Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

I've felt so much better and my health improved ever since I didn't believe doctors and did my own research. My mood disorder which isn't supposed to be curable, bi-polar, is 100% gone. You can look it up yourself that those diagnosed with bi-polar can't survive a happy life without medical treatment, and most likely will commit suicide. I actually feel so happy now.

The only thing super centarians have in common which isn't genetic is a proper diet.

I'll risk my retarded information killing me if it means I no longer feel like shit everyday. Before I was living how you do where scientists were correct. Global warming is real. Etc Etc.

My life is perfect. You complain the boogie man is out to get you. Yet you keep it up. Who's the retarded one?

I no longer need high blood pressure medication nor cholesteral meds since my wife and I gave up processed foods. I lost 15 lbs, she lost 44. But that doesn't mean that climate change doesn't exist or that all scientists are involved in some sort of massive conspiracy to destroy us.
This is a dangerous viewpoint. While it is absolutely true that a country's diet may affect individual's reistance to disease, it does not preempt the necessity for artificial immunological intervention. The Spanish Flue pandemic of 1917-1919 tends to disprove your assertions that simple health and sanitation measures combined with a population's healthy eating habits will prevent or forestall epidemics. The healthiest people, those who were not too young or too old were the ones most likely to die.
Cotrol of vectors would not have helped as in this case the disease was airborn.

Those who scoff about taking anual flu shots, claiming that a good dose of vitiamine D and a diet rich in Kale will ward off the flu have not read the horror of that particular pandemic. Epidemiologists urge that we all get our flu shots, EVEN if a few more of us die than had we not taken it because of their abject fear that another outbreak of a Spanish flu like contageon is just around the next mutation.

Good health and proper sanitation didn't do much for AIDS victims, nor will it for the monsters, Hanta, Ebola, Malburg and the like pretty much ignore good health.

We could not have eradicated Smallpox without vaccines. Polio visited itself upon rich and poor, well fed and hungry, sanitary and dirty. This was in my lifetime and I recall the fear, the rows of iron lungs with children laying one to each. It is highly likely that at least a few people who post here woiuld not be here were it not for a vaccine.

The Polio vaccine actually caused Polio according to the inventor himself.

The CDC and NIH already are investigating if vaccines damage epigenetic material. If it's proven true, by then it's too late.

I don't know why people trust the government is telling the truth. Nixon ordered the investigation to find the detrimental effects of marijuana, when the investigation concluded no detrimental effects, he threw out their investigation.

Then there's the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

America is no better than Josef Mengele. The US even let him live in luxury in Brazil in exchange for his twin experiments findings.
I no longer need high blood pressure medication nor cholesteral meds since my wife and I gave up processed foods. I lost 15 lbs, she lost 44. But that doesn't mean that climate change doesn't exist or that all scientists are involved in some sort of massive conspiracy to destroy us.

The fact government makes money off "climate change" which is no fault of our own through taxes, yet doesn't give a shit Chinese shipping causes over twice all the world's cars pollution, by letting their much more detrimental pollution, makes me give pause the government is full of shit.
Great imagination there doc, but keeping either gas at temperatures required for liquid containment is hardly efficient. I have been working with containment vessels for high pressure gaseous fuels on and off for 15 years.

Hydrogen is very interesting but you have more to fear from the pressure (10,000 - 15,000 psi) then you do from the hydrogen. It is very light so it doesn't settle, its mixture with oxygen in order for it to combust is within a pretty small window. The contaninment vessels all have a rupture exhaust port that, at that pressure, will blow a plume over 20 feet high. Only then will the hyrogen, possibly, ignite, causing very little damage to anyone or anything and certainly not exploding a city block.
i gurantee you, when dumbasses fuck up, they fuck up on a grand scale.

even mild mannered propane has caused explosions, hydrogen is much more explodey, and when combined with high pressure o2 tanks you got a recipe for devastation.

since the only fuel cells i can find anything on use high pressure high purity h2 and o2, operating at ~2000 degrees F, shit will get WILD when dipshits start fucking up.
i gurantee you, when dumbasses fuck up, they fuck up on a grand scale.

even mild mannered propane has caused explosions, hydrogen is much more explodey, and when combined with high pressure o2 tanks you got a recipe for devastation.

since the only fuel cells i can find anything on use high pressure high purity h2 and o2, operating at ~2000 degrees F, shit will get WILD when dipshits start fucking up.

Why haven't we heard of Arnold destroying Sacramento with all his H2 Hummers conversions?
The Polio vaccine actually caused Polio according to the inventor himself.

The CDC and NIH already are investigating if vaccines damage epigenetic material. If it's proven true, by then it's too late.

I don't know why people trust the government is telling the truth. Nixon ordered the investigation to find the detrimental effects of marijuana, when the investigation concluded no detrimental effects, he threw out their investigation.

Then there's the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

America is no better than Josef Mengele. The US even let him live in luxury in Brazil in exchange for his twin experiments findings.

If it "actually causes polio", then why was it virtually eradicated? You can't have it both ways, I have seen those stories as well. If there was rampant polio causing the discovery and eventual wide spread use of polio vaccines, and then a very sharp reduction in the incidence in polio, when exactly did the polio vaccine begin "causing" polio?

I notice that you neglect my references to small pox, the most classic example. Nor are you willing to address some of my other points, inncluding especilly the Spanish Flu. The fact is that there may be some inadvertant damage caused by vaccines however, they have saved many millions of lives and heartache.

Because the government lies does not in any way prove that it ALWAYS lies. Furthermore I do not take my information from the government alone but from independent sources.

Consider this. If the bad old drug manufactureres are just trying to make money, why wouldn't they let polio run rampant? they could make a whole lot more money from that situation than they could from selling shots at seven dollars a pop.
Why haven't we heard of Arnold destroying Sacramento with all his H2 Hummers conversions?
cuz arnold is a rich guy with the resources of a small south american nation at his disposal.

once "tuners" "ricers" and "drift racers" start "tuning" hydrogen powered cars youll see plenty of explosions on the streets.

qualified mechanics and engineers can use these things, but the run-of-the-mill idiots you meet evey day will simply fuck up, extravagantly.

Asked and concisely answered by myself and several other members. Ignoring of responses and repeated asking of the same flaccid question doesn't equal victory. I'm sorry you got nothin else, time to find a new "cause" that gets your liberal panties in a wad.

It's not about 'outrunning flood water' it's about having 85% less agricultural land to grow our crops on.
But surely you knew that?
I know that people who like to bate 'liberals' are usually uneducated, but you're just pretending to be that far removed from reality....aren't you???


Millions dead? Those are some slow moving people, can't outrun a rising sea level screaming in at an inch a decade. Or maybe it's from additional heatstroke victims? "It's 86° today, he might have survived if it had been 85°, like it would have been without all this man made global warming." Oh, the horror.

Please keep it going, I have a nice belly laugh every time you guys post the latest "evidence" and beat your drums of naïvety.
i gurantee you, when dumbasses fuck up, they fuck up on a grand scale.

even mild mannered propane has caused explosions, hydrogen is much more explodey, and when combined with high pressure o2 tanks you got a recipe for devastation.

since the only fuel cells i can find anything on use high pressure high purity h2 and o2, operating at ~2000 degrees F, shit will get WILD when dipshits start fucking up.

Propane is not a light gas and it has a larger mixture window. I have seen high speed footage of carbon fiber containers bursting under pressure - no chemical explosion - none. I have seen the plumes in the desert, only once did I see a plume actually ignite - and that was on purpose and hard to do, they had to shoot flares into the plume at different hights. They called these "the hindenberg experiments", but were never able to - with intention mind you, get anything to explode.

Not to say it can't happen or won't,but if they were trying, well, i doubt it. I also cannot speak to o2, under pressure or liquid, I suspect liquid 02 might be a problem with or without the hydrogen.
If it "actually causes polio", then why was it virtually eradicated? You can't have it both ways, I have seen those stories as well. If there was rampant polio causing the discovery and eventual wide spread use of polio vaccines, and then a very sharp reduction in the incidence in polio, when exactly did the polio vaccine begin "causing" polio?

I notice that you neglect my references to small pox, the most classic example. Nor are you willing to address some of my other points, inncluding especilly the Spanish Flu. The fact is that there may be some inadvertant damage caused by vaccines however, they have saved many millions of lives and heartache.

Because the government lies does not in any way prove that it ALWAYS lies. Furthermore I do not take my information from the government alone but from independent sources.

Consider this. If the bad old drug manufactureres are just trying to make money, why wouldn't they let polio run rampant? they could make a whole lot more money from that situation than they could from selling shots at seven dollars a pop.

The smallpox vaccination by Edward Jenner actually caused smallpox too. Smallpox didn't decrease until mandated vaccinations stopped.
If it "actually causes polio", then why was it virtually eradicated? You can't have it both ways, I have seen those stories as well. If there was rampant polio causing the discovery and eventual wide spread use of polio vaccines, and then a very sharp reduction in the incidence in polio, when exactly did the polio vaccine begin "causing" polio?

I notice that you neglect my references to small pox, the most classic example. Nor are you willing to address some of my other points, inncluding especilly the Spanish Flu. The fact is that there may be some inadvertant damage caused by vaccines however, they have saved many millions of lives and heartache.

Because the government lies does not in any way prove that it ALWAYS lies. Furthermore I do not take my information from the government alone but from independent sources.

Consider this. If the bad old drug manufactureres are just trying to make money, why wouldn't they let polio run rampant? they could make a whole lot more money from that situation than they could from selling shots at seven dollars a pop.
like all vaccines, on rare occasions, the vaccine actually infects the patient with the disease.
thats the source of his "causes polio" claim.

aspirin rarely causes side effects, but SOMETIMES it causes or exacerbates ulcers.
acetaminophen CAN kill your liver
MSG CAN give some people headaches and nausea

these are all rare occurrences, but unlike vaccines, these products work in a manner than the average idiot THINKS he understands, so they aren't scary. vaccines are complex, and their creation borders on germ warfare research or comic book supervillain plots so they drive some people into hysteria

nothing is 100% safe, but the frightened, demon haunted, superstitious masses like to think they have a handle on things.

despite all that, global warming is still a political conclusion based off hysterical media reports and shaky science, and giving idiots unfettered access to fuel cells and their highly dangerous fuels is still retarded for the foreseeable future.
The smallpox vaccination by Edward Jenner actually caused smallpox too. Smallpox didn't decrease until mandated vaccinations stopped.
So it was eradicated only after small pox vaccinations stopped? not before?

If the government mandated small pox vaccinations because of the presence of small pox, then why did they stop mandating it?

Sorry Canna, your logic breaks down very rapidly here, nor can you address what I said about polio.
Propane is not a light gas and it has a larger mixture window. I have seen high speed footage of carbon fiber containers bursting under pressure - no chemical explosion - none. I have seen the plumes in the desert, only once did I see a plume actually ignite - and that was on purpose and hard to do, they had to shoot flares into the plume at different hights. They called these "the hindenberg experiments", but were never able to - with intention mind you, get anything to explode.

Not to say it can't happen or won't,but if they were trying, well, i doubt it. I also cannot speak to o2, under pressure or liquid, I suspect liquid 02 might be a problem with or without the hydrogen.
blow out 20 liters of H2 inside a house and when it hits the piot light on the stove, youll see some fireworks.

Hydrogen is hard to light in open air, but when contained in a structure, with just a little free oxygen, you get a fireball

O2 tanks are a horse of a different colour. when their valve gets damaged they become a torpedo, when O2 builds up, even the smallest spark becomes and inferno, and if they get too hot they go off like a bomb.

in a welding shop, the 02 tanks are the ones best protected.

but liquid hydrogen is no joke either.
So it was eradicated only after small pox vaccinations stopped? not before?

If the government mandated small pox vaccinations because of the presence of small pox, then why did they stop mandating it?

Sorry Canna, your logic breaks down very rapidly here, nor can you address what I said about polio.

No, smallpox incidents increased with the vaccine, only once the vaccinations stopped did cases decrease again.

I never said smallpox was eradicated only after smallpox vaccinations stopped, meaning vaccinations stopped because smallpox went away.

The same happened with Polio. There were only Polio cases while the vaccine was still being given. There was never a point during which the Polio vaccine was administered and at the same time no Polio cases happened too. Polio only stopped 100% once vaccinations for Polio stopped too. If the vaccine worked, shouldn't they have quit once there were no cases? It seems illogical to stop the Polio vaccination to prevent Polio when there were still cases, and then stop to stop them from ever happening.
The smallpox vaccination by Edward Jenner actually caused smallpox too. Smallpox didn't decrease until mandated vaccinations stopped.

smallpox vaccination by E. Jenner caused COWPOX, a related disease which is 0% fatal and 0% disfiguring.
and yes, the cowpox inoculations did cause a minor illness, but it made the patient immune to smallpox.

Jenner's inoculations did not cause smallpox, did not spread smallpox and were not nefarious Mengele style experiments on helpless victims.
The fact government makes money off "climate change" which is no fault of our own through taxes, yet doesn't give a shit Chinese shipping causes over twice all the world's cars pollution, by letting their much more detrimental pollution, makes me give pause the government is full of shit.
How do they make money off of climate change through taxes? I am a bit unclear about that. You talking about a carbon tax? I do not believe that has been implemented.
like all vaccines, on rare occasions, the vaccine actually infects the patient with the disease.
thats the source of his "causes polio" claim.

aspirin rarely causes side effects, but SOMETIMES it causes or exacerbates ulcers.
acetaminophen CAN kill your liver
MSG CAN give some people headaches and nausea

these are all rare occurrences, but unlike vaccines, these products work in a manner than the average idiot THINKS he understands, so they aren't scary. vaccines are complex, and their creation borders on germ warfare research or comic book supervillain plots so they drive some people into hysteria

nothing is 100% safe, but the frightened, demon haunted, superstitious masses like to think they have a handle on things.

despite all that, global warming is still a political conclusion based off hysterical media reports and shaky science, and giving idiots unfettered access to fuel cells and their highly dangerous fuels is still retarded for the foreseeable future.

Finally, you're the first one to admit vaccines aren't 100% safe. You're right, nothing's 100% safe. But people aren't informed of that. What other stuff are they also hiding about vaccines? Doctors make it look like there's ZERO risk. If they lie, I can say whatever the hell I want to. It's bullshit to say "we lie to you for your own good, because it's better that you don't know, for the good of all." The medical establishment can go fuck themselves for that sort of attitude.
How do they make money off of climate change through taxes? I am a bit unclear about that. You talking about a carbon tax? I do not believe that has been implemented.
the city of vallejo calif dropped $2 million on a "study" of the impact "global warming" would have on the town.

the hucksters took the cash, and delivered a carzy whackadoo freakshow "report" which included 40 foot sea level rises, mass devastation, etc etc etc, so the city gave them another $6 million to develop an "action plan" which turned out to be "Build an Ark for the lord's judgement cometh, and right soon"

people are making big money on global warming fearmongering, by appending "because of global warming" to their grant requests, and by screaming "Think of the children" when they shake the money tree.
No, smallpox incidents increased with the vaccine, only once the vaccinations stopped did cases decrease again.

I never said smallpox was eradicated only after smallpox vaccinations stopped, meaning vaccinations stopped because smallpox went away.

The same happened with Polio. There were only Polio cases while the vaccine was still being given. There was never a point during which the Polio vaccine was administered and at the same time no Polio cases happened too. Polio only stopped 100% once vaccinations for Polio stopped too. If the vaccine worked, shouldn't they have quit once there were no cases? It seems illogical to stop the Polio vaccination to prevent Polio when there were still cases, and then stop to stop them from ever happening.

Wait a minute, we are not even talking over facts here, just simple logic. It makes no sense.

1. Smallpox epidemic
2. Developement of small pox
3. Small pox incidences increase due to vaccine
4. government refuses to acknowlege small pox vaccine causes small pox
5. Government increases its vaccinations
6. Government stops vaccinations and the epidemic that was originaly small pox was caused by vaccines?

No man. There is no way your statement can make sense. The incidenced of polio went down as a result of the vaccine. As Doc said, of course, the nature of vaccines (some of them anyway) is that they serve to infect the host in order to increase antibodies for the real thing. Your precession of events just doesn't work.