Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

Finally, you're the first one to admit vaccines aren't 100% safe. You're right, nothing's 100% safe. But people aren't informed of that. What other stuff are they also hiding about vaccines? Doctors make it look like there's ZERO risk. If they lie, I can say whatever the hell I want to. It's bullshit to say "we lie to you for your own good, because it's better that you don't know, for the good of all." The medical establishment can go fuck themselves for that sort of attitude.
youre not 100% safe when you take a shit (a huge % of fatal strokes and heart attacks occur while straining to push a mess)
youre not 100% safe when you cross the street (runaway garbage trucks!)
youre not 100% safe when you wash your balls (bacteria infested bar soap!)
youre not 100% safe when you eat a carrot (choking and e.colli!)
youre not 100% safe when you walk in a park (meteorites falling from space!!)
youre not 100% safe when you crouch in your basement terrified youll die from some misfortune. (radon gas!)

the only way to be 100% safe is to put a gun in your mouth and rest in the security of your grave (uhh ohh! Necrophiliacs!!!)
the city of vallejo calif dropped $2 million on a "study" of the impact "global warming" would have on the town.

the hucksters took the cash, and delivered a carzy whackadoo freakshow "report" which included 40 foot sea level rises, mass devastation, etc etc etc, so the city gave them another $6 million to develop an "action plan" which turned out to be "Build an Ark for the lord's judgement cometh, and right soon"

people are making big money on global warming fearmongering, by appending "because of global warming" to their grant requests, and by screaming "Think of the children" when they shake the money tree.

And what government is that that portrayed the 40 ft waves and such? Feds? State? and what did they tax to do so?

smallpox vaccination by E. Jenner caused COWPOX, a related disease which is 0% fatal and 0% disfiguring.
and yes, the cowpox inoculations did cause a minor illness, but it made the patient immune to smallpox.

Jenner's inoculations did not cause smallpox, did not spread smallpox and were not nefarious Mengele style experiments on helpless victims.

NIH said:
It will be observed that in each year the fatality rate was greater among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

Sorry, Dr. Garrow says you're full of shit.

The same happened during the pertussis outbreak in California too. The fatality rate among unvaccinated was lower than vaccinated. The CDC tried to bullshit their way out of it too saying the reason was because people needed boosters.

Sorry, Dr. Garrow says you're full of shit.

The same happened during the pertussis outbreak in California too. The fatality rate among unvaccinated was lower than vaccinated. The CDC tried to bullshit their way out of it too saying the reason was because people needed boosters.

There is a point, with childhood diseases where either mother's milk, or another mechanism does not instantly confer upon the child, the immunity of the parent. There are also many examples where if that immunity is transfered by milk, the child is not breast fed. At this point, the child depends upon herd immunity to keep fromeing exposed.

You do not believe in herd immunity even though we know that immunization regardless of how it is aquired is not 100 percent.

Yet again Canna, you fail to address the Spanish Flu, there was no immunization for that, and yet it spread through the world. Also, as I said, it was fatal mostly among the young and vital. how does this fit in with your theories?

Sorry, Dr. Garrow says you're full of shit.

The same happened during the pertussis outbreak in California too. The fatality rate among unvaccinated was lower than vaccinated. The CDC tried to bullshit their way out of it too saying the reason was because people needed boosters.

Note, this demonstrates fatality rates and not rates of contraction. It actually demonstrates nothing except that there was or is some mechanism that may cause an increase in mortality should the person actually contracting the disease become infected anyway.
There is a point, with childhood diseases where either mother's milk, or another mechanism does not instantly confer upon the child, the immunity of the parent. There are also many examples where if that immunity is transfered by milk, the child is not breast fed. At this point, the child depends upon herd immunity to keep fromeing exposed.

You do not believe in herd immunity even though we know that immunization regardless of how it is aquired is not 100 percent.

Yet again Canna, you fail to address the Spanish Flu, there was no immunization for that, and yet it spread through the world. Also, as I said, it was fatal mostly among the young and vital. how does this fit in with your theories?

It's called a cytokine storm. The same thing happened to Alex Jones' cousin who died of a similar illness.

Sorry, Dr. Garrow says you're full of shit.

The same happened during the pertussis outbreak in California too. The fatality rate among unvaccinated was lower than vaccinated. The CDC tried to bullshit their way out of it too saying the reason was because people needed boosters.
a crusty old report from 1928 citing ONE instance where the vaccine seemed to be counterproductive is hardly conclusive.
It's called a cytokine storm. The same thing happened to Alex Jones' cousin who died of a similar illness.
Which is in response to what? the Spanish Flu? It is true that the flu itself simply gave way to pneumonia and caused immune responses to fight against the body, hence the stronger the body the stronger the response. The mechanism makes no difference to the argument. Had there been a body of immunized individuals, the Spanish Flu would not have gained the foothold it did nor kill the millions it did. Flu vaccines of today are in anticipation of just that scenario. Yet you would seem to wish us to go through it again by spreading doubt about vaccines in general.
So Canna? should you arrange to go into an area that has indigenous diseases for which we have vaccines, you will refuse to get them?
What about antibiotics? are they lies as well? Isn't a natural immune system up to the task of correcting bacterial infection as well?
Note, this demonstrates fatality rates and not rates of contraction. It actually demonstrates nothing except that there was or is some mechanism that may cause an increase in mortality should the person actually contracting the disease become infected anyway.

You have serious reading comprehension problems. It says his study proves there needs to be a study into the cause of the true cause of death.

Also 5 times greater death of those who still manage to get the disease is a lot.

Those that get vaccinated, still manage to get the diseases. But if you're unvaccinated you have a 500% greater chance of surviving.

I have severe IBS and got these symptoms only a short while after getting vaccinated. Many people with Aspergers and other autism disorders all say they have digestive problems too. Do vaccines cause immune problems which lead some to digestive disorders? I now have to eat perfect, or feel horrible. Maybe the government knows about this and the reason they put preservatives which hurts me? They want to kill people like me off faster.

The government won't investigate such and made a law that if anything bad happened because of the vaccine, you can't sue the government, doctor nor vaccine company. Why?
a crusty old report from 1928 citing ONE instance where the vaccine seemed to be counterproductive is hardly conclusive.

There are more but I can't find the actual sources, only talking about sources. Government never has paid for studies proving vaccines don't work. To this day government still funds more studies which prove the efficacy of vaccines and doesn't fund those which examine in what ways vaccines don't work.

Much the same way government only funds climate hysteria rather than the real facts.

Government has an agenda, otherwise government wouldn't be trying so hard to silence deniers.
You have serious reading comprehension problems. It says his study proves there needs to be a study into the cause of the true cause of death.

Also 5 times greater death of those who still manage to get the disease is a lot.

Those that get vaccinated, still manage to get the diseases. But if you're unvaccinated you have a 500% greater chance of surviving.

I have severe IBS and got these symptoms only a short while after getting vaccinated. Many people with Aspergers and other autism disorders all say they have digestive problems too. Do vaccines cause immune problems which lead some to digestive disorders? I now have to eat perfect, or feel horrible. Maybe the government knows about this and the reason they put preservatives which hurts me? They want to kill people like me off faster.

The government won't investigate such and made a law that if anything bad happened because of the vaccine, you can't sue the government, doctor nor vaccine company. Why?

In actuality, I have found that my reading comprehension is quite good and has been for a long time, which resulted in several degrees and an ability to see the logic or lack thereeof in what it is I read.

Again, yes, some people will contract the identified disease even if they are vaccinated. The more people around them that are vaccinated, the less chance those who are still suceptable will be exposed and the less chance they will contracdt the malady and die.

Unless a true actuarial is done, which is unlikely, comparing an unvaccinated population and deaths related to that illness to a fully vaccinated population and deaths resulting from THEIR contraction of the disease, nothing can be proven either way.

If one million people are vaccinated resulting in one hunddred contracions and a higher percentage of those contractions result in death it may still be far fewer than an unvaccinated population contracting the disease in 10,000 cases but deaths resulting are 5 times less.

I hasten to remind you that you are not talking about causality. There could be a thousand variables that had nothing to do with vaccinations.

Those with autism spectrum cannot pin their diseases on vaccinations. You could as well claim that it is processed foods, GMOs, environmental pollution, and a host of other previously abnormal environmental conditions that have caused your or their illnesses.

I fear that many fail to understand the methods used to determine causality and simply blame vaccines when they could as well blame the carrots they had as a child, or the spinach, or the lead in the paint of their doll.

Maybe it's a good thing I'm a hermit and don't go out much?

The spanish flu could not be avoided. The pandemic and resulting death did not stop until every man, woman and child in the world had been exposed. Being a hermit isn't going to save you.

There are more but I can't find the actual sources, only talking about sources. Government never has paid for studies proving vaccines don't work. To this day government still funds more studies which prove the efficacy of vaccines and doesn't fund those which examine in what ways vaccines don't work.

Much the same way government only funds climate hysteria rather than the real facts.

Government has an agenda, otherwise government wouldn't be trying so hard to silence deniers.

I need then, an explaination of how polio, which was rampant, happened to decrease only after a vaccine which was developed to combat polio, was withdrawn from use.
I need then, an explaination of how polio, which was rampant, happened to decrease only after a vaccine which was developed to combat polio, was withdrawn from use.

Then why was there an epidemic that resulted in 120% more infections of smallpox in England 10 years after the vaccination?

The areas which had the least participation rates also had the least deaths per thousand too.

To answer you question, polio cases were underreported to make it look like the vaccine was working. It's happening now in India. Even though they're trying to eradicate Polio, it's not working and officials keep promising it will go away. But every year officials say "almost there!"
Then why was there an epidemic that resulted in 120% more infections of smallpox in England 10 years after the vaccination?

The areas which had the least participation rates also had the least deaths per thousand too.

To answer you question, polio cases were underreported to make it look like the vaccine was working. It's happening now in India. Even though they're trying to eradicate Polio, it's not working and officials keep promising it will go away. But every year officials say "almost there!"

So, cases of polio, which shouldn't have been occuring at all because there was no vaccine at the time, that causes polio, were under reported in order to make it look like the vaccine was working when in actuality it was the polio vaccine - the vaccine that was created to combat polio, where there wasn't any polio to begin with, that was causing the polio.

Sorry, I just can't get behind that. There are a hundred different ways government can make money without using such an involved and devious method as polio. Or Smallpox for that matter. There was a time when government did all it could to help people. Perhaps not now, but then.
So, cases of polio, which shouldn't have been occuring at all because there was no vaccine at the time, that causes polio, were under reported in order to make it look like the vaccine was working when in actuality it was the polio vaccine - the vaccine that was created to combat polio, where there wasn't any polio to begin with, that was causing the polio.

Sorry, I just can't get behind that. There are a hundred different ways government can make money without using such an involved and devious method as polio. Or Smallpox for that matter. There was a time when government did all it could to help people. Perhaps not now, but then.

When did this magical for the people government exist? The Roman government was for the rich and made war, it could give a fuck about the people, which is why their own people and those they conquered were slaves. The American Indians killed off the Anasazi who tried to make a government like ours. Government has NEVER done everything it could to help people in any government. Government helps those who help it. Government only exists to protect the elite from us taking which belongs to us.
When did this magical for the people government exist? The Roman government was for the rich and made war, it could give a fuck about the people, which is why their own people and those they conquered were slaves. The American Indians killed off the Anasazi who tried to make a government like ours. Government has NEVER done everything it could to help people in any government. Government helps those who help it. Government only exists to protect the elite from us taking which belongs to us.

just presuming that all governments are bad and because all governments are bad then nothing they ever do is good is a mistake if you are looking for truth.