Police abuse at it's finest

I know I'm gonna get jumped all over for this but he was no boy. He was an 18yo man who was very far from being an innocent "gentle giant" as they are trying to portray him. I've heard all the news reports and read several others and I am disinclined to believe the story his friend and accomplice is telling. Not defending the officers actions as I don't know exactly what happened but the story that has been circulated by someone close to the officer seems to make much more sense to me than the officer putting the guy into a headlock and trying to pull him into the police car through the window???? And the first reports were he was shot as he was running away and then turned and put his hands up except from what I read all entry wounds were from the front which makes more sense from the account from the officers camp that he was being charged at when he fired the first shots. Now all these racist labels keep getting thrown around yet if he had been a white guy and a black cop none of would have heard a peep about this. Look at the 4 black guys in Ferguson who beat the hell out of the white hot dog vendor at home depot with a hammer within an inch of his life. Who heard about that till the other day? Goes on all the time but it doesn't fit the agenda they are trying to push. where were the riots and looting and rallies and Jesse jackass and Al sharptongue when that went down??? I'm not a racist but i've been called one and i'm sure I will be again because I voice my opinion yet its ok when the rioters in Ferguson can say it's not ok to loot and damage black owned stores but it'd be just fine if they were owned by white people. Its the rioter and looters and the new trooper in charge making it a racial thing. If the cop was in the wrong and did indeed murder the guy then yes prosecute him but I'm waiting to hear the FACTS. Either way the cops life in missiouri is over. When you say ALL cops are racist pigs that's no different than saying all 18yo black guys are punk ass gang banging thugs. Theres bad apples in every bunch. Ok now let the bashing begin - I'm wearing my big boy pants today

The facts of the matter are that the officer stopped the boy for Jaywalking and now the 18 year old BOY is dead and a poorly trained 28 year old cop took action that has caused the city to burn. The officer showed poor restraint, poor training, and little regard for the safety of the other civilians in the community when he unleashed at least 6 bullets into a public space with heavy foot and vehicle traffic to subdue a jaywalker. The original police confrontation in the context in which it occurred should have never happened.

The officer had no idea the boy had stolen cigars (on his way to roll a blunt that he never got to roll mind you), so you can defame his character all you want, the officer had no legitimate reason to stop and harass 2 black kids for fucking jaywalking. When was the last time you got stopped and killed for jaywalking? There was no GSR on the boy, so the officer's story that Brown was an imminent threat (grabbing his gun through his window, yeah right), holds no weight as the forensics do NOT support his story.

You can view this situation through your veiled lack of understanding of the world in which we live and just call him a low life n*gger or you can look at the facts of the situation and determine that this police encounter did NOT have to occur over JAYWALKING. This boy did NOT have to be murdered over JAYWALKING. This city did NOT have to burn over a horrible display of police abuse of power.

Who planted the poisonous seed that grew into the poisonous tree that grew the poisonous fruit that is now being shared by everyone? The officer with poor restraint, poor training, and possible racist tendencies thought it was a good idea to engage in a confrontation with a couple n*ggas in the hood over JAYWALKING! Are you fucking kidding me? In one of the most crime ridden areas in St. Louis, you stop n*ggas for JAYWALKING? I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like the officer could have made better use of his time, don't you? Or do you just want to keep taking this matter out of context to support your poor argument that racism and police abuse isn't real and alive in this country? Grow up child.
So with that thought process if it were a black cop and a dead white guy, and all white witnesses they would all say the black cop is at fault.

I worked in both the poor black hood and the rich white gated communities of St. Louis as an installer for Charter Communications and I can tell you for certain, if a black cop had stopped 2 white kids in the rich white community for JAYWALKING which resulted in 6 shots being fired by the officer, killing one of the 18 year old kids, there would be hell to pay for that officer. But I'm living in fantasy land aren't I? You're right, a black cop would never be patrolling a rich white neighborhood while shaking down 2 rich white kids for JAYWALKING with rich white parents, that's not fantasy land, that's reality. But yeah, racism and police abuse aren't real, are they? Keep wrapping yourself in that fantasy land blanket every night when you go to bed, because there's a dangerous world of reality out there that might affect you otherwise.
I worked in both the poor black hood and the rich white gated communities of St. Louis as an installer for Charter Communications and I can tell you for certain, if a black cop had stopped 2 white kids in the rich white community for JAYWALKING which resulted in 6 shots being fired by the officer, killing one of the 18 year old kids, there would be hell to pay for that officer. But I'm living in fantasy land aren't I? You're right, a black cop would never be patrolling a rich white neighborhood while shaking down 2 rich white kids for JAYWALKING with rich white parents, that's not fantasy land, that's reality. But yeah, racism and police abuse aren't real, are they? Keep wrapping yourself in that fantasy land blanket every night when you go to bed, because there's a dangerous world of reality out there that might affect you otherwise.

Sorry Mick, that was directed at Bungle.
when a black cop has shot and killed a white guy, yes it has happened you just don't hear about it, you don't see gangs of white people looting stores and setting fires and rioting do you? I don't like to lump all people into one category but you do have groups the band together with same mentality. if the shoe fits...

Yes, those scum are called opportunists. There were opportunists in world war II that were complicit with the Nazi's in looting and plundering but they didn't care about the Nazi cause, they just wanted to plunder. Those people are called opportunists for a reason. They support no cause, they're just scum, so stop trying to split hairs and group all these people together. An act of police abuse planted this seed that is now growing into a poisonous tree with poisonous fruit that the entire community is now eating. End of story. Stop complicating a simple situation.
There are socioeconomic issues at play here. That's undeniable. I think it's a reach to say that they're orchestrated, or aimed at any particular race though. There is a small percentage of (mostly white) folks that control all of the wealth, and then there are the rest of us. A black kid growing up in the hood has the same opportunities that a white, or Latino, or Asian kid does from that same hood.

The point is stow, there are few to no white, Latino, or Asian kids in those communities. That's why they're called poor black communities. Segregation is still very real in this country. Go visit St. Louis some time or Memphis and tell me that segregation ended in 1964 and I call bullshit. They may not have separate drinking fountains anymore, but they have separate communities that they're segregated to and if you're born to parents in one of those communities where there is little to no opportunity for work within the confines of that community, your life is exponentially more difficult than the kid that grew up in the middle class or affluent white community.

The white community gets nicer more polite cops, nicer public schools with nicer equipment, nicer teachers, nicer facilities, nicer bathrooms, nicer sports equipment, and so forth. The poor black community gets something else. Go and visit a poor black school in a poor black community and then go visit the well off white school in the well off white community and you'll see the disparity I am talking about. The politicians redraw district lines to disenfranchise these communities and siphon public funding (i.e. tax dollars) into the wealthy zip codes and away from the poor zip codes. That's a simple fact. Don't like it? Me either. That's reality though.
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I'd like to point one more thing out here.

Do you think this would occur in a rich white neighborhood? No.

Why not? Well the police know in a wealthy community there will be more accountability for police actions because wealthy people tend to be well educated and can have their lawyer on speed dial in a split second if something they didn't think was right was happening. On top of that, the wealthy probably have political connections as most wealthy people tend to have which then gives you political influence. When you combine all of those socioeconomic conditions together, you get a more well behaved police force, don't you?

That is why this shit doesn't happen in the rich communities very frequently. As a matter of fact, I'm 30 years old and I've never heard of any such thing in my 15 years of scouring national and local news. I just hate when people want to pretend that everyone is treated equally in our society when that simply is not the case. Money carries influence and provides protection, plain and simple. When you don't have money or influence, you get something else...Kind of like what happened to Mr. Reddy. If he was wealthy and in a gated community, do you think Mr. Reddy would be dead? Perhaps not. His lawyer would have handled the matter appropriately, but he couldn't afford one could he? He's dead because he didn't have enough influence (i.e. money) to pay a lawyer to fight his battler for him, and now Mr. Reddy is dead because of his lack of influence (i.e. money). That's reality.

Hell, the bankers raped and pillaged our country (i.e. 2008 financial meltdown) and we didn't even hold them accountable or charge them with any crime at all whatsoever. Do you know what we gave those rich people that raped and pillaged our country? A fucking 700 billion dollar unconditional check is what we gave them. Not a public trial (or hanging for that matter), not justice, not an investigation - we gave them a fucking 700 billion dollar check for causing financial ruin in our country that then affected the rest of the world. If you or I raped and pillaged the country (or the world for that matter), do you think we'd stand trial?

Now you understand socioeconomic disparity. That's reality. Now have some humble pie.
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Money carries influence and provides protection, plain and simple. When you don't have money or influence, you get something else...Kind of like what happened to Mr. Reddy. If he was wealthy and in a gated community, do you think Mr. Reddy would be dead? Perhaps not. His lawyer would have handled the matter appropriately, but he couldn't afford one could he? He's dead because he didn't have enough influence (i.e. money) to pay a lawyer to fight his battler for him, and now Mr. Reddy is dead because of his lack of influence (i.e. money). That's reality

Exactly. And guess what, Mr Reddie is white.

I would never deny that racism exists, but to boil an issue like this down to skin color alone is ridiculous. There are 50 million+ people living below the poverty line in America. Roughly 13% of whites, 33% of blacks, 33% of hispanics, and 20% of "other". The children that come from those households, despite their skin color, stand a far greater chance of living below the poverty line, and/or ending up in jail than a child that comes from a more affluent family.
Exactly. And guess what, Mr Reddie is white.

I would never deny that racism exists, but to boil an issue like this down to skin color alone is ridiculous. There are 50 million+ people living below the poverty line in America. Roughly 13% of whites, 33% of blacks, 33% of hispanics, and 20% of "other". The children that come from those households, despite their skin color, stand a far greater chance of living below the poverty line, and/or ending up in jail than a child that comes from a more affluent family.

Stow, you're absolutely right, this is not just about skin color, it's about police abuse of power and the people they abuse most frequently are the least educated with the least amount of resources to defend themselves. This particular issue of police abuse in St. Louis (i.e. Ferguson) does involve race. That's a fact, not conjecture.

Mr. Reddy was poor with few resources, that's why his rights were abused by the constitutional right depriving police. If he had influence (i.e. money or stature) he would still be alive because his lawyer would have prevented that encounter from ever happening. Now you understand.

We need to protect our brothers and sisters in our communities and our country as a whole regardless of skin color, stature, or creed. That did not occur with Mr. Reddy or Mr. Brown and now there is outrage. The police just put a magnifying glass on the atrocious actions they commit with impunity on a daily basis, and people are rightfully outraged. The country needs to change for the better, I'm part of the solution, can everyone else say the same of themselves?
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Now you understand.


I understood long before you started this thread Johnny. What I also understand is that this is a very complex issue that is not brought closer to a resolution with both sides digging their heels in on extremist views. Such is America though. Every issue becomes politically charged, and common sense is drowned out by vitriol.

I understood long before you started this thread Johnny. What I also understand is that this is a very complex issue that is not brought closer to a resolution with both sides digging their heels in on extremist views. Such is America though. Every issue becomes politically charged, and common sense is drowned out by vitriol.

God dammit I like your style! I have been tearing my fucking hair out explaining socioeconomic disparity and unequal treatment to complete morons who can't even begin to grasp the fact that the issue is larger than skin color. The issue of police abuse of power gets muddied though when a race component gets thrown in as a bonus which creates even more confusion, taking the focus away from the real issue at hand which is police abuse of power, and as you said, common sense gets drowned out in the vitriol.

This is one of those moments, I'm proud that I'm a stoner. While the rest of society goes out and spreads their vitriol, people like you and me, we just explain the facts of the situation and when we can't take it no more, we just get stoned :)

There is an equal or opposite reaction to every force in the universe; my reaction to negative vitriol = positively getting stoned!!!!
God dammit I like your style! I have been tearing my fucking hair out explaining socioeconomic disparity and unequal treatment to complete morons who can't even begin to grasp the fact that the issue is larger than skin color. The issue of police abuse of power gets muddied though when a race component gets thrown in as a bonus which creates even more confusion, taking the focus away from the real issue at hand which is police abuse of power, and as you said, common sense gets drowned out in the vitriol.

This is one of those moments, I'm proud that I'm a stoner. While the rest of society goes out and spreads their vitriol, people like you and me, we just explain the facts of the situation and when we can't take it no more, we just get stoned :)

There is an equal or opposite reaction to every force in the universe; my reaction to negative vitriol = positively getting stoned!!!!

I think you nailed it. The over riding issue is the militarization of police, and the abuse of their power. With that a disproportionate percentage of minorities get caught in the cross hairs.

I understood long before you started this thread Johnny. What I also understand is that this is a very complex issue that is not brought closer to a resolution with both sides digging their heels in on extremist views. Such is America though. Every issue becomes politically charged, and common sense is drowned out by vitriol.

Today, we grieve for our beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Life isn't always fair;
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Waste Not, Want ...Not;
- And maybe it was my fault I'm in my situation
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend
more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults and citizens, not children,
are in charge)....... children become accountable for their upbringing when they are an adult.
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place for "Political Correctness" and population control that rewards failure and demonizes success.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the "Race Baiters"churches and Media became businesses and a Ft Hood Terrorist or criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault because he was offended. The media making Saints out of Sinners caught.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live.
Common Sense was preceded in death,
-by his parents, Truth and Trust,
-by his wife, Discretion,
-by his daughter, Responsibility,
-by his son, Reason.
- by his grandmother, Sound Judgement
- and by his grandfather, Future Planning
He is survived by his 6 stepbrothers;
- I Know My Rights
- I Want It Now
- You owe me
- I'm Offended
- I'm A Victim
- Blame Authority
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.....
keep in mind Micheal Baden was hired by the family to perform this autopsy and your question about gunshot residue is also brought up in the report as his clothing was not able to be tested as the M.E. didn't have access at that point. And since he was clothed at the time of the incident it most likely would be on the clothing if there were any gsr to be found

keep in mind Micheal Baden was hired by the family to perform this autopsy and your question about gunshot residue is also brought up in the report as his clothing was not able to be tested as the M.E. didn't have access at that point. And since he was clothed at the time of the incident it most likely would be on the clothing if there were any gsr to be found


I absolutely love your previous post. That is something I plan to copy and laminate which will probably end up on my grow room wall and that's no exaggeration. Schools should make up a laminated copy of that for all of their graduating students and then throw the diplomas away on graduation day, then hand them that statement. That piece of information would get them further in life than the diploma ever would.

On another note, I already knew the ME did not have access to the clothing but with 6 shots fired at Brown, if it were in close range as the officer states, the probability of some GSR near the 4 gunshot wounds on his arm would be very high. I think it serves the public good very poorly that the clothing has not been tested yet and I hold the local and State governments responsible for the mishandling of this situation from beginning to present. I'm looking forward to the test results on the clothing.
unfortunately high profile cases are usually bungled, no pun intended, from the very beginning in one manner or another. anxiously awaiting clothing tests and a toxicology report. from some reports I heard from the cops camp it was stated "it seemed like he was on something" not referring to pot I would assume. we shall see. it's too damn bad there wasn't a dash cam on or any other video of the incident.
unfortunately high profile cases are usually bungled, no pun intended, from the very beginning in one manner or another. anxiously awaiting clothing tests and a toxicology report. from some reports I heard from the cops camp it was stated "it seemed like he was on something" not referring to pot I would assume. we shall see. it's too damn bad there wasn't a dash cam on or any other video of the incident.

Instead of looking at this case with an open mind you seem to favor a story line, where this is ruled a justifiable homicide...
did you not read my comment that you quoted that said I am waiting to hear the reports on toxicology and gsr on the clothing??? talk about me being closed minded, you seem to think the cop is guilty regardless and that the 18yo man is a halo wearing victim
did you not read my comment that you quoted that said I am waiting to hear the reports on toxicology and gsr on the clothing??? talk about me being closed minded, you seem to think the cop is guilty regardless and that the 18yo man is a halo wearing victim

What evidence exists that corroborates the officers story?
did I say there was any as of yet? did I say that the officers story was truth? No. I said I was waiting for the facts and evidence to come out and that personally what I heard from the officers side made more SENSE to me than that the other story that's out there. I never said that's what happened or that theres concrete evidence at the moment to prove one story or another. But hold on cause I'm the closed minded one here