WOW! The War On White Old Men..


Well-Known Member
What's very interesting about this new found "war" by our brethren on the right?

They are just starting to get it:wink:

*as schuylaar predicted


But Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) begged to differ. When he was asked by Laura Ingraham today to react to Fournier’s remark, he threw down the gauntlet.

Brooks: This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s a part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true. Okay?

And if you look at the polling data, every demographic group in America agrees with the rule of law, enforcing and securing our borders. And every one of them understands that illegal immigration hurts every single demographic group. It doesn’t make a difference if you’re a white American, a black American, Hispanic American, an Asian American or if you’re a woman or a man. Every single demographic group is hurt by falling wages and lost jobs.

And so the Democrats, they have to demagogue on this and try and turn it into a racial issue, which is an emotional issue, rather than a thoughtful issue. If it becomes a thoughtful issue, then we win and we win big. And they lose and they lose big. And they understand that and as they get more desperate, they are going to argue race and things like that to a much heightened emotional state. . . .

Ingraham: . . . [C]ongressman, don’t you think . . . that characterization is a little out there.

Brooks: But that is, in effect, what they’re doing, though. That’s the political game that they’re playing. . . .

Ingraham: No, they’re playing the ‘race’ card. They’re playing the ‘race’ card just like they’re playing the ‘war on women’ card. This is what the left does. But I just think that phraseology might not be the best choice.

I am an old white guy. And I think the democratic left are the most mud slinging *racist group of hypocrites known to man. I don't see a race problem until the left brings it up and it is getting worn out. The left needs to take a class in business and get there head out of there ass or things will only get worse for the young people trying to work for old white or black people. imo


I am an old white guy. And I think the democratic left are the most mud slinging *racist group of hypocrites known to man. I don't see a race problem until the left brings it up and it is getting worn out. The left needs to take a class in business and get there head out of there ass or things will only get worse for the young people trying to work for old white or black people. imo


awwwwwwwww, nitro..thank you for being "my first" this morning!

pro tip hint: when navigating your boat and getting to the edge of the keeps going!:wink:
awwwwwwwww, nitro..thank you for being "my first" this morning!

pro tip hint: when navigating your boat and getting to the edge of the keeps going!:wink:
Isn't a tip and a hint pretty much the same thing? A little redundancy never hurt anyone I guess.

If white men took their all and went home, they would take with them most of the money out there. Bye bye jobs and things we like.
Isn't a tip and a hint pretty much the same thing? A little redundancy never hurt anyone I guess.

If white men took their all and went home, they would take with them most of the money out there. Bye bye jobs and things we like.

I don't care what color their skin is. That's just a new smokescreen, a new dodge to avoid the subject of vast abuse of power by the wealthy and how they took it from The People. They got that wealth by rigging the system with purchased politicians. This is such an accepted truism in our country today that no one even considers it a call to arms...

And yet it's only everyone's economic freedom and our very democracy at stake.

I guess since no one notices- because they're distracted by the media or scratching out an existence of desperation, it must not 'really' be happening- and if it was, what difference would it make to their daily lives?

How about eleven bucks a day? Read;

Keep in mind that this isn't the whole of what's been stolen from the middle class by the uber rich, it's merely the tip of the goldbrick.
I don't care what color their skin is. That's just a new smokescreen, a new dodge to avoid the subject of vast abuse of power by the wealthy and how they took it from The People. They got that wealth by rigging the system with purchased politicians. This is such an accepted truism in our country today that no one even considers it a call to arms...

And yet it's only everyone's economic freedom and our very democracy at stake.

I guess since no one notices- because they're distracted by the media or scratching out an existence of desperation, it must not 'really' be happening- and if it was, what difference would it make to their daily lives?

How about eleven bucks a day? Read;

Keep in mind that this isn't the whole of what's been stolen from the middle class by the uber rich, it's merely the tip of the goldbrick.

You are being brainwashed. We are over 17 trillion dollars in debt. There isnt a trillionaire on the planet yet. There was a time in this countries history when one man did bail out the government from his personal finances but it has become so bloated and needy that confiscating the wealth of the top 10% of the people would not even make a dent in our debt.

Yet somehow it is always the rich that are at fault....

How about we stop spending??
You are being brainwashed. We are over 17 trillion dollars in debt. There isnt a trillionaire on the planet yet. There was a time in this countries history when one man did bail out the government from his personal finances but it has become so bloated and needy that confiscating the wealth of the top 10% of the people would not even make a dent in our debt.

Yet somehow it is always the rich that are at fault....

How about we stop spending??

Having done the numbers and seen who's paying what, it's stunningly clear that the nation is trillions in debt precisely BECAUSE the uber rich bought the privilege of not paying their fair share;


And before spouting off about what a small part of the economy they are;


That graph was for 2010, and it's well known that two years later the situation had worsened, to the point where the 90% lowest income earners collectively earned less than half of all income earned, yet paid the vast majority of taxes?

I could go on; the World Bank used as a tool of imperial expansion by indebting and thus gaining financial domination of developing nations, the manufacture of war so our obnoxiously offensive 'defense' industry can justify taxes, gin up fear and keep reaping the profits of war- including the no-bid contacts- while extracting the money to support the whole monstrosity from the wallets of the American taxpayer?

I don't know shit. My family has worked in several relevant departments at the Federal level, and I've had the privilege of getting the best thinking on wide ranging subjects adding up to 'the world order'. Remember whose words those were; Mr. Bush, Sr's.

I live in one of the most egalitarian metropolitan areas of the country, not my statistic, but apparently we share the distinction with Ogden, UT. I actually like it. I can walk up to anyone on the sidewalk, and I regularly do around here; millionaire business people, senior executives of utilities and government operations, politicians at the local and regional level. That kind of access accelerates community and supports the kind of progress that everyone can come to consensus on. It's another reason why this town also regularly haunts the top of 'nicest place to live' listings.

I like it so much I'd like to share it with the rest of the country, because I can't think of anyone who should be left out of the conversation of how we move forward from here. The alternative is a very dark place.

I am an old white guy. And I think the democratic left are the most mud slinging *racist group of hypocrites known to man. I don't see a race problem until the left brings it up and it is getting worn out. The left needs to take a class in business and get there head out of there ass or things will only get worse for the young people trying to work for old white or black people. imo


all that from the guy who says obama needs to go back to africa and said he "didn't see a solution" to the fact that more hispanic babies are being born where he lives.
Republican ideology preaches taxes that are low spur economic growth.

Democrats want taxes to be high so the rich can pay their fair share.

Both are correct, and both are wrong.

Taxes should not be set at a permanent level.

They should be very high at the top for a period of time, then they should be dropped for a while.

If taxes have been 50 percent, then lowering to 30 would be good for a few years. But after a few years that affect is gone, because 30 has become normal.
all that from the guy who says obama needs to go back to africa and said he "didn't see a solution" to the fact that more hispanic babies are being born where he lives.


Maybe BarryO will move back all on his own. He is free to do so.

The Dems have a solution for the babies, but i could be a little extreme.
Republican ideology preaches taxes that are low spur economic growth.

Democrats want taxes to be high so the rich can pay their fair share.

Both are correct, and both are wrong.

Taxes should not be set at a permanent level.

They should be very high at the top for a period of time, then they should be dropped for a while.

If taxes have been 50 percent, then lowering to 30 would be good for a few years. But after a few years that affect is gone, because 30 has become normal.

I know what you're thinking, and there are a few economics classes to take before I can use a chalkboard and the accepted vernacular, but 'bullshit'.

Low taxes don't spur economic growth, they retard it. The record is stunningly clear on this point.

We don't need 'more' or 'less' government, we need 'better' government; one that works for the 99% instead of against us. The models are everywhere, the idea that it can't be or shouldn't be done is laughably transparent propaganda by those who like/pay/run things as they are now.
he can't move "back" to africa, you racist retard. he's from hawaii.

well, we have established that you think of hispanic children as a problem in need of a "solution".


He sure as the fuck can move back there if he wants to. Texas would sure like to have a solution to the hispanic baby problem. Maybe the Dems will share there expertise now that they are becoming experts.
I know what you're thinking, and there are a few economics classes to take before I can use a chalkboard and the accepted vernacular, but 'bullshit'.

Low taxes don't spur economic growth, they retard it. The record is stunningly clear on this point.

We don't need 'more' or 'less' government, we need 'better' government; one that works for the 99% instead of against us. The models are everywhere, the idea that it can't be or shouldn't be done is laughably transparent propaganda by those who like/pay/run things as they are now.
You didn't read what I said. I didn't advocate low taxes spur growth, I said republicans say that.

If taxes are high, lowering them briefly, for a few years will promote more activity. But only for a short time.

Lowering taxes now will not do much because taxes are already low.

We would benefit by a higher bracket than we currently have with a much higher tax rate on it.