since you have never bothered to explain WTF you think "Libertarian Socialist" means, yet have repeated that oxymoron as your personal creedo so many times, one must therefore assume every word you use must have a different meaning each time you employ it, and your posts bear this out.You will eventually get used to Kkkynes and his long winded racist manifestos and personalized diatribes consisting solely of distortions of everything he reads.
since you have never bothered to explain WTF you think "Libertarian Socialist" means, yet have repeated that oxymoron as your personal creedo so many times, one must therefore assume every word you use must have a different meaning each time you employ it, and your posts bear this out.
the hard part is, sometimes words mean their opposite, sometimes they are 45 to 90 degrees off center, and sometimes the "meaning" you confer on word in an ad hoc manner has zero relation to the actual word itself.
arguing with you is like shouting at a fart.
it serves no purpose, and just leaves a bad taste in my mouth
i'm just here poking holes in your fanciful tales, and reminding everyone that youre still a twat with a Double-Secret Mystery Ideology which makes less sense than $cientology.
Brace yourselves lads, Chomp Chomp's No. 1 pupil is focussing his chi, preparing for another Ultimate Final Attack, which as usual, will fizzle, and blow up in his face.
I bet he's working on a new manifesto right now.
he's just so misunderstood.
ha ha ha! is that how you remember it?Even lulzier flashback was when I actually corrected you for using the term cognate incorrectly by describing the terms monoculturalism and multiracialism as cognates.
Gee, you seem to think you know what I think. You don't. Face it, your inability to prove your point isn't our failing, it's yours. Your contention that those who disagree with you must be deficient is just a sad indictment of your inability to recognize your own limitations.My point is there isn't anything you would accept, and every time I ask this question to scientifically illiterate, overly opinionated knuckleheads like you who can't come up with an answer other than "you tell me", you prove it!
You're not a skeptic, you're a denialist. You deny all valid scientific research that contradicts your beliefs, and it's hilarious pointing it out!
Evolution, anthropogenic climate change, the big bang, racial equality.. you people are all the same. It always comes back to anything that threatens your conservative, traditional worldview where white Christian men are the leader of the pack, it's so played out by now that it's expected. You can pinpoint who will accept valid science simply by observing their beliefs. To any scientifically minded person, that fact alone tells you their beliefs are pure bullshit and they're believing in grown up fairy tales.
I think you need a little more pixie dust, Red, maybe that'll help..
ha ha ha! is that how you remember it?
cuz here it is:
So the cure for Rabies is a better diet? I think I'll stick with the vaccine.Look up Edward Bernays, you're being played. You'd be more amusing if such stupidity didn't affect me.
Vaccines aren't a success. Health, sterilization and containing the vector are what cause success. Vaccines impair the immune system and only provide temporary prevention the specific vaccine targets, at the expense of your health. The more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system.
The increase in cancers, health problems like diabetes and autoimmune disorders are a result of improper health. One factor is the vaccine decreasing immune response. But the major problem is all the processed foods, sugars, oils and chemicals such as preservatives.
A proper diet would provide a better result than vaccines at preventing illness. Along with the other non-vaccine procedures we have in place.
Gee, you seem to think you know what I think. You don't. Face it, your inability to prove your point isn't our failing, it's yours. Your contention that those who disagree with you must be deficient is just a sad indictment of your inability to recognize your own limitations.
The did a TV show about the server farm, tho as I recall, it may not have been Google, but some other well-know internet company. They had maybe a couple dozen big boxes on concrete pads that contained individual self-contained fuel cells. They ran off the local natural gas supply and atmospheric oxygen. They were originally to be used as a back-up power source, but proved to be cheaper than the local utility rate. Quite, non-polluting (relatively), reliable, and cheap to operate. And subsidized to got an example of this new technology i can look at? cuz all i'm seeing is H2/O2 electrolysis fuel cells that cook at ~2000 degrees. (yes, Two Thousand Degrees F, there's no extra zeros in there)
What do you call someone who thinks every bullshit lefty talking point he regurgitates is "valid science"" I'd call that person delusional and dishonest. What would you call someone who thinks others must supply him with arguments for his claims? I'd call that person "crybaby".Like I said, the point is proven every time I ask the question and the reply is "well idk, you tell me..". We've been over it before, you can't answer the question because there isn't anything you would accept. You're a denialist, and again, it's hilarious!
So what would you call someone who denies valid science? I'd call that person "scientifically deficient", that's you
Translation:I rest my case.
Anyone who reads the thread that you linked can see that you got owned and then put me on ignore because you were so butt hurt.
So the cure for Rabies is a better diet? I think I'll stick with the vaccine.
Canna Sylvan said:A proper diet would provide a better result than vaccines at preventing illness. Along with the other non-vaccine procedures we have in place.