How dare you denounce our lord and messiah L. Rawn Pawl Hubbard?
so rawn pawl ceased to be a libertarian in 2008 then?
was he somehow socially liberal in 2008?
Here comes the liberal two-step. You quoted me saying "I never voted for the LIBERTARIAN candidate", then showed quotes that I voted for Ron Paul in 2008, then you called me a liar.
Now, you're trying to squirm your way out of your stupidity. You had NO FUCKING IDEA that he wasn't the Libertarian candidate when you tried to jump up in my shit. EVERYONE in here knows it, regardless of what bullshit you try to spew now.
Apologize or be doomed to seeing this from now to eternity...and you might be able to save some honor.
tell us again who the libertarian candidate was in the last election genius?
You are not doing well putting down people itt while haveing your head up your ass. May I recommend a glass belly-button so you can see where you are going.
What's a gun toting, fiscally conservative, socially liberal, anti-theist bidnussman to do on election day?
I voted for Ron Paul
tell us again who the libertarian candidate was in the last election genius?
You are not doing well putting down people itt while haveing your head up your ass. May I recommend a glass belly-button so you can see where you are going.
L Rawn Pawl Hubbard is a republican not a libertarian.
I voted Bush first term...I lean towards Ron Paul at the moment.
Heard of the scientist Michael Sherman?Literate, maybe a few; proficient, not a single one.
UncleBuck was the one arguing with muypoco there dipshit.
i'll just leave this here.
Oh sorry man, when you so eloquently and intelligently added to the conversation about voting libertarian and muy said he didn't, you said something about the lord Paul. I thought that was you... oh wait it was, now what the fuck are you talking about again?
Science Is
Is Libertarian.
I didn't say anything about anyone voting libertarian today.
Actually, when libertarians fund "science" it is almost always climate change denial.
scientists who claim no political affiliation generally adhere to libertarian principles.