Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
wanna know how i know you're racist?
While all you need to do is preface your racist statements with, "The white man did it!"
wanna know how i know you're racist?
You can pour your heart and they don't give a fuck. But we're the selfish ones for thinking family first, and that scares them. It's forcing a family without abortion. Yet where's our charity!
I did just create a group called politics 2.1.. You're not invited.
Maybe it should be called What we heard on Fox news today rather than politics 2.1 since their are no opposing views.
Maybe it should be called What we heard on Fox news today rather than politics 2.1 since their are no opposing views.
I don't understand what you think gives you the right to force your personal moral beliefs on other people in a free society
I don't understand what you think gives you the right to force your personal moral beliefs on other people in a free society
That's hilarious! What gives you the right to force your personal moral beliefs on the job makers in a free society?
That's hilarious! What gives you the right to force your personal moral beliefs on the job makers in a free society?
wanna know how i know you're racist?
this new liberal democrat plantation is now failing with its media strong arm
of failed talking points such as you copy/paste on the regular.
And your butt is sore over it....pretty much sums it up.
the KKK that dems claimed openly in Congress
you really don't see a difference between restrictions on the workplace and what people do in their personal life?
Because "job creators" affect other peoples lives by their business practices whereas peoples personal lives and the decisions they make have no bearing on anyone but themselves
That association is ridiculous..
very well said, props to both of you for seeing right through another one of canna's false equivalencies.
No one has to work for someone who requires one to sign a tax form only applies to your arguments?
what does signing a W4 have to do with making sure that there are fire exits in a workplace?
Not harming life is the first Buddhist precept.
You're a pretty shitty buddhist, the economic policies you support harm life