What are your religious beliefs?

I never said I believed in organized religion.
Pathetic mind. I have been to college got a degree in electronics. I believe in science.

See I'm not the one being so rude.
I never said you believed in organized religion either. Who did? But isn't Christianity a religion? And you didn't answer the question. How do you know once god touches your life?
I never said I believed in organized religion.
Pathetic mind. I have been to college got a degree in electronics. I believe in science.

See I'm not the one being so rude.

There is no way to prove that you actually got a college degree in electronics by saying you did over the forum, but I will assume you did. I don't see why you would have to lie about that. And since you have a college degree, I imagine you are a pretty smart guy. Therefore, my question for you is why is such a smart guy like you believing in such nonsense known as god (and the devil for that matter)?
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I never said you believed in organized religion either. Who did? But isn't Christianity a religion? And you didn't answer the question. How do you know once god touches your life?

I can not put it into words. Someone will know it when it happens.
You know how many non believers find God close to their death bed. I've seen a lot.

It is more of a guide to live my life.

You ever watch "The Book of Eli." He was asked what the bible boiled down to.

He said "Do more for others than your self."

That is all it is my man. You live by that and it comes back to you.

A person not touched by God will not know til they are touched.
There is no way to prove that you actually got a college degree in electronics by saying you did over the forum, but I will assume you did. I don't see why you would have to lie about that. And since you have a college degree, I imagine you are a pretty smart guy. Therefore, my question for you is why is such a smart guy like you believing in such nonsense known as god (and the devil for that matter)?
having a college degree does not mean you are smart... you are just educated
I can not put it into words. Someone will know it when it happens.
You know how many non believers find God close to their death bed. I've seen a lot.

It is more of a guide to live my life.

You ever watch "The Book of Eli." He was asked what the bible boiled down to.

He said "Do more for others than your self."

That is all it is my man. You live by that and it comes back to you.

A person not touched by God will not know til they are touched.
Typical religious person answer, can't put it into words, can't explain it, can't prove it. Actually, what people see when they are on their death bed close to death is what is known as "near death experiences." Some people can claim they came close to god or seen the light during that experience, but they didn't. It is a complex phenomena occurring in the brain amidst the cocktail of chemicals and electric signals, remember the brain is not fully understood and is a very complex structure.

You don't need religion/faith, or god, or anybody else for you to be a good person. You can "do more for others than your self" without a god. In fact, most people who don't believe in god are intelligent nice people who just want to do the right things in life- just like me. If you need a god to look up to in order to do right by people, well, then you don't have much of a mind of your own then.
having a college degree does not mean you are smart... you are just educated
Yes, I understand that. It is just that in general, a person with a college degree tends to be smarter than others without degrees. They were more likely simply born smarter, with a higher IQ. Having a college degree for sure doesn't mean you are dumb. If anything, it does mean you are smarter. But not always. And not having a college degree doesn't make you not smart either. You can be very intelligent and just choose not to pursue a college degree. It's that simple.

In the case of whitebb2727, I just made an assumption of him that he is a smart guy, because I imagine he is.
having a college degree does not mean you are smart... you are just educated

I'm sorry, do you know what is involved in electronics? Your average dumb ass is not going to breeze through it.

On top of that I was a structural mechanic in the Air Force. That was a lot of math and metallurgy to learn.

That job if you messed up people die.

I also hold an Airframe license through the FAA.

The people you speak of get degrees outside of applied science.
Typical religious person answer, can't put it into words, can't explain it, can't prove it. Actually, what people see when they are on their death bed close to death is what is known as "near death experiences." Some people can claim they came close to god or seen the light during that experience, but they didn't. It is a complex phenomena occurring in the brain amidst the cocktail of chemicals and electric signals, remember the brain is not fully understood and is a very complex structure.

You don't need religion/faith, or god, or anybody else for you to be a good person. You can "do more for others than your self" without a god. In fact, most people who don't believe in god are intelligent nice people who just want to do the right things in life- just like me. If you need a god to look up to in order to do right by people, well, then you don't have much of a mind of your own then.

You believe what you believe what you believe. That is our right.

I want you to know I was raised in middle class, upper middle class.
Most of the people that went to the church I was raised in were mostly smart educated people.

In life I have learned the fastest way to an argument is to talk about religion or politics.

Trust me I have my qualms about some churches. I visited one with probably over a million in electronics and five times that much in their building. That money could have been better spent.
You believe what you believe what you believe. That is our right.

I want you to know I was raised in middle class, upper middle class.
Most of the people that went to the church I was raised in were mostly smart educated people.

In life I have learned the fastest way to an argument is to talk about religion or politics.

Trust me I have my qualms about some churches. I visited one with probably over a million in electronics and five times that much in their building. That money could have been better spent.
I think that you think that I think religious people are all a stupid bunch of dumbasses that don't even know how to get by in life. I understand that a lot of religious people are good, everyday, normal, middle class, working people (just like most non believers). But, that doesn't make what they believe in to be true by any means. It is just believing in such things are quite silly and unnecessary, like santa. And flying reindeer. Go ahead and believe them though, nobody is stopping anyone from doing so. But, religion has just caused conflict after conflict over human history. All over which myth is the better myth, it is very sad. I believe the dark ages might not have been so dark if religion wasn't around.

Fine, believe in god, the devil, or whatever else all the other idiotic religions believe in. As long as it doesn't bring the world down again.
I think that you think that I think religious people are all a stupid bunch of dumbasses that don't even know how to get by in life. I understand that a lot of religious people are good, everyday, normal, middle class, working people (just like most non believers). But, that doesn't make what they believe in to be true by any means. It is just believing in such things are quite silly and unnecessary, like santa. And flying reindeer. Go ahead and believe them though, nobody is stopping anyone from doing so. But, religion has just caused conflict after conflict over human history. All over which myth is the better myth, it is very sad. I believe the dark ages might not have been so dark if religion wasn't around.

Fine, believe in god, the devil, or whatever else all the other idiotic religions believe in. As long as it doesn't bring the world down again.

At least we can have a conversation about it.

I know that there have been wars over religion but don,t kid yourself.
We as humans are some of the most despicable creatures around capable of horrendous things with or without religion.
We as humans are some of the most amazing creatures capable of great feats of kindness with or without religion.

I agree, I believe technology would have been further along if not for oppression in the name of religion in the dark ages.
haha, that's cool. ;D At least you believe in Santa, but don't actually believe you are Santa. Like @Nevaeh420 who believes he is Jesus.

No, I no longer believe that I am "Jesus".

But when I first had My apotheosis, in the year 2008, I indeed thought I was Jesus.

Christ is a title. Christ means "the Anointed One".

Jesus is a name.

I no longer believe I am Jesus, because My Name is George Manuel Oliveira.

I believe I am the Christ- the Anointed One.

I'm the easter bunny, and I don't even believe in Easter because it has been proven by social science to be fake.
I have done many rigorous tests over the years to debunk the Easter bunny myth. Yet it still exists year after year.
And now they have me planting eggs. And I'm left wondering, but what came first the Easter or the egg?


Have you even tested the theory of logictivity? Or maybe I'm thinking of fuzzy logic.
Easter bunnies are fuzzy.
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