one day old tacos in truck, bueno or no bueno?

Where the fuck are you from....lmao

I live in catalunya, not many places like that round here, especiallky where you can feed a dozen people for a week with 10 bucks. I like mexiacn food but pretty confused about it.
I live in catalunya, not many places like that round here, especiallky where you can feed a dozen people for a week with 10 bucks. I like mexiacn food but pretty confused about it.
I'm American that couldn't feed a dozen people.. that was a dinner for just me. I would have ate them all if didn't forget about them
Rednecks and mexicans, go hand in hand.. On a ranch or farm you gotta work with them.. But they work for you, its basically modern day slavery... you don't hear them bitching like.... nevermind...

My Agricultural teacher in high school told me if we deported more then 20% of the illegal immigrants then our domestic food prices would double in price

My high school hired a bunch of Mexicans for 4 bucks a hour to build our new weight lifting gym

They built a big ass brick building decked out and everything in 3 months and this is a 2 story building
My Agricultural teacher in high school told me if we deported more then 20% of the illegal immigrants then our domestic food prices would double in price

i dont know how it goes in america but over here the supermarkets charge a minimum of 50% more on produce just due to produce that is going to be wasted. I think thats why small green grocers still thrive here cause they can actually compete in price and beat the supermarkets quality due to catering to a more speific and smaller costumer group.
i dont know how it goes in america but over here the supermarkets charge a minimum of 50% more on produce just due to produce that is going to be wasted. I think thats why small green grocers still thrive here cause they can actually compete in price and beat the supermarkets quality due to catering to a more speific and smaller costumer group.

Yeah its ass backwards here

I pay less for produce at Wal-Mart then the produce stands

And the shit at super markets aren't natural and taste different

Plus I think they put wax on the produce so it keeps longer and looks shinier
Isnt walmart like the worst think since Nixon or something?
Yes Wal-Mart is evil as fuck.. I try to shop at whole foods or central market... Mexican meat markets are usually great places to get meat..But real men, hunt thier own meat.. Europe your not even allowed to own a gun, right?