Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

There is no "one" Oath a police officer takes. I have a friend who I grew up with and is a cop and everywhere he has worked he said there was a different one.

I say to him all the time.

I don't think the cops are the problem.. I think it's the bitch ass lawmakers and the pansy ass people that elect them there... And let's not forget the trash element that runs the streets..
Thing is with all the shitheads out there people are scared and they feel they need more cops to protect them. There in lies the problem people. See the cops can never prevent a crime. I mean who robs a donut shop?
Maybe if our leaders would stop disarming us we would be able to defend ourselves and others that can not defend themselves. Justice would be handled more swiftly, we would need less cops, they would be less stressed and less would be passed on to us..
Thats some truth Reggae style for ya.!!!
I don't think the cops are the problem.. I think it's the bitch ass lawmakers and the pansy ass people that elect them there... And let's not forget the trash element that runs the streets..
Thing is with all the shitheads out there people are scared and they feel they need more cops to protect them. There in lies the problem people. See the cops can never prevent a crime. I mean who robs a donut shop?
Maybe if our leaders would stop disarming us we would be able to defend ourselves and others that can not defend themselves. Justice would be handled more swiftly, we would need less cops, they would be less stressed and less would be passed on to us..
Thats some truth Reggae style for ya.!!!

More armed people would create the adverse effect, more armed people = more threats to law enforcement. They simply don't see it that way..

Furthermore, they then use that as a scapegoat to ensure a higher budget. The cycle is well within the system, and it'll take something dramatic to change it..
So would you rather be a victim Padawan? The criminals are still gonna get there guns. And honest good people aren't gonna be a threat to cops, it happens all the time in states with carry permits when a civilian will detain and hold some POS for the cops. Who knows maybe they just stopped some old lady from getting her purse stolen or maybe saved some 5yo girl from getting kidnapped. Or worst saved someone's life.. That sounds like Allies!
It's a proven statistic in states with carry laws there is far less crime. I for one have had more run ins with the law than I can count, I can justifiably say Fuck the police! but I choose not too. I would never threaten the police... Why, cause there dicks? Heck it's fuckers like me when I was a kid that made them who they are now. Maybe you helped too. Lol I still talk shit too them now when there in the wrong. But I'm not gonna pull out my gun and shoot them...!
your absolutely right about one thing, it would take something totally dramatic to make change.
Yes that is completely true. I encourage, nay BEG, any of you who can, to go to an LEO academy and SERVE! If you don't like LEO change it from within. It's the only way change occurs and I agree change is needed. So this is left as an exercise to the young.

Departments screen pretty heavily to get candidates of the same mindset as the rest of the force. Here the troopers have a big push for Mormons. The average person can't just become a cop these days. I noticed that change in the 80's, it gets worse and worse. Our apathetic citizens should look in the mirror when they need to find the people to blame.

It would benefit us I believe to have the majority of cops be chosen at random like a draft. Have a person do it for two years then they are done. It would greatly change the mind sets of police departments, many are far to jaded.
Like in all walks of life there are good and bad people. I have a good friend who is a 911 dispatcher so she tells me stories, the good and the bad. I'm not fond of most cops but there are some cool ones. One recently let me off a speeding ticket but he was highway patrol (AAA with a gun).
These cops in Fullerton, in the Kelly Thomas case got away with murder, period. It's despicable what they did to this poor fellow.
I also heard that Officer Ramos is due back in court soon for another assault case in which he broke some dude's hand in a misdameanor stop. This poor guy (Kelly Thomas) was crying for help and his dad and begging them to stop but they continued to beat him to death. No excuse and it's shameful that these pigs walked on this case.
These stories about - particularly heinous is when a policeman shoots a dog. What a low, cruel and telling thing, to shoot a dog that doesn't even pose a threat.

But there are ways, oh there are ways.

I've recounted half a dozen, but here is one or two.

Shortly after there was an article about several policemen EMPTYING their revolvers into a naked man on the street and then claiming that he must have been on PCP and surely he was a threat (now, we all know that PCP does not create supermen or zombies, come back from the dead to eat policeman's faces) - EMPTYING into a NAKED and unarmed man?

Shortly after this story broke, my brother was pulled over, with me in the passenger seat. When pulled over, he exited the vehicle and placed his hands,fingers interlocked behind his head.

officer "put your hands down"
brother "I will not do so sir"
Officer "why"
Brother "because you might shoot me"
Officer "why do you think that"
Brother "because you people have a habit of shooting naked men in the street, I would be a fool to give you any indication of any threatening actions, as you can clearly see, I have my hands on my head"
Officer, "well I am not going to shoot you"
Brother "I can't depend upon that promise"
Officer, I need to see your license and registration"
Brother "I willl keep one hand on my head and remove my wallet and drop it on the street officer"
Officer "there is no need for that sir"
Brother "yes, there most certainly is"
Me "officer, I am exiting the vehicle and intend to place my hands over my head as well?

Stuff .......

In the end there was no ticket, and in this particular officer's eyes, I saw intense embarassment.

In the other situation, a group of us found ourselves in the midst of a riot. Our friend whom we called the fetus because when ever he got high he would curl up into a fetal positon and moan, crawled under a car. As did we all. He was dragged out by several "civil action patrolmen" (with face protection and plastic shields).

He was arrested and detained.

The next day a group of us congrigated about the court house. Unbenownst to one of the arresting officers, we not only noticed him there - reading a newspaper, but knew that one of the fetus's (and our) best friend had a father - who was a superior court judge, a rather famous one who among other things, presided over the first palimony case. He knew everyone in the courthouse entryway. "BILL! how's that boat you just got? fun? "Henry, Hows John doing in his first year at Harvard", "judy, Got that condo yet?"

As he glad handed his way down the hall, my brother sidled up to the arresting officer who didn't recognize him, and a friend walked up to my brother. "what is going on here", he asked. "Oh man, dude, we were all in the middle of a riot, some cops pulled the fetus out from under a car and beat him up pretty bad. I feel sort of sorry for the officers - see there? THat's judge Foster coming to get the fetus out and he is PISSED. I figure that the officer's are going to get suspended at the least, maybe without pay I don't know" All the while my brother had the arresting officer in the corner of his eye, hiding behind his newspaper.

"man, I feel really sorry for that guy whoever he is, and his family and his chances for success, I mean they are just doing their jobs" all the while, those who knew what was going on watched the paper shuttering and jerking around as the officerr began to realize the hornet's nest he had gotten into.

And yes, he and his partner spent three months off duty (with pay of course). From then on, when ever any of us (like 10?) ever encountered that officer we would mention the incident and ask him why he had fucked with the fetus to begin with. He was never the same.

Another one decided to ticket a long line of "illlegaly" pared cars. Many of the owners of those cars were VERY important people, the CEO of GE, The president of PGand E. The VP of Exon, several prominant doctors and of course the wives.

One of them (I suspect my father, oh, he wasn't the president of anything like that, he just hated cops) called the city supervisors and the police department and demanded that all the parking tickets dissapear, but he wouldn't let up until he got the name of the ticketing officer. Officer Brown (really). each time any of us ever got stopped or harassed by officer brown we would tease him about his horrendous mistake. It got us out of a lot of tickets.

The last I will recount - and my favorite. I used to belong to a church group that would go down to mexico and help build schools or churches. Some of us were "proctors", people who would chaparone the teens. Two of the proctors smelled funny. In my business dealings I had contact, drinks, dinner,with a variety of feds, CIA, FBI, NSA. I smelled something funny and finally confronted one of them "you are FBI aren't you". "how did you know? "I smell you guys". "what is the other guy? "DEA", but we are not here officialy, if anyone else finds out we could be in danger"

I won''t tell, don't worry. One evening after communion the three of us got together and the DEA guy started telling me about the 16 year old mule who's balloons had broken in her stomach and that he had held her in his arms till she died.

He said that dealers should all be shot because of this sort of thing. I said "Roger, it wasn't them that killed that girl, it was you". We talked for hours over tecate and I finally got him, really, to realize that his enforcement and not the drug dealers who were simply conforming to the free enterprise system and never meant the girl harm, was the ultimate cause of her demise. He actually listened, and believe it or not I saw a tear.

The FBI guy just got very angry, called me names and left to his tent.

Not all police are dicks - but far too many are.
Warning very graphic

Yeah, that guy died, right?

They sure showed him not to illegally camp...

I have a recent story..

This homeless guy sort of hangs out around where I work, the building is located pretty close to a river bed area where he camps out at with his dogs. He had 2 pretty big but as far as I could tell, relatively well behaved for the most part pit mixes, they looked more like the other kind of dog, just decently sized. The female just had puppies he was carrying around in a shopping cart. I roll up to work one day last week and see 20 cop cars down by the river bed where his campsite is and he's screaming at one of the cops.. The next day I hear they shot the male dog to death while investigating graffiti and it had "lunged at the officer"..

That pissed me off pretty good.. Cops really don't give a shit about anything but themselves and their job. I once saw a cop shoot a dog because it was loitering around a grocery store and he didn't know what else to do, so fuck it!

Makes me wonder if any of these assholes who do that type of shit have ever owned a pet in their life..
Yeah, that guy died, right?

They sure showed him not to illegally camp...

I have a recent story..

This homeless guy sort of hangs out around where I work, the building is located pretty close to a river bed area where he camps out at with his dogs. He had 2 pretty big but as far as I could tell, relatively well behaved for the most part pit mixes, they looked more like the other kind of dog, just decently sized. The female just had puppies he was carrying around in a shopping cart. I roll up to work one day last week and see 20 cop cars down by the river bed where his campsite is and he's screaming at one of the cops.. The next day I hear they shot the male dog to death while investigating graffiti and it had "lunged at the officer"..

That pissed me off pretty good.. Cops really don't give a shit about anything but themselves and their job. I once saw a cop shoot a dog because it was loitering around a grocery store and he didn't know what else to do, so fuck it!

Makes me wonder if any of these assholes who do that type of shit have ever owned a pet in their life..

Yeah... look up police one on facebook. They gave the officer who killed thiw man hero status.
Did you folks know that in the USA, it is not illegal to avoid false arrest?

It is also not against the law to use lethal force against police officers threatening your life.

Cops are just people who've been designated to enforce the laws equally amongst the population.

the 2nd amendment was not added in there to only protect against an obtrusive federal government, but, also, tyrannical state governments as well.
Anyone else handed a pocket constitution to a cop?
I video encounters also.
Sometimes if they say something is "illegal" I ask them to please cite the statute
so I can verify...can't enforce something you're not familiar with never stops some from trying though.
One thing i will say is that i never get confrontational with police.

That friendliness is only afforded so much, if you act like a dick, i will do the same right back atcha... Cop, judge, or god himself. I take shit from nobody. I am a human being, and if you treat me any other way, expect an animalistic response.
Anyone else handed a pocket constitution to a cop?
I video encounters also.
Sometimes if they say something is "illegal" I ask them to please cite the statute
so I can verify...can't enforce something you're not familiar with never stops some from trying though.

Nope, I try to have as little interaction with cops as possible. I think a lot of them would interpret handing them a pocket constitution as them being ignorant of the law, and would be insulted

Thats fuckin insane...Did that fella die?

Yep, for camping illegally, I think that was Arizona or New Mexico. Who was he hurting? Why did they take his life?
Nope, I try to have as little interaction with cops as possible. I think a lot of them would interpret handing them a pocket constitution as them being ignorant of the law, and would be insulted

That's the point some are.
I wouldn't just hand them over at random.

I never consent to a search either and question what cause there might be.

Like you said as little interaction as possible.