Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
There's more formaldehyde in those 'raw apples' our gastronomically challenged friend eats, than in vaccines....
The 'dose makes the poison', many things are used in small doses without toxic effects.
Just look at botox for an example. Botulism is hands down, the most acute poisonous thing we know of. One teaspoon of botulism is enough to kill 1.5 billion people, yet we use it in botox to stop people from having spasms and other muscle ailments.
There's a big difference between when nature puts in "toxins" and when humans do. A tablespoon of honey has about the same amount of sugar as 1.25 teaspoon of refined sugar, that extra 1.75 teaspoons of "stuff" nature puts into the honey makes it so our body doesn't treat the sugar as a toxin.
Unless you think being a flipper ninja is cool.