Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

i'll receive subsidies for nothing.

so you make 400% of poverty or more then?

because if you make below 400% of poverty (about $45k for a guy like you), then you get subsidies.

we know you're barely above minimum wage, so even if you're making $12 an hour you'd have to work 75 hours a week, 50 weeks a year to crack $45k.

you'll get subsidies, just like your momma and your brothers and your nephews and your cousins will. might be the most subsidized house on the block, in fact.
so you make 400% of poverty or more then?

because if you make below 400% of poverty (about $45k for a guy like you), then you get subsidies.

we know you're barely above minimum wage, so even if you're making $12 an hour you'd have to work 75 hours a week, 50 weeks a year to crack $45k.

you'll get subsidies, just like your momma and your brothers and your nephews and your cousins will. might be the most subsidized house on the block, in fact.

MmmHmm...SUBSIDEEEEEZ. Those are free dontchaknow. They come from the subsideez oak and no one has to pay for them. Isn't it grand how reality ceases to exist in the liberal matrix?
social conservatives are as bad as fiscal liberals.

When combined, you get George W. Bush.
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What's a gun toting, fiscally conservative, socially liberal, anti-theist bidnussman to do on election day?
You can do like I do and vote libertarian and feel self-righteous while knowing you had no effect on the election at all or stay home. Depressing I know. This two party system we've allowed to take root is really frustrating when our choices are shit sandwich or turd soup and people think they MUST choose between the two.
vote libertarian and feel self-righteous

yeah, a bunch of "social liberals" voting for rawn pawl, the guy who called birth control pills a "problem", sex for reasons other than procreation "immoral", who wants to end abortion, end civil rights, and who is racist against gays and blacks to boot.

so totally "socially liberal".

you guys delude yourselves far too often.
yeah, a bunch of "social liberals" voting for rawn pawl, the guy who called birth control pills a "problem", sex for reasons other than procreation "immoral", who wants to end abortion, end civil rights, and who is racist against gays and blacks to boot.

so totally "socially liberal".

you guys delude yourselves far too often.

I don't think any of those apply to me, at all. I've never been able to vote for the Libertarian candidate, they always seem to be a bit off. I'd vote for an Independent in one hot second if they matched up with even 60% of my hot-button issues.
I don't think any of those apply to me, at all. I've never been able to vote for the Libertarian candidate, they always seem to be a bit off. I'd vote for an Independent in one hot second if they matched up with even 60% of my hot-button issues.

so you're not for the "libertarian" candidate?

After listening to many interviews with the man and balancing the good and bad, I gotta hope Ron Paul is the candidate.

I do like Paul

I've always maintained that I like RP

I like Ron Paul and I like his positions on almost everything.

I have supported Ron Paul on here so many times it's insane I have to bring it up.

there couldn't possibly be a better President than Ron Paul.

and here's the best one:

Well, to be honest, I voted for Ron Paul last fall.

looks like you voted for rawn pawl, the racist, bigoted, "libertarian" who is anything but a libertarian or a social liberal.


you are a super shitty liar.
Maybe you should check and see who was the LIBERTARIAN candidate in the 2008 Presidential election.


Failure of colossal proportions.
Lol, nice try at bailing UB out. He fucked up, wasted his saved up notes and screwed the pooch. I'm laughing so hard the spittle is hitting your face THROUGH the interweb.
Lol, nice try at bailing UB out. He fucked up, wasted his saved up notes and screwed the pooch. I'm laughing so hard the spittle is hitting your face THROUGH the interweb.

so rawn pawl was socially liberal and anti-theist in 2008?

Their entire world view depends on denial of confirmed scientific findings and ignorance of history.

Yale Professor 'Embarrassed' to Discover Tea Party Members are Scientifically Literate

You know that line liberals love to lob at the Tea Party: you're stupid. Well, obviously that's not the case, nor has it ever been true. Now, a Yale professor has released some new research showing that the so-called "Tea Party radicals" are actually scientifically literate.

Professor Dan M. Kahan of the psychology department at Yale says he was surprised to discover a positive correlation between science comprehension and members of the Tea Party:

"Identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure."