Strangest Things You've Eaten

In Thailand they go around with these carts that have sun drying squid on them. They eat offal and a sorts out there.

Just in case you feel like you've missed out on SE Asian cuisine :-

I'll have a bag of pregnant crickets thanks! Or maybe a Chinese yellow scorpion candy lolly. Yum! :)
Yup, I've got a place in
Thailand. It's right out in the sticks and people out there eat whatever's around. Rat,snake, spider, frog and of course a nice bowl of deep fried crickets is never far away. I draw the line at chickens feet and fish eyes though, not my bag at all.
opossum n sweet taters
pretty much every part of a hog except the dick and vagina
raddish greens and polk salad ,not weird tho but polk salad is poisionus if not par boiled
horse meat , mighty red
black birds , when i was young b4 they bred with the starling .
i ate a mre , just add water and it boils , that aint natural
and a bunch of other shit i dont remember while drunk.
A good friend of mine puts ice cream on her pizza and wants
me to try it but I don't think so!

I used to break up bread in a bowl with milk and sugar
all the time when I was younger. It was my version of cereal.

Also, long ago goofing around I sprinkled salt on my malt and
man did that taste awful!

Edit : Ice Cream Malt
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One of the worst things I've eaten was ground beef from a local popular Mexican Super Market and I noticed the same from another Mexican Market as well!

Smelt awful before cooking and tasted worse after cooking. I would think
it smelt and tasted like burnt dog food mixed with a hint of dog poop literally.

I will never buy ground beef from any Mexi Mart ever again!

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calf brain was the wierdest ..

At school, we prepared horse tartar/pan fried, and oven baked, Octopus, rabbit stew .. pretty tasty

Missed out on the shark fin soup :(
They deep fry so many things in Thailand an cover it in chilli, you never generally know you've eaten something weird
until it comes out the other end. Drinking and smoking badass Thai weed in the sun can lead to some very interesting situations.

When I went it was for a wedding , So I got to eat alot of the common tradiotional foods they would (and have the english translation of what it is). Im fine with the bugs and various animal testiceles ,feet, brain, ect. ect. . but they prepare many meat based dishes with the head and eyes intact , and when it's served it custom to face the dishes to the guests . Something about the food looking back at you is just very strange to me (and I rase poultry, and trap)

Althow many areas are heaven on earth for tourists , God I want to go back
When I went it was for a wedding , So I got to eat alot of the common tradiotional foods they would (and have the english translation of what it is). Im fine with the bugs and various animal testiceles ,feet, brain, ect. ect. . but they prepare many meat based dishes with the head and eyes intact , and when it's served it custom to face the dishes to the guests . Something about the food looking back at you is just very strange to me (and I rase poultry, and trap)

Althow many areas are heaven on earth for tourists , God I want to go back
Yeah, it's like a slice of paradise to me. I haven't been back for 5 yrs now, I've sent the missus and kid over 4 times in that
period but that was because her parents were dying/had died. Very expensive and stressful. Xmas this year we'll all finally be able to have a REAL holiday, bring on the sunshine and chillies!
at a Mexican place when just knee high to a grasshopper, I baught the worst piece of gum from the mens room LOL, the word "TROJEN" SP?, Has stuck in my mind ever since.
Yup, I've got a place in
Thailand. It's right out in the sticks and people out there eat whatever's around. Rat,snake, spider, frog and of course a nice bowl of deep fried crickets is never far away. I draw the line at chickens feet and fish eyes though, not my bag at all.

you have to be carefull eating bever in Thailand, he/she's are everyware thanx to the sex trade and the humble razor blade :)