Police abuse at it's finest

For the last time, the facts of the situation are this:

2 black teenagers are confronted in some manner (this is key) by an officer for the horrible crime of Jaywalking which somehow escalates to 6 shots being fired by said officer into an unarmed teenager. Where was backup? Cops love their backup. Why did the officer escalate the situation rather than ease the hostility of the situation until backup arrived?

The officer had supreme control in this situation, not Brown or his idiot friend who obviously had better wits about himself and simply ran from this ridiculous confrontation.

The officer had the gun.
The officer had the badge.
The officer had backup.
The officer had a baton.
The officer had mace.
The officer had a million better things to do with his time other than harass jaywalkers.
The officer was in a 3000 LB police car.
The officer was trained in conflict resolution and safe policing practices.

The officer chose not to wait for backup when a hostile situation arose from his unnecessary confrontation which was obviously handled very poorly.

The officer shot Brown 6 times as a result of this unnecessary confrontation which included 4 shots to the arm and 2 kill shots to the head when other means of subduing Brown were readily available (backup, baton, taser, and mace).

The officer shot at least 6 bullets into a crowded public space with heavy foot traffic and vehicular traffic, jeopardizing public safety by putting the lives of passer by's directly in his poorly trained hands.

Brown was unarmed.
Brown did not confront the officer.
Brown did not have a gun.
Brown did not have a badge.
Brown did not have backup.
Brown did not have a baton.
Brown did not have a 3000 LB police car.
Brown did not have mace.
Brown was shot 6 times. 4 times in the arm and 2 kill shots to the head.

Again, who was the aggressor and agitator here? I'd expect Brown to act unreasonable when a poorly trained and aggressive officer cast the first stone, wouldn't you? If it were me that had an aggressive cop grab my dam shirt through his window over fucking jaywalking, acting like he was king swinging dick, I'd probably be dead right now instead of Brown.
Except those are not the facts of the situation as it's still not known factually who the aggressor was. you have a statement from a very untrustworthy source(browns friend and others who say that Brown was shot while running away and then turned when he got hit which has already proven to be false since the M.E. hired by Browns family stated all entry wounds are from the front) and then you have the story coming out of the officers camp. neither confirmed. They were also not stopped for jaywalking(not using a crosswalk to cross the street) they were stopped for obstructing traffic for walking down the middle of the street. the only facts you gave are the obvious about what tools the officer has and the number of times Brown was shot. The rest is opinion and assumption.
It really doesn't matter the boy is dead look's to me like another case of a police officer appointing himself to be judge, jury and executioner which seems to be happening at an alarming rate where will it all end maybe with the complete militarization of the police in this country along with marshal law and finally the people rising up and telling the government they have had enough.
It really doesn't matter the boy is dead look's to me like another case of a police officer appointing himself to be judge, jury and executioner which seems to be happening at an alarming rate where will it all end maybe with the complete militarization of the police in this country along with marshal law and finally the people rising up and telling the government they have had enough.

Congratulations, you're part of the solution. Welcome to the club friend!
Except those are not the facts of the situation as it's still not known factually who the aggressor was. you have a statement from a very untrustworthy source(browns friend and others who say that Brown was shot while running away and then turned when he got hit which has already proven to be false since the M.E. hired by Browns family stated all entry wounds are from the front) and then you have the story coming out of the officers camp. neither confirmed. They were also not stopped for jaywalking(not using a crosswalk to cross the street) they were stopped for obstructing traffic for walking down the middle of the street. the only facts you gave are the obvious about what tools the officer has and the number of times Brown was shot. The rest is opinion and assumption.

I did not mention any eye witnesses. You should really work on your reading comprehension. It did wonders for me with my 8th grade education. If you're unable to decipher the simplicity of my statement, I can offer you no more assistance. Also, obstructing traffic is the essence of what jaywalking is. Jeez louise...talk about splitting hairs.
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I did not mention any eye witnesses. You should really work on your reading comprehension. It does wonders for me. If you're unable to decipher the simplicity of my statement, I can offer you no more assistance. Also, obstructing traffic is the essence of what jaywalking is. Jeez louise...talk about splitting hairs.

Well mrbungle is a racist or has a hatred for the poor black community and the way they carry themselves...How else can you come on a cannabis forum where there is a general dislike for LEO, and look for every way possible for the black guy to be at fault and not the cop.

I mean I am keeping an open mind, but even my grandfather was a racist NYPD captain, that has told me some stories that I'm ashamed to hear come out of his mouth. There is a very strong us vs them mentality within most urban police forces, because of all the shit they go through with the poor minority communities, allowing some situations to escalate to the point of wrongful death. To generally assume it must be the "ghetto black guy" is a very ignorant position.
Well mrbungle is a racist or has a hatred for the poor black community and the way they carry themselves...How else can you come on a cannabis forum where there is a general dislike for LEO, and look for every way possible for the black guy to be at fault and not the cop.

I mean I am keeping an open mind, but even my grandfather was a racist NYPD captain, that has told me some stories that I'm ashamed to hear come out of his mouth. There is a very strong us vs them mentality within most urban police forces, because of all the shit they go through with the poor minority communities, allowing some situations to escalate to the point of wrongful death. To generally assume it must be the "ghetto black guy" is a very ignorant position.

A lot of people paint reality with their own shades of hatred to suit their needs.

A St. Louis County police lieutenant was fired not too long ago for telling his officers something along the lines of, "I think it's time to have a black day today", and my personal favorite, "I think the jail needs to be more colorful".

Yeah, there's no racism in St. Louis or police departments in general, right? Oh, I forgot, some people don't live in this place called reality and simply tune these things out. I suppose some people just like to live in that warm fuzzy place inside their head because it's safer there.

I think Friedrich Niche said it best, “Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”
Another Niche quote that I am quite fond of that has relevance here:

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Mr. Bungle, I suggest you read it twice.
What also is funny is how marijuana has been the only drug found in Brown's system, and is being used to help paint the picture of why he robbed a store and attacked a cop.

I'm sure we all know how angry and crazed cannabis makes us.....There are seriously right wing media outlets spouting off the sentiments of "Reefer Madness"
What also is funny is how marijuana has been the only drug found in Brown's system, and is being used to help paint the picture of why he robbed a store and attacked a cop.

I'm sure we all know how angry and crazed cannabis makes us.....There are seriously right wing media outlets spouting off the sentiments of "Reefer Madness"


Mick, this shit is real :)
also roughly 14,000 cops are assaulted to the point of injury/year, and even if every one of these officers were accountable for every justifiable homicide in the US a year. It would only account for 3% of officers injured by assaults. That means 97% of injured officers didn't kill the perp responsible for their injuries.
also roughly 14,000 cops are assaulted to the point of injury/year, and even if every one of these officers were accountable for every justifiable homicide in the US a year. It would only account for 3% of officers injured by assaults. That means 97% of injured officers didn't kill the perp responsible for their injuries.

Be careful Mick, morons don't like facts and logic. Some idiot might fuck you up with that kind of language.
jonny, look... big mike robbed the store... walked in the middle of the street like a stray dog.. the cop pulled up to tell mikey to use the sidewalk... mike assumed the cop was there to put him in a cage due to his robbery so he attacked the cop (stay with me) The struggle was so violent the cops orbital bone was broken, so violent a shot was fired inside the police car... big Michael starts to retreat then tries to return to the officer... officer puts mike in the ground. THAT is what happened.

You don't know what the fuck happened. The fucking orbital thing is even now being called into question, since the Washington Post cited a TEA party news site as the source for that information. Why cant everyone just wait for authorities to release information. If there are witnesses to back up the officer like right wing media and this libertarian youtuber is saying, then their stories will officially come out in time.

For being growers you mother fuckers are showing a lot of impatience.....
Well mrbungle is a racist or has a hatred for the poor black community and the way they carry themselves...How else can you come on a cannabis forum where there is a general dislike for LEO, and look for every way possible for the black guy to be at fault and not the cop.

I mean I am keeping an open mind, but even my grandfather was a racist NYPD captain, that has told me some stories that I'm ashamed to hear come out of his mouth. There is a very strong us vs them mentality within most urban police forces, because of all the shit they go through with the poor minority communities, allowing some situations to escalate to the point of wrongful death. To generally assume it must be the "ghetto black guy" is a very ignorant position.

Congratulations guys you hit the nail on the head. I've been outed as a hatred filled racist with a personal disdain for the poor black community and may not even have the equivalent of an 8th grade education. Or maybe I just don't comprehend what you're saying? Oh well either way I will still sleep just fine
Congratulations guys you hit the nail on the head. I've been outed as a hatred filled racist with a personal disdain for the poor black community and may not even have the equivalent of an 8th grade education. Or maybe I just don't comprehend what you're saying? Oh well either way I will still sleep just fine

Your comments implied it well enough, unless something is being lost in text?
Another Niche quote that I am quite fond of that has relevance here:

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Mr. Bungle, I suggest you read it twice.
I suggest you go through the entire thread and re-read all my comments
when a black cop has shot and killed a white guy, yes it has happened you just don't hear about it, you don't see gangs of white people looting stores and setting fires and rioting do you? I don't like to lump all people into one category but you do have groups the band together with same mentality. if the shoe fits...
What does this mean?
I know right! Well their argument then becomes "He was 6'4 300lbs" his body is a deadly weapon.....

Shit Mick, one day we'll be sharing a sticky log talking about how we can solve the worlds problems. Isn't that kinda how a lot of pot smoking conversations go though?
Congratulations guys you hit the nail on the head. I've been outed as a hatred filled racist with a personal disdain for the poor black community and may not even have the equivalent of an 8th grade education. Or maybe I just don't comprehend what you're saying? Oh well either way I will still sleep just fine

So will we.