Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

Mitt Romney chooses to remain in the Mormon church. Part of that membership is a duty to pay a certain amount of money to the church. The Mormon church does a lot of good deeds. For instance, my parents own a rental house, about 6 months ago the tenant lost his job. He is a Mormon, and every month since then my parents have received a $950 check from the Mormon church.
Yes, churches are known for forcing donations at gunpoint. Frankly, you are so eager to denigrate him, you try to turn acts of charity into evil.
getting tax breaks for that "charity" doesn't make it charity anymore, why can't you see this. Why do you think sooooo many churches are popping up everywhere, if it wasn't profitable there wouldn't be so many, it's just another scheme.
Mitt Romney chooses to remain in the Mormon church. Part of that membership is a duty to pay a certain amount of money to the church. The Mormon church does a lot of good deeds. For instance, my parents own a rental house, about 6 months ago the tenant lost his job. He is a Mormon, and every month since then my parents have received a $950 check from the Mormon church.
so what, does it go on some sort of tax form for the church, probably. If they were doing it out of the kindness of their heart why let anyone know about it?
Mitt Romney chooses to remain in the Mormon church. Part of that membership is a duty to pay a certain amount of money to the church. The Mormon church does a lot of good deeds. For instance, my parents own a rental house, about 6 months ago the tenant lost his job. He is a Mormon, and every month since then my parents have received a $950 check from the Mormon church.
Charity doesn't count unless you're forcing others to give while you just take. I have this on the words of well know welfare cheats.
getting tax breaks for that "charity" doesn't make it charity anymore, why can't you see this. Why do you think sooooo many churches are popping up everywhere, if it wasn't profitable there wouldn't be so many, it's just another scheme.
Yeah, giving away millions to save a small portion of it in taxes is a real money making scheme. Why do you think they make money off this? Have you never donated to charity and claimed it on your taxes? Churches aren't "popping up everywhere".
I think the Mormon's sound a bit socialist: tithing?!?
Just another income redistribution scheme.
Is the FBI monitoring these guys!
They once added a "luxury tax" on yachts that decimated the industry. After hundreds of yacht builders laid off their employees and closed the doors, the folly of the added taxes was seen. So the added tax was ended. There is no "subsidy" for yacht sales.

wow so many rich fuckers didn't buy boats one year..
Yeah, giving away millions to save a small portion of it in taxes is a real money making scheme. Why do you think they make money off this? Have you never donated to charity and claimed it on your taxes? Churches aren't "popping up everywhere".
just because they give out millions doesn't mean they aren't bringing in double, if not, how would they pay their bills? I have never claimed a charitable donation on my taxes, and you must not be paying enough attention, yes they are popping up everywhere, actually there are businesses dedicated to that specific task.}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official}
and churches aren't money making schemes,lol, give me a break,lol}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official}
take your pick.
Haz, sadly you are right. There are plenty of big churches being started by some minister, taking in a lot of money. A significant portion goes to do good works, but more often than not, to large a share is kept by the founding minister as his income.

I'm not against the guy being able to live off of the revenue his church generates. But sometimes, or most of the time, the pastor is becoming wealthy.
you must have never done a lick of charity in your life. Whats wrong with cash in an envelope to BNB parents, with a note saying for rent at so and so?
I do my share of charity. You obviously do not, since you seem to think you get it all back on your taxes. Churches have to file income statements accounting for every cent they spend. That necessitates writing checks. Do you pay your bills without using a check or getting a receipt? No, you don't, or you would have to pay them over and over again. You don't think the recipients of the charity would wonder why the landlord wasn't asking for the rent? Why do you insist that those you disagree with must have some evil motive for doing a good deed?
remorse, wow.. must only be whites building yachts for red to give a hoot.
Wow, you really are a racist, aren't you. Why would you assume only whites build boats? 5,000 years of history prove you wrong. Is the only way you think you can win a argument is by calling your opponent a racist? Why don't you join stormfront using my name and post racist remarks so you can quote them here to "prove" your lies? Oh, wait, that's already been done.
I do my share of charity. You obviously do not, since you seem to think you get it all back on your taxes. Churches have to file income statements accounting for every cent they spend. That necessitates writing checks. Do you pay your bills without using a check or getting a receipt? No, you don't, or you would have to pay them over and over again. You don't think the recipients of the charity would wonder why the landlord wasn't asking for the rent? Why do you insist that those you disagree with must have some evil motive for doing a good deed?

Why would churches have to account for every cent of their spending if nothing fishy is going on or has ever gone on, I mean Red, they go to church and believe in christ for gods sake, wheres the trust at?