WOW! The War On White Old Men..


That is a fact that some are hard workers and they are welcomed. Do you have a problem with that?

apparently you do, because their kids have the wrong complexion, you feel like you're educating mexico, and you don't see a solution for it.

have you ever lived in nepal?
Buck, you foolish poster boy for abortion, you!

Much of the migrants aren't Mexicans. How stereotypical of you to call them all Mexican.

The problem is that a lot of them are here illegally. That is a problem no matter the stance you take.
Buck, you foolish poster boy for abortion, you!

Much of the migrants aren't Mexicans. How stereotypical of you to call them all Mexican.

"educating mexico" is a direct quote of nitro harley.

so thanks for backing me up, i guess.

The problem is that a lot of them are here illegally. That is a problem no matter the stance you take.

not really a problem actually. i'd rather have an illegal immigrant here than a white guy who jizzes in donuts.
i bet bignbushy jizzed on the subway sandwiches he made later in his career.


obvious troll is obvious.
apparently you do, because their kids have the wrong complexion, you feel like you're educating mexico, and you don't see a solution for it.

have you ever lived in nepal?


You are the one with the problem with complexion problems. I mention educating and you take it to a race bait like you always do. Why don't you come up with a solution for Texas then we can discuss the education part. Not the color of there skin.
" Ingraham: . . . [C]ongressman, don’t you think . . . that characterization is a little out there. "

" Ingraham: No, they’re playing the ‘race’ card. They’re playing the ‘race’ card just like they’re playing the ‘war on women’ card. This is what the left does. But I just think that phraseology might not be the best choice. "

So... she's disagreeing with him? LOL!


And then each side's cheerleaders try to make it look like the other side are "the bad guys," while often using the exact same tactics against each other, while neither side is "the good guys."

Take out "left/right" or "dem/pub," and what remains? Balanced centrists who give a damn about the country and its people, more than they give a damn about exploiting the system to become filthy rich, and (in)famous.

(or at least we can hope that's who would remain...)
Republican ideology preaches taxes that are low spur economic growth.

Democrats want taxes to be high so the rich can pay their fair share.

Both are correct, and both are wrong.

Taxes should not be set at a permanent level.

They should be very high at the top for a period of time, then they should be dropped for a while.

If taxes have been 50 percent, then lowering to 30 would be good for a few years. But after a few years that affect is gone, because 30 has become normal.

so, wild fluctuation in taxation should be used to ensure that no business can make long term plans....

thats so clever, you outsmarted yourself.

countries that have been successful have always become so by encouraging the capital class to invest in their industries with STABLE taxes first and foremost, and low taxes as a second consideration.

no business will invest millions of bucks in land, buildings, equipment, training, and employing workers unless they can see a profit at some point.
if taxes change with every shift in the political breeze their profit margin will change with it, thus ensuring they will have to score big, and rake in massive profits when taxes are low, so they can survive when taxes go back to the stratosphere.

this is the sort of idiocy that causes the creation of "enterprise zones" and sweetheart deals which draw businesses into a special low tax scheme for a few years, and then when the tax rebates and special dispensations end, they pack their bags and move on to the next "enterprise zone" or the next town that will waive their taxes for 5-10 years.

this kind of thinking has destroyed more communities than can be counted, like the town i grew up in.

the city of vallejo cut a sweetheart deal to get Wal Mart to move into town, waiving their city taxes and fees for 5 years, and when the deal ended, wally world packed their bags and moved 10 miles north to American Canyon, but not before they undercut all the local businesses, resulting in numerous small grocers, hardware stores, mom and pop pharmacies, and even independent gas stations to shut their doors.
now if you need a new coffee maker or some tube socks, you have to drive to the next town over, in napa county, cuz these things simply are not available in Vallejo's ghost town of a business district.

how can anybody compete against a gargantuan predatory company who gets tax breaks from the feds, the states, and even local governments, when the little guy has to pay every dime of tax the various government agencies can squeeze out of them?

and the saga continues, as the Vallejo city council has recently approved a NEW sweetheart deal for walmart AGAIN, so they can open a couple "neighborhood markets" in town, each with another 8 year tax holiday.

liberal thinking is an oxymoron.

taxes are currently too high, which drives businesses which can move to take their manufacturing overseas, and taxes are too irregular for any company to turn a profit unless they have teams of accountants to help even the fattest piggie at the government's teat shimmy through the fence and into our cornfeild.

raising taxes on the other guy, and lowering taxes for you is always a winning campaign promise, but has anyone ever delivered on that promise?
of course not.

if we dont lower taxes for everybody, great and small, then plug the loopholes and prevent cronyism and sweetheart deals, our economy will remain a joke.

cutting taxes for everybody will also strangle the washington spending machine, unless they raise their credit limit again and print more Obamabucks.
You didn't read what I said. I didn't advocate low taxes spur growth, I said republicans say that.

If taxes are high, lowering them briefly, for a few years will promote more activity. But only for a short time.

Lowering taxes now will not do much because taxes are already low.

We would benefit by a higher bracket than we currently have with a much higher tax rate on it.
the US has the highest corporate and personal tax rates on the planet.

only the shabby construction of the tax laws and deliberate escape hatches enable the wealthiest to evade the government's infernal hunger.

aint it funny how even when democrats have control, and tax rates go up, GE, bear sterns, goldman sachs and citigroup still manage to pay next to nothing in taxes while they are stuffing dollars into the pockets of good liberals and their endless re-election campaigns?

werent they supposed to be different? better? more pure?

lefties are exactly as evil as any crooked politician ever was, they just have a "free press" that follows behind them with it's tail wagging, waiting for some scraps or a scratch behind it's ears.

that press is a vicious attack dog when it smells republicanism or conservatism, but will allow itself to be beaten, chained up and starved as long as it's master issues the proper commands.
so, wild fluctuation in taxation should be used to ensure that no business can make long term plans....

thats so clever, you outsmarted yourself.

countries that have been successful have always become so by encouraging the capital class to invest in their industries with STABLE taxes first and foremost, and low taxes as a second consideration.

no business will invest millions of bucks in land, buildings, equipment, training, and employing workers unless they can see a profit at some point.
if taxes change with every shift in the political breeze their profit margin will change with it, thus ensuring they will have to score big, and rake in massive profits when taxes are low, so they can survive when taxes go back to the stratosphere.

this is the sort of idiocy that causes the creation of "enterprise zones" and sweetheart deals which draw businesses into a special low tax scheme for a few years, and then when the tax rebates and special dispensations end, they pack their bags and move on to the next "enterprise zone" or the next town that will waive their taxes for 5-10 years.

this kind of thinking has destroyed more communities than can be counted, like the town i grew up in.

the city of vallejo cut a sweetheart deal to get Wal Mart to move into town, waiving their city taxes and fees for 5 years, and when the deal ended, wally world packed their bags and moved 10 miles north to American Canyon, but not before they undercut all the local businesses, resulting in numerous small grocers, hardware stores, mom and pop pharmacies, and even independent gas stations to shut their doors.
now if you need a new coffee maker or some tube socks, you have to drive to the next town over, in napa county, cuz these things simply are not available in Vallejo's ghost town of a business district.

how can anybody compete against a gargantuan predatory company who gets tax breaks from the feds, the states, and even local governments, when the little guy has to pay every dime of tax the various government agencies can squeeze out of them?

and the saga continues, as the Vallejo city council has recently approved a NEW sweetheart deal for walmart AGAIN, so they can open a couple "neighborhood markets" in town, each with another 8 year tax holiday.

liberal thinking is an oxymoron.

taxes are currently too high, which drives businesses which can move to take their manufacturing overseas, and taxes are too irregular for any company to turn a profit unless they have teams of accountants to help even the fattest piggie at the government's teat shimmy through the fence and into our cornfeild.

raising taxes on the other guy, and lowering taxes for you is always a winning campaign promise, but has anyone ever delivered on that promise?
of course not.

if we dont lower taxes for everybody, great and small, then plug the loopholes and prevent cronyism and sweetheart deals, our economy will remain a joke.

cutting taxes for everybody will also strangle the washington spending machine, unless they raise their credit limit again and print more Obamabucks.
We're talking about personal income tax rates and you go off spouting about business taxes. That's what corporate taxes cover dude.

And i didn't say we needed to wildly fluctuate them.

They're too damn low right now on super high income. Don't worry, I don't want to raise prices on walmart employees. Just on the Walton owners.

When and if things stagnate, you can provide a boost by dropping taxes for a few years.
No it doesn't. Western Europe leads the world in personal income tax rates.
Correct, but the USA does have the highest corporate tax rate, which is why so many large multinational corporations don't keep their profits in the USA, therefore they don't pay any tax on them. Which means HUGE US Companies make massive profits, but don't pay any taxes, instead they get government largesse to make them even more profitable. This is one of the things lobbying has done, made big companies richer at the expense of the average taxpayer. Even if you boycott that companies products, you are still giving them your money.
Correct, but the USA does have the highest corporate tax rate, which is why so many large multinational corporations don't keep their profits in the USA, therefore they don't pay any tax on them. Which means HUGE US Companies make massive profits, but don't pay any taxes, instead they get government largesse to make them even more profitable. This is one of the things lobbying has done, made big companies richer at the expense of the average taxpayer. Even if you boycott that companies products, you are still giving them your money.

You can't blame them, under US law they are taxed twice should they bring their overseas profits stateside. When you look at it though, a company like apple has a shitload to loose considering it keeps the vast majority of profits overseas i think it's upwards of 60%. Apple is not alone, google, GE and Microsoft plus a host of others would make the list of "big time" tax avoiders.
You can't blame them, under US law they are taxed twice should they bring their overseas profits stateside. When you look at it though, a company like apple has a shitload to loose considering it keeps the vast majority of profits overseas i think it's upwards of 60%. Apple is not alone, google, GE and Microsoft plus a host of others would make the list of "big time" tax avoiders.
Yes, i can blame them. And who wrote those outrageous tax laws that leave only "keep your money out of the country" as the only viable solution?

Cattle always run from a threat. It's easy to make them go where you want, you only have to provide them a path to where you want them to go, and put a predator behind them on the other side.

So, why would US Law guide wealth out of the country?

It's clear that is their intention, but why? Why deplete and deprive the country of wealth generated by its citizens and businesses?

I think i need the ulterior motives spelled out for me (and more importantly: for everyone else).

You are the one with the problem with complexion problems. I mention educating and you take it to a race bait like you always do. Why don't you come up with a solution for Texas then we can discuss the education part. Not the color of there skin.

you said "educating mexico" and said you didn't see a solution for all the hispanic babies.

thus it is you with the complexion problem and you with the racism (not even a race bait at that point).

you stupid fucking idiot.
the US has the highest corporate and personal tax rates on the planet.

only the shabby construction of the tax laws and deliberate escape hatches enable the wealthiest to evade the government's infernal hunger.

aint it funny how even when democrats have control, and tax rates go up, GE, bear sterns, goldman sachs and citigroup still manage to pay next to nothing in taxes while they are stuffing dollars into the pockets of good liberals and their endless re-election campaigns?

werent they supposed to be different? better? more pure?

lefties are exactly as evil as any crooked politician ever was, they just have a "free press" that follows behind them with it's tail wagging, waiting for some scraps or a scratch behind it's ears.

that press is a vicious attack dog when it smells republicanism or conservatism, but will allow itself to be beaten, chained up and starved as long as it's master issues the proper commands.

you are retarded.

the US has the lowest effective tax rate in the world for businesses and nowhere near the highest personal tax rate.

if you want to go on a TLDR rant, you might as well start off with facts rather than distinct lies.
Yes, i can blame them. And who wrote those outrageous tax laws that leave only "keep your money out of the country" as the only viable solution?

Cattle always run from a threat. It's easy to make them go where you want, you only have to provide them a path to where you want them to go, and put a predator behind them on the other side.

So, why would US Law guide wealth out of the country?

It's clear that is their intention, but why? Why deplete and deprive the country of wealth generated by its citizens and businesses?

I think i need the ulterior motives spelled out for me (and more importantly: for everyone else).

There seems to be some major discrepancies between statutory vs effective tax rates. The corporate tax rate after the states add their mark up doesn't include credits and exemptions so it is very misleading. A GAO report found effective tax rate for most US corporations was 16.6% - GAO report outlines the findings after looking at US companies with at $10m in assets.
so, wild fluctuation in taxation should be used to ensure that no business can make long term plans....

thats so clever, you outsmarted yourself.

countries that have been successful have always become so by encouraging the capital class to invest in their industries with STABLE taxes first and foremost, and low taxes as a second consideration.

no business will invest millions of bucks in land, buildings, equipment, training, and employing workers unless they can see a profit at some point.
if taxes change with every shift in the political breeze their profit margin will change with it, thus ensuring they will have to score big, and rake in massive profits when taxes are low, so they can survive when taxes go back to the stratosphere.

this is the sort of idiocy that causes the creation of "enterprise zones" and sweetheart deals which draw businesses into a special low tax scheme for a few years, and then when the tax rebates and special dispensations end, they pack their bags and move on to the next "enterprise zone" or the next town that will waive their taxes for 5-10 years.

this kind of thinking has destroyed more communities than can be counted, like the town i grew up in.

the city of vallejo cut a sweetheart deal to get Wal Mart to move into town, waiving their city taxes and fees for 5 years, and when the deal ended, wally world packed their bags and moved 10 miles north to American Canyon, but not before they undercut all the local businesses, resulting in numerous small grocers, hardware stores, mom and pop pharmacies, and even independent gas stations to shut their doors.
now if you need a new coffee maker or some tube socks, you have to drive to the next town over, in napa county, cuz these things simply are not available in Vallejo's ghost town of a business district.

how can anybody compete against a gargantuan predatory company who gets tax breaks from the feds, the states, and even local governments, when the little guy has to pay every dime of tax the various government agencies can squeeze out of them?

and the saga continues, as the Vallejo city council has recently approved a NEW sweetheart deal for walmart AGAIN, so they can open a couple "neighborhood markets" in town, each with another 8 year tax holiday.

liberal thinking is an oxymoron.

taxes are currently too high, which drives businesses which can move to take their manufacturing overseas, and taxes are too irregular for any company to turn a profit unless they have teams of accountants to help even the fattest piggie at the government's teat shimmy through the fence and into our cornfeild.

raising taxes on the other guy, and lowering taxes for you is always a winning campaign promise, but has anyone ever delivered on that promise?
of course not.

if we dont lower taxes for everybody, great and small, then plug the loopholes and prevent cronyism and sweetheart deals, our economy will remain a joke.

cutting taxes for everybody will also strangle the washington spending machine, unless they raise their credit limit again and print more Obamabucks.

I agree with most of this.
the US has the highest corporate and personal tax rates on the planet.

only the shabby construction of the tax laws and deliberate escape hatches enable the wealthiest to evade the government's infernal hunger.

aint it funny how even when democrats have control, and tax rates go up, GE, bear sterns, goldman sachs and citigroup still manage to pay next to nothing in taxes while they are stuffing dollars into the pockets of good liberals and their endless re-election campaigns?

werent they supposed to be different? better? more pure?

lefties are exactly as evil as any crooked politician ever was, they just have a "free press" that follows behind them with it's tail wagging, waiting for some scraps or a scratch behind it's ears.

that press is a vicious attack dog when it smells republicanism or conservatism, but will allow itself to be beaten, chained up and starved as long as it's master issues the proper commands.

Again, I agree with most of this- with a few more glaring exceptions. BOTH parties are totally chained attack dogs for their .01% Masters, who also own 85% of everything else in this country. They got all that by not paying their taxes on it;


They've bought and manipulated the system for so long that using parts of it as a reference becomes meaningless. I know what you're trying to say, so let me finish;

We the People Demand a government that works for US, and NOT the one in ten thousand most elite who stole their power from the rest of us. The idea that such an entity is impossible is a truly dastardly piece of disinformation that flies in the face of how the rest of the industrialized world does things. Where DID you get that notion, anyway?

We need a better government, not merely a better funded one. In this we cannot afford to let either party get control; we've seen the results. WE THE PEOPLE must decide, and then refuse to support any political actor who says otherwise. It seemed to work for healthcare... or does anyone here still think that accessible healthcare is not a basic human right, as opposed to a privilege only a few should afford?