Taxes are way too fucking low.
There are many who pay nothing. I don't want to fleece the poor and lower middle, but everyone ought to pay something. Ten percent of a poor persons income should go to tax. They could choose to pay it to the government or tithe to a religious organization. But everyone ought to pay 10 percent.
America became an economic powerhouse with over 70 percent top marginal rates.
Making 50 million dollars per year should be nearly impossible under a proper tax system.
Well, not exactly... it shouldn't be any harder to earn fifty million dollars, but it should be a lot harder to cheat your countrymen out of their fair share.
A flat tax is 'regressive', that is, it hits and hurts the poor disproportionately more than the rich. How? Ten percent from your one and only thousand bucks of income hurts a lot more than five thousand of your first fifty grand, because of the lack of cushion between the bills that must be paid and discretionary income.
I say no one- not even a zillionaire- pays tax on their first ten thousand in yearly income.
Pay five percent on the next ten grand.
Pay ten percent on the next twenty.
Pay fifteen on the next sixty.
Pay twenty five on the next hundred and fifty.
Pay dirty on the next two hundred and fifty.
Pay fifty percent for every fucking dime earned over a quarter million a year.
Fees; those imposed by the state for anything involving access, paperwork or services are regressive taxes by a perniciously innocuous name.
Drivers licenses must be free, as should the vast majority of all other government fees. We pay taxes to support our government, this means in return they may not nickel and dime the poor.
The point is to float the economic boats of those who have the least leverage and raise the tide of the ENTIRE economy, as opposed to the current state of affairs where the top ten percent of all income earners in America now earn over half of all the income.
It's well past unfair, unreasonable, unsupportable- because it's now supported by smoke, stupid greed instead of reason. They're justly terrified of the day we figure it out.