It's a quality control issue Glad. Too many bad cops and not enough good cops. Plenty of cops just want to do their job and go home alive. Plenty of cops do something else with their gun and badge and that something else is very very frightening to think about. Rodney King anybody? The recent fat black man in NYC that was choked to death on the sidewalk for peddling untaxed cigarettes. How far does this shit have to go before we stop treating Citizens of this country as if we we're the enemy of the State. This has become national news and it's not going to disappear anytime soon. The police won't even issue the name of the officer involved and there's suspicion the officer may be the Chief's son. Time will tell. By the way, this is both a race issue coupled with a massive police abuse issue. The population of this city, Ferguson, is nearly 80% low income black. The police force is 90% white. They escalated an already dangerous situation by further showing their lack of training by bringing in military equipment which is why Governor Nixon had to bring in a more professional force under his direct control. There's now an FBI investigation paralleling the State investigation. I'm white and have been on the receiving end of dirty criminal law breaking white cops, so it's absolutely a police abuse issue and not completely a race issue. It just becomes much worse when the police abuse is instigated by racial tensions.