do we have any exterminators here?


bud bootlegger
.. seems the last few years now, when ever the weather starts to get warm, we get an invasion of these, what i call, piss ants.. these thing are super tiny, but omfg, so annoying..
our home is far from being dirty, and we don't keep any food stuff out that would attract the ants. tonight was the first that i have seen the invasion in the house for this year.. dinner time, went to microwave my food, and sat a clean, unused napkin in front of the microwave waiting for the bell.. when i went to pick up the napkin, it was covered in those tiny piss ants.. i ran the napkin under the faucet in an attempt to drown them.. :D:D
in the past, i've used some pump bug spray stuff that i found at a home depot / lowes type of store. i went around the entire outside of the house, and sprayed the entire concrete block up from the ground, and stopped pretty much right below the window sills. this kills the ants dead on contact, but it doesn't really seem to put a dent in their colony, which i've yet to find.. our home is rather old, and i'm sure has many, many hidden cracks and stuff in the foundation that they could call home.. i'm not sure on the brand of the spray, i could check if needed..
last year i also googled some organic methods to get rid of them, like sprinkling cinnamon all over the house.. all that did was piss me off and make the house smell like cinnamon more than anything else.

i'd love to get this under control this year before they get out of control again.. and by out of control, i just mean having the damned things every where pretty much.. we don't keep any dirty dishes in the sink more than an hour or so, and surely don't keep any sort of open food laying around for them to get into... these lil suckers are so beyond starting to piss me off though.. we never had these things before the last, idk, 3 of 4 years now, and it's not like we've started doing anything different..
i know i have seen a few members on here in the past that seemed like they knew their shit, i think rory420 was one such member, and a few others, but man, any info on ridding myself of these pests would be greatly appreciated.. :D
Have you tried bait traps? You can get them at Walmart and basically the ants take the food back to their colony where it kills them. Anything that kills on contact is pretty much useless when it comes to ants IMO.
Have you tried bait traps? You can get them at Walmart and basically the ants take the food back to their colony where it kills them. Anything that kills on contact is pretty much useless when it comes to ants IMO.

no, haven't tried bait traps yet polar.. and i completely agree, the spray that kills on contact in pretty worthless, although i do love seeing me some dead ants after i spray them, lol..
i'll look into the bait traps, thanks for the tip.. :D
hey those ants are good for the plants . they kill all the bad bugs. lol . my house were not allowed to kill a spider . have to carry it down into the flower room . my hubby would yell at me . yes we are going to kill the ants . we always used that any powder killer .
hey those ants are good for the plants . they kill all the bad bugs. lol . my house were not allowed to kill a spider . have to carry it down into the flower room . my hubby would yell at me . yes we are going to kill the ants . we always used that any powder killer .

our house is a three level kind, not counting the basement of course, and so far, i haven't really seen too many travel past the main floor for some odd reason..
i'm usually the same with bugs in the house.. i always try and capture any spiders i might randomly find inside, but with these ants, my no kill policy is way out of the window, lol..
and as for them killing all the other insects, i don't think these ant's are big enough to kill much of anything.. when i say they're small, i mean, they're really, really small..
Boraxo...sprinkle it around the periphery of the house and under sinks. And Kinddiesel, they also farm aphids and white scale......kill them all.

the only concern i have about sprinkling a poison around the house like that singlemalt, is that we also have a dog, who happens to love being outside when the weather is nice.. i don't want to put anything down that could be a danger to the dogs.. i was even a bit nervous just spraying the ant stuff around the foundation, but i figured it'd dry fast enough to not really pose any sort of threat towards the dog, so it was some what safe..
yeah if you have a dog no poison . but you can place it in corners . no those ants are the king of bugs . they team up on big bugs. they will over run a bigger bug and kill it . ants are no joke if it came to a bug battle . they are knows to kill wild life . in other country or even people . yeah ants in your sandwich . would piss me off . how about sugar water in a bucket they climb in and drown ? idk if that would work .
yeah if you have a dog no poison . but you can place it in corners . no those ants are the king of bugs . they team up on big bugs. they will over run a bigger bug and kill it . ants are no joke if it came to a bug battle . they are knows to kill wild life . in other country or even people . yeah ants in your sandwich . would piss me off . how about sugar water in a bucket they climb in and drown ? idk if that would work .

hmm, that might work well on the dumb ones who climbed in and drowned themselves, but not sure how effective it would be in the long run against all of them..
i'm done playing kiddy games with these things, i think it's time to break out the big guns, lol..
Boraxo is that hand soap powder that we had in shop classes. I guess I should retract this as apparently it is toxic to pets if ingested. Sorry. My old dog never put anything except food in his new guy puts everything in. I think though, under sinks and in cupboards would be ok if the dog doesn't get to it. Its not like nerve gas, critters have to eat it
You could plant peppermint plants around the property they don't like scents like that.
Or any of these
  • Powdered charcoal
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus oil
  • Black or cayenne pepper (hotter is best); or try red chili pepper
  • Chalk lines
  • Vaseline (great for doors and windows)
  • Baby powder
  • Powdered cleanser
  • White Vinegar and Water
  • Desiccating dusts such as diatomaceous earth or silica aerogel.
You could plant peppermint plants around the property they don't like scents like that.
Or any of these
  • Powdered charcoal
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus oil
  • Black or cayenne pepper (hotter is best); or try red chili pepper
  • Chalk lines
  • Vaseline (great for doors and windows)
  • Baby powder
  • Powdered cleanser
  • White Vinegar and Water
  • Desiccating dusts such as diatomaceous earth or silica aerogel.

yeah, that looks like a lot of the same stuff i found last year this time when i was googling home remedies for these lil fuckers.. i think i have tried the cinnamon, nad the black pepper, and maybe baby powder here and there..
we've had peppermint plants in the yards for years and years, but it's not really close to the house.. idk, i'll try a few of these i didn't last year, but i'm beyond getting fed up and was hoping for a more long term solution to my problem.. thanks singlemalt. :D
yeah, that looks like a lot of the same stuff i found last year this time when i was googling home remedies for these lil fuckers.. i think i have tried the cinnamon, nad the black pepper, and maybe baby powder here and there..
we've had peppermint plants in the yards for years and years, but it's not really close to the house.. idk, i'll try a few of these i didn't last year, but i'm beyond getting fed up and was hoping for a more long term solution to my problem.. thanks singlemalt. :D
It says that there cant be break in the stuff you put down, otherwise they will still be able to get in.
It says that there cant be break in the stuff you put down, otherwise they will still be able to get in.

lol, that reminds me of this kid's movie.. can't think of the name of it atm, but they had to put a line of chalk around their entire house, or else these lil gremlin things got into their house..
the continuous line thing is great, what do you do when the wind blows, or the dog walks through the line, or it rains... so frustrating to say the least..
lol, that reminds me of this kid's movie.. can't think of the name of it atm, but they had to put a line of chalk around their entire house, or else these lil gremlin things got into their house..
the continuous line thing is great, what do you do when the wind blows, or the dog walks through the line, or it rains... so frustrating to say the least..
Glue? :grin: