Well-Known Member
No, i wasn't implying "you" want revenge (nor would i blame anyone for feeling that way; i get it, it's natural... but i think we should try to eliminate revenge as a motivation, when/where possible/appropriate, even if that doesn't seem intuitive or natural to most people)... just attempting to show how such an expected and predictable reaction can be useful to those running the must have me mistaken with someone who thinks we should get revenge..i don't..i think as an adult in this world you step outside the take you life in your hands..don't expect to come THAT'S reality.
we should embargo/boycott..issue no visas to ANYONE.. their respective asses and let the countries' leaders figure it out and get them under control.
it would be like having iran/iraq/syria deal with the's our problem..they have theirs.
i don't care if gas is $20/gallon..fuck it!..we do everything virtually now anyway.
My issue w/ any of the violent religious fanatics, is that they are inflicting harm upon others, based on fiction... which i find profoundly disturbing, and in which i find great difficulty in satisfactorily explaining why that is wrong.
Why is it fundamentally wrong to inflict harm upon someone else, using Fiction as the grounds for (false) justification?
What i (and many others) see as "utterly unjustifiable, unacceptable, untenable and atrocious," fanatical zealots see as "the only possible truth."
How can that be reconciled, when only one side (my side) is even willing to be reasonable?
People are animals, and you cannot force animals to be reasonable. When an animal lashes out and kills people... what other choices has it allowed you to choose? You can either physically intervene and prevent it from doing further harm, or you can refrain from intervention, knowingly allowing it to cause more and more harm until "something" stops it.
I don't like the scenario having been created which requires endorsement of lethal violence... but they, themselves, have chosen to remove reason and appropriate behavior, from the table of discussion.
Without reason, what remains? Perpetual bloodshed, until the last person willing to spill the blood of another, has perished.
Maybe if all the ultra-violent people kill each other, the world would become a better place for those who remain.
I don't know that ultra-violent people can or will become reasonable; i do know they will continue being violent, until something stops them... whether themselves or others.