To answer your original question: i think we have only two options: 1. reason them into appropriate behavior; 2. annihilate them.
Although i suppose it's possible that the super-secret option-3 is already being deployed: foster and use their aggression as the "problem" part of "problem>reaction>solution."
1. make boogeymen
2. boogeymen make scary movies of real killings
3. the populace "reacts" with demands of "action" (safety/revenge)
4. the originally intended solution is achieved: more military action in the middle east, from which the MIC and its constituents gain considerable profits (among other advantages), at the expense of the aforementioned presently exploited "bait and switch" military personnel.
They already know what solution they want, and they've already repeatedly proven they know how to manufacture the necessary conditions to coerce "the populace" into reactions demanding that very same solution.
How do we solve
that? It seems the only way to stop that process, would be to simply not react, at least not in the way they want... but i don't think we can get enough of the populace on that same page, and i'm pretty sure "they" could just fabricate some propaganda to make it
seem like "people are demanding action," even if the majority really isn't. They can fool enough of the people, enough of the time; the rest of us don't really matter, since we can't physically prevent them from doing as they please, and claiming we support it.