Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.


cliven bundy is a criminal who doesn't pay his bills.
The Moromon church is a monotheistic religion based upon the teachings and life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Yep, its Christian alright.

Who did you think they worshipped? Alien/Human Hybrids from another Planet?

that would be scientologists.
Sadism is the pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. Sounds so much like her doesn't it?
Mother Theresa whipped and beat people and gave them diseases? Did she buy whips and stuff so that the poor could be beaten? I don't think you know what that word means.
cliven bundy is a criminal who doesn't pay his bills.
Then he should be arrested, tried and then jailed if he is guilty.

Why hasn't that happened in the last 20 years this has been going on?

Probably because no crime has been committed.

That would be my guess.
Then he should be arrested, tried and then jailed if he is guilty.

Why hasn't that happened in the last 20 years this has been going on?

Probably because no crime has been committed.

That would be my guess.

subsidies come in many forms and its a shame that there are those who applaud what he's doing when SNAP and Pell get i said before..subsidies are okay when it's the right-ie who benefits..isn't he a millionaire?
cliven bundy is a criminal who doesn't pay his bills.
You referring to him letting his cattle on "federal land"?
How about bundy starts paying taxes on that land just as soon as they make the mexican cartel pay taxes on the drugs and guns they bring into this country. Or how about they take all those firearms and point them at the criminals coming into this country instead of at Americans.
subsidies come in many forms and its a shame that there are those who applaud what he's doing when SNAP and Pell get i said before..subsidies are okay when it's the right-ie who benefits..isn't he a millionaire?
I have no idea how much money Bundy has, it is IRRELEVANT to the discussion at hand.

I thought you were going to expound on Bundy's mega crimes, you did call him a criminal after all.
I have no idea how much money Bundy has, it is IRRELEVANT to the discussion at hand.

I thought you were going to expound on Bundy's mega crimes, you did call him a criminal after all.
He is guilty of grazing his cattle which is said to cause global warming.:lol:
Well, I would contend that Al Sharpton is even a bigger and better and more accomplished racist than is Bundy.
And Sharpton also happens to owe the US Govt. boatloads of back taxes.
And yet, he can still share a stage with the current POTUS.
Hmmm. I wonder why?
i don't know what you mean by the above..i was just asking because another member here has it too.

That's what the shrinks I've went to called it. But I only think of it as other people are stupid. About 99.9% of the time I understand what others are saying, but about 5% of the time people don't understand me. Which is enough to call me weird and blame me.
That's what the shrinks I've went to called it. But I only think of it as other people are stupid. About 99.9% of the time I understand what others are saying, but about 5% of the time people don't understand me. Which is enough to call me weird and blame me.
Its all about political correctness. I understand a good majority of what you are saying or the point you may be trying to get at. It seems to me that people who are so fueled with hate are the only ones that have an issue with how you speak or how you word things. By that, they aren't even paying attention to what you are saying but looking for key phrases to call you a name.
The Moromon church is a monotheistic religion based upon the teachings and life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Yep, its Christian alright.

Who did you think they worshipped? Alien/Human Hybrids from another Planet?

That's exactly what Mormons think. Jesus went to live on another planet, and if you give enough money to the church, you too can go the the Beverly Hills planet. Otherwise it's Compton or Detroit. I thought it was common Mormons are bat shit nuts, even more so than your average Christian?
That's exactly what Mormons think. Jesus went to live on another planet, and if you give enough money to the church, you too can go the the Beverly Hills planet. Otherwise it's Compton or Detroit. I thought it was common Mormons are bat shit nuts, even more so than your average Christian?
Magic Underwear!!
That's what the shrinks I've went to called it. But I only think of it as other people are stupid. About 99.9% of the time I understand what others are saying, but about 5% of the time people don't understand me. Which is enough to call me weird and blame me.
I understand everything you say...I approve!
That's exactly what Mormons think. Jesus went to live on another planet, and if you give enough money to the church, you too can go the the Beverly Hills planet. Otherwise it's Compton or Detroit. I thought it was common Mormons are bat shit nuts, even more so than your average Christian?
Mormons ain't got shit on Jahovas. Those fuckers are cray!