Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

There's more formaldehyde in those 'raw apples' our gastronomically challenged friend eats, than in vaccines....

The 'dose makes the poison', many things are used in small doses without toxic effects.

Just look at botox for an example. Botulism is hands down, the most acute poisonous thing we know of. One teaspoon of botulism is enough to kill 1.5 billion people, yet we use it in botox to stop people from having spasms and other muscle ailments.

There's a big difference between when nature puts in "toxins" and when humans do. A tablespoon of honey has about the same amount of sugar as 1.25 teaspoon of refined sugar, that extra 1.75 teaspoons of "stuff" nature puts into the honey makes it so our body doesn't treat the sugar as a toxin.

Unless you think being a flipper ninja is cool.

Anyone who listens to Jenny McCarthy for their medical advise, probably would have found a way to die soon anyways...due to being so fucking dumb!
Ever since I started rejecting science and making up my own ideas about health, preventive medicine, nutrition and so on, I have really been so much happier.

That's why I don't care about what humans are doing to the planet either. I'll just keep spewing crap about what is natural but never live in accordance with nature. As long as I'm happy I must be living right.
Oh, I see, Beef. You can change your name but you cannot become innocent. I am 99.9432576% sure of that.
Ever since I started rejecting science and making up my own ideas about health, preventive medicine, nutrition and so on, I have really been so much happier.

That's why I don't care about what humans are doing to the planet either. I'll just keep spewing crap about what is natural but never live in accordance with nature. As long as I'm happy I must be living right.

Living right now. But, I can tell you from hard experience the first thing to go with real illness is the innate happiness you feel. A human body in trouble is desperate.

Healthy living is good. Advanced medicine may become necessary, IAC.
Living right now. But, I can tell you from hard experience the first thing to go with real illness is the innate happiness you feel. A human body in trouble is desperate.

Healthy living is good. Advanced medicine may become necessary, IAC.

According to advanced medicine it meant my being on beta blockers, anti-convulstants, blood pressure and pulse lowering medications, which caused me to taste everything as sour, tingly cheeks, and nose bleeds from dryness. Eating the standard meat and cheese healthy diet meant I felt bloated, like there was pressure on my sphincter and felt like I needed to shit all the time, constant stomach aches, and cramps. I'm sure missing out on a wonderful life from not utilizing advanced modern medicine and eating right.

Currently unhealthy me went from advanced medicine 160/130 and 145 pulse to 115/78 and 75 pulse. You all convinced me, I'm going back to accepting conventional science!
This thread just reached a whole new level.

I get fucking tired of people talking trash towards me all the time. It's done to me constantly IRL. "Hey Canna's a vegan..." "You're a freak" "Eat some meat and be normal" "One time won't hurt you" "Don't come to visit if you're not going to eat my food, it's insulting when you always bring your own."

If people would leave me alone, I'd leave them alone.
Look up Edward Bernays, you're being played. You'd be more amusing if such stupidity didn't affect me.

Vaccines aren't a success. Health, sterilization and containing the vector are what cause success. Vaccines impair the immune system and only provide temporary prevention the specific vaccine targets, at the expense of your health. The more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system.

The increase in cancers, health problems like diabetes and autoimmune disorders are a result of improper health. One factor is the vaccine decreasing immune response. But the major problem is all the processed foods, sugars, oils and chemicals such as preservatives.

A proper diet would provide a better result than vaccines at preventing illness. Along with the other non-vaccine procedures we have in place.

This is a dangerous viewpoint. While it is absolutely true that a country's diet may affect individual's reistance to disease, it does not preempt the necessity for artificial immunological intervention. The Spanish Flue pandemic of 1917-1919 tends to disprove your assertions that simple health and sanitation measures combined with a population's healthy eating habits will prevent or forestall epidemics. The healthiest people, those who were not too young or too old were the ones most likely to die.
Cotrol of vectors would not have helped as in this case the disease was airborn.

Those who scoff about taking anual flu shots, claiming that a good dose of vitiamine D and a diet rich in Kale will ward off the flu have not read the horror of that particular pandemic. Epidemiologists urge that we all get our flu shots, EVEN if a few more of us die than had we not taken it because of their abject fear that another outbreak of a Spanish flu like contageon is just around the next mutation.

Good health and proper sanitation didn't do much for AIDS victims, nor will it for the monsters, Hanta, Ebola, Malburg and the like pretty much ignore good health.

We could not have eradicated Smallpox without vaccines. Polio visited itself upon rich and poor, well fed and hungry, sanitary and dirty. This was in my lifetime and I recall the fear, the rows of iron lungs with children laying one to each. It is highly likely that at least a few people who post here woiuld not be here were it not for a vaccine.
tutt tutt tutt.

i know where I would get the compressed O2 and H2, and how to handle it, the key is, every jackass on the planet is not qualified to keep a 20 liter cylinder of each in his hooch, nor are they qualified to operate a fuel cell in their sheds.

fuck, i wouldnt feel confident with one of those operating at my place, and if i thought some of my dipshit neighbors were using fuel cells i would fucking move quicker than shit.

hell most apartments and condos dont even have a gas stove or water heater any more, cuz dumbasses are always out looking for new ways to dumbass, and even the lowly gas pipe is too much responsibility for the lowest common denominator to handle.

giving them a jug of liquid O2 and H2 then expecting them not to fuck up is just retarded.

goddamned bomb making equipment in every shack, shanty, hooch, mc mansion, crackhouse, heroin flop, and crackerboard tract home in america? fuck no!

but thats eco-loons for you.

a thousand grand schemes, zero common sense or logic.

that technology is fine on the international space station/money pit, where everyone aboard is a qualified expert and theres not a Johhny Knoxville fan in sight, but it's nowhere near ready for home use.

Great imagination there doc, but keeping either gas at temperatures required for liquid containment is hardly efficient. I have been working with containment vessels for high pressure gaseous fuels on and off for 15 years.

Hydrogen is very interesting but you have more to fear from the pressure (10,000 - 15,000 psi) then you do from the hydrogen. It is very light so it doesn't settle, its mixture with oxygen in order for it to combust is within a pretty small window. The contaninment vessels all have a rupture exhaust port that, at that pressure, will blow a plume over 20 feet high. Only then will the hyrogen, possibly, ignite, causing very little damage to anyone or anything and certainly not exploding a city block.