There were 187 cases of polio worldwide in 2012, compared to 350,000 in 1988 before the World Health Authority decided to eradicate the disease globally.
There has been a 99% reduction in measles in the USA since the vaccine was introduced.
Hib based meningitis has been reduced by 98% since 1987 when the vaccine was introduced. It was effecting one in every 200 children, resulting in things like death, deafness, seizures or mental retardation.
In Japan, pertussis vaccination coverage fell from 80 percent in 1974 to 20 percent in 1979. An epidemic occurred in 1979, resulted in more than 13,000 cases and 41 deaths.
Since the vaccine for pneumococcal, there's been an 85% reduction in incidences.
I could keep going on, but there's really no convincing a angry vegan.