Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

was in burque when this video was on the news we rioted downtown got some new furniture I understand that law enforcement will shoot you if you pull a knife and are within 25ft of anyone but this is kinda ridic

was in burque when this video was on the news we rioted downtown got some new furniture I understand that law enforcement will shoot you if you pull a knife and are within 25ft of anyone but this is kinda ridic

FFS. I fucking HATE cops.
they throw hot lead at innocents
who toil at work to pay their rents
the victim families all grieve
but who do cops and courts believe?
the blighted poor community
or the sheriff and his deputies
cuz press and power won't recognize
those subjugated by their lies
and oh, what can you do?
attack the city hall?
take on the boys in blue?
oh, peace flees away
when your loved one succumbs to the system's decay
i dreamed about dead cops today
about wire taps and severance pay
about the whining of their sirens scream
interrogation, torture schemes
they prey upon our deepest fears
they lock kids up for eighteen years
they're trained to kill and loot
question later after they shoot
and oh, what can you do?
attack the city hall?
take on the boys in blue?
oh, no thanks, no peace!
when your loved one is a victim of the crooked police
a wall of silent blue construction
for this life deduction
your taxes pay for these class soldiers
and you're calling them today!
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and idk, but most weed i smoke you can only get so high off of it.. after a certain point, i'd just be smoking to smoke, and not to be getting high off of it..
i know some old school heavy sativa strains are said to have no ceiling to them, but i'll be damned if i've ever smoked any of those personally. at some point, imo, you're just wasting weed..
You don't happen to know the strains do you? :grin:

Fuck around and be like smoking k4. haha

"All I got to say is I have no remorse for shooting that police officer, he got what he deserved, and if I got the opportunity to go ahead kill him, I'd kill him.."
When ever I hear "fuck the police" I automatically assume that someone needs to grow up.

I've been victimized by the boys in blue more then once. Most recently my wife and I lost our 25 acre horse ranch because of some dyke with a badge and a grudge a few years ago (putting us in the shit situation we're in now). Charged with animal neglect on a bunch of horses that we got as rescues. They tried to get us on 6 counts but dropped it to one.

In the end though, I see both sides of the story. Cops deal with shitheads all day, and often get spit on for their trouble. It's understandable why they can turn into such hardasses. I also can see why they'd abuse the power to cover their asses. But who here wouldn't lie and cheat to help out a friend/brother/sister.

The real problem with everything isn't the cops to be honest. It's the judicial system. The cops are the front line in keeping the peace, often putting themselves in dangerous situations. It's no excuse for brutality though, and if a cop crosses that line (which is pretty broad) then he should be thrown in jail for a max sentence automatically. The parts that come afterwards - sitting in jail for 2 years waiting to be judged. Court appointed lawyers that do nothing but show up late and wear a cheap suit. A jury of people that don't want to be there... that's where the trouble comes in. Pretty much unless you're sporting a 8 digit income then you're guilty in the eyes of the law.
Fuck off, dude.

Did I strike a nerve? I mean no offense.

The police woman had a masculine hair cut and didn't seem to like men so much = dyke as far as I'm concerned

Keep in mind that a persons sexual orientation is none of my business, and is nothing to get upset about as long as it's consensual.

Now on the other hand, if you try your hardest to play the negative stereotype often associated with whatever it is that would generally fit your lifestyle (or skin color, or whatever have you) then don't get pissy when it gets thrown in your face.
Did I strike a nerve? I mean no offense.

The police woman had a masculine hair cut and didn't seem to like men so much = dyke as far as I'm concerned

Keep in mind that a persons sexual orientation is none of my business, and is nothing to get upset about as long as it's consensual.

Now on the other hand, if you try your hardest to play the negative stereotype often associated with whatever it is that would generally fit your lifestyle (or skin color, or whatever have you) then don't get pissy when it gets thrown in your face.
I just fucking get so mad when I watch people throw around those sort of words. I get it if you were just blowing off steam or whatevs, but, if you would just try and be a little easier with that, I think we would actually get along (not that you want to or anything as far as I know lol) Idk man..sorry. Tough day, and also, fuck the fucking fucking cops.
haha it's cool man. I can understand how saying some things would come off as offensive without a proper explanation, and bad memories never bring out our inner diplomat.

Hope your day gets better. I'd offer to split a bowl with you if it was possible.
haha it's cool man. I can understand how saying some things would come off as offensive without a proper explanation, and bad memories never bring out our inner diplomat.

Hope your day gets better. I'd offer to split a bowl with you if it was possible.
Coolbro. Good lookin' out.
When ever I hear "fuck the police" I automatically assume that someone needs to grow up.

I've been victimized by the boys in blue more then once. Most recently my wife and I lost our 25 acre horse ranch because of some dyke with a badge and a grudge a few years ago (putting us in the shit situation we're in now). Charged with animal neglect on a bunch of horses that we got as rescues. They tried to get us on 6 counts but dropped it to one.

In the end though, I see both sides of the story. Cops deal with shitheads all day, and often get spit on for their trouble. It's understandable why they can turn into such hardasses. I also can see why they'd abuse the power to cover their asses. But who here wouldn't lie and cheat to help out a friend/brother/sister.

The real problem with everything isn't the cops to be honest. It's the judicial system. The cops are the front line in keeping the peace, often putting themselves in dangerous situations. It's no excuse for brutality though, and if a cop crosses that line (which is pretty broad) then he should be thrown in jail for a max sentence automatically. The parts that come afterwards - sitting in jail for 2 years waiting to be judged. Court appointed lawyers that do nothing but show up late and wear a cheap suit. A jury of people that don't want to be there... that's where the trouble comes in. Pretty much unless you're sporting a 8 digit income then you're guilty in the eyes of the law.

"It's understandable why they can turn into such hardasses...The cops are the front line in keeping the peace, often putting themselves in dangerous situations. It's no excuse for brutality though, and if a cop crosses that line (which is pretty broad) then he should be thrown in jail for a max sentence automatically."

So which is it, is it understandable cops are dicks or is there no excuse for acting that way when your profession requires extraordinary behavior? These seem to be two contradictory ideas

IMO, the problem is 90% judicial and 10% police, I would agree with you on that much. But give a cop 10% and he'll take 100%. Cops in America are almost untouchable, even if they break the law. The past few decades they've become much more militarized. For example, my own town of less than 15,000 people has a fleet of armored vehicles. I live not far from Los Angeles and drive around in LA county pretty often and see these vehicles just patrolling the streets like normal police cruisers. LAPD teaches officers to treat everyone as if they're a criminal automatically, for their safety, and the fucked up thing is that that's the only way you will survive as a cop, and that takes something away from the public so valuable it tarnishes your organization with every encounter of an innocent civilian in the publics eye. I just saw a clip today of a cop who stopped a guy in South America for something, they were alone on one of those overpasses above the highway, the cop stopped the guy, started searching his bag, took his eyes off him for 2 seconds and wound up dead with a gunshot wound to the back of the head.. So there's no question the job is inherently dangerous and there are certain things you should probably do to increase your chances of survival if you're a cop. Like I said though, unfortunately those things more often than not decrease the publics opinion of police.