My Niece Needs an Abortion


Well-Known Member
She was over this morning watching the early game in London, and after a few drinks she loosened up and told me she needs an abortion. Where should I take her? Does Planned Parenthood check ID, if I say I'm her dad?
Well my fists need a good workout so send her over and btw I'll do this for free.


Well-Known Member
So, she comes over today and says "hey, I need for you to go to the store with me". I'm like "fuck no, bitch, I'ma relax and play on the interwebz". She tilts her head in her cute little way and I grab my keys. So we go to the store and she's asking for the manager. The woman at the svc desk is trying to "help" her so my niece walked away and I followed. We went into the back and she knocked on the manager's office door. The guy opens the door and doesn;t look surprised, except by my attendance. She told him she's with child and she needs $500 for the tongs. He balked with some BS about "how do you know it's..." and she screams "NOW, MFer!!!" Guy went to the safe and pulled out five large bills and put them in her hand. He looks at me, looking at him like he's an alien and I notice the wedding ring on his finger, so I glance at it and say "I'll take five too". He almost started to cry but knew I was serious so he went back to the safe.

I think I have a winner. In a few more years my nephew will be ready for bigger and better things too. Maybe I WILL become a foster dad.
