mexican/taco joints but the tex mex pisses me off.

I'm hungry as balls now and am thinking of hitting up this place in town I haven't tried. To me, the best Mexican food I've ever had was in Cali. San Diego was awesome. So was San Fran.

This place has carne asada fries, what they call a San Diego Burrito, and other goodies. If I go I'll take some pics of the slop and post it on here.

That sounds fucking awesome. Those borracho beans will they involve some kind of beer or tequilla in them?
What other nice bean dishes are there? Id never heard oif those two.
That sounds fucking awesome. Those borracho beans will they involve some kind of beer or tequilla in them?
What other nice bean dishes are there? Id never heard oif those two.

Yep, you nailed it- I'm pretty sure they're pinto beans slow cooked with beer pretty much. They come out real similar to charro beans but darker in color.

Edit- other nice bean dishes? Uhhh... We'll have to get @mr sunshine on that one
Ok. San Diego burrito- French fries, cheese, cilantro, guacamole, sour cream, crane asada, and more than a hint of diarrhea afterwards. But still worth it.

Sorry the pics kinda suck. I was in the car eating it like a starving Ethiopian, hands all shaking and shit, sweating like a lesbian in a fish market. Well, all the pics but the last one were in the car anyway.

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Yep, you nailed it- I'm pretty sure they're pinto beans slow cooked with beer pretty much. They come out real similar to charro beans but darker in color.

Man i imagine pinto beans after being cooked and then simmered for a bit in a nice dark belgian beer would have to be amazing.

Ye ill have to see what @mr sunshine is packing under the belt. Im mostly vegetarian and a lot into beans.
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