My Niece Needs an Abortion


Well-Known Member
make her fuck a dude with a really long dick so it kills the baby win win thats how im seeing this situation

oh and make sure im there to say some dead baby jokes


Well-Known Member
Dude, if you need any money you can make some fast cash by doing it yourself and then breaking it down and selling it in parts. Sounds fucked up, I know, but we've all been there- there's no shame in it.

You can even save like 30% if it's significantly fragmented. For reels-

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ill take 3 number twos 8 numbers fives and a large baby spleen to go

oh and a medium after birth with extra ice and no sugar


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Staff member
ill take 3 number twos 8 numbers fives and a large baby spleen to go

oh and a medium after birth with extra ice and no sugar
I was doing the usual break room cruise looking for left overs. When I get this fragrant whiff of cooked meat, so I go into the OB break room, surgical services stays out of OB, but these were exigent circumstances and all.

The residents, appeared so glad to see me, so now I knew something was afoot. They offered me a bowl, of what, I query? The nurse who walked in the door behind me and shrieked sort of explained. These youngsters had procured and cooked themselves up a placenta. I thanked them for their 'steaming' generosity and left. Yes they ate some, sigh....


Well-Known Member
they say human tastes like Veil (baby cow meat)

but when i eat pussy it tastes like shit do maybe thats some bulllshit idk like i said the most Hannibal the Cannibal ive gone is eating a chick out


Well-Known Member
What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume!

What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby sitting next to a kid with down syndrome.

How do you know when a baby is a dead baby?
The dog plays with it more.

What's more fun than feeling up a dead baby?
Feeling up a dead baby with three nipples

How do you make a dead baby float?
Take your foot off of it's head.

What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.

Why are test tube babies the most beautiful ones?
Because they're hand made.

What's brown and gurgles?
A baby in a casserole.

What's blue and flies around the room at high speeds?
A baby with a punctured lung.

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean?

How do you stop a baby crawling round in circles ?
Nail its other hand to the floor.

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs hanging on your wall?


Well-Known Member
She's only 15; her parents cannot know so we can't have it and sell it. Maybe later though! She wants to go on Maury soon, hoping to be discovered but not yet because of her very religious parents.
Well shit if she wants to do Maury and get noticed then it is gonna be more work on your end. I mean you have to teach her proper chair throwing technique, not to mention choreographing the baby daddy's "It's not mine" dance. Really gotta put on a quality show so get on the above and mprgan freeman will be calling the next day to get her on teen mom. And from there her future only gets brighter with the spin off shows and amateur porn gigs. Wish her the best!


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Staff member
It must have smelled good.... It drew you in!
LOL! Actually it wasn't so much about heavenly smells as staving off incipient starvation.

they say human tastes like Veil (baby cow meat)

but when i eat pussy it tastes like shit do maybe thats some bulllshit idk like i said the most Hannibal the Cannibal ive gone is eating a chick out
Well I don't know who they are but I can say human tastes like pork, stringy pork or so my uncle the jungle fighter from New Guinea told us. In an unrelated story my ex tried to remove my head with that uncles machete but that's a story for another time. Placenta tastes like liver, a tad more chewy with a subtle hint of calcification! So I didn't prep it well. You see like them I too wondered what it tasted like. Unlike them I made my own placenta and had had a taste after I delivered my son, at home and then made dinner that day..... of what you ask..... LOL

My name is curious for a reason. Mostly in my life my biggest adventures/nightmares began with, "I'm curious, I wonder what would ............"

Yeah Maury is practice for MTV's teen mom. She want to be famous and rich like Jersey Shore morons.
And she'll need a manager Clayton! Again family so be a bit generous but she seems like a fairly rich revenue scheme.