People who lack an understanding of history are bound to repeat it, case in point, this idiots rant;
..what ever happened to the Romans anyway..?
1) the romans abandoned the republican ideals of their forefathers, thanks to the populist demagoguery of the brothers gracci (the first limousine liberals) and the plebs voted themselves the right to pick another man's pocket to ensure "social justice" and reduce "income disparity" net result: anarchy, which leads to the rise of an empire run by strongman dictator which eventually collapses
Lefty Thought: fucking shit up since 179 BC
WWI... This is exactly what we did.. Result? WW2..
2) ww2 was the direct result of punitive reparations treaties laid on the belligerents, in conjunction with total disinterest in the belligerents rearming themselves in violation of said treaties. the lack of "nationbuilding" had nothing to do with it, nor was wartime looting the problem. germany was still germany, italy was still italy, moslems were still moslems, and the failure to finish the job led to ww2
How can the solution to a problem be "do it twice!"? The fuck kind of solution is that? A goddamn inefficient one that costs tens of millions of lives.
3 ) youre a moron. rome beat carthage once, and figured that settled it. carthage came back, and acted a fool again, and rome demolished the city, leaving no stone standing, put every man to the sword, sowed the feilds with salt, and nobody heard from carthage again for ~700 years.
How about we figure out a solution that doesn't cost tens of millions of lives in the process?
4) you havent been able to come up with such a dreamy solution, and as a SUPRA GENIUS, you are clearly the one who has the inside track, how can lowly mortals such as we solve these problems when even a god like yourself fails to do so? /sarcasm
tens of millions of lives? are you claiming isis and iraq are gonna create ww3 with their antics??
Totally not racist.. Perhaps beyond the sandlandians "incompetence and stupidity" lies the same fortitude as colonial American patriots to be the sole bearer of their own goddamn land? Perhaps..
5 )the evidence speaks for itself: islam has contributed nearly nothing to art, and absolutely nothing to science, technology, agriculture, literature, the human condition, architecture, peace, or any other measure of social advancement. they hyave invented cool shit like bomb vests, rocket attacks on neighborhoods, human sheilds, using the wiling dupes in the international press to blame their own evil on Dem Jews, and fabricating a mythological history out of lies and deceptions to try and lay claim to israel, but thats about it.
You're terribly confused or willfully ignorant (probably this) about what "nation building" means.
6)yeah, sure. i dont know what "nationbuilding" means, and you would explain it to me, but it would be "Outside my realm of understanding" because youre just that smart...
No. The only real way to "create anything that can last in sandland" is to stop meddling in middle eastern affairs and stop supporting Israel when they commit terrorist atrocities like the invasion of Gaza (2014)
9) yeah cuz sandland builds so much on their own, why, if left to their own devices they might rebuild any of the wonders of civilization that they previously destroyed, like the library at alexandria, for example... you still cant figure it out, your "religion of peace" buddies dont want peace, they want to destroy everything that doesnt tie directly into islam, EVERYTHING
anything which is not specifically authorized in the koran is forbidden, anything which contradicts the koran is the work of satan, and anything that differes from the koran in the slightest way is a tool to deceive you and lead you down the false path to apostasy. (also, "invasion of gaza" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah, cuz it was a capricious and unprovoked action against innocent gazans, by those vicious evil jews...)
Western society is built on Christian doctrine, it is just as crazy as Middle Eastern doctrine whether you accept it or not. Because our centuries crazies don't commit terrorism (because they'd never get away with it and keep the numbers up) like they did in the past doesn't make it more palatable. Your bullshit is just as crazy as their bullshit, only less violent at the moment.
10) ORLY????
the greeks and the romans were christians? really? REALLY?
the celts were christians?
the vikings were christians
the bretons too?
the picts?
the gauls?
you better call the history book publishers and fill em in on this shit.
Christians, Jews, Muslims, all equally as crazy and all equally as dangerous to the prosperity of mankind.