Is there an answer for perfect light cycle from the start to the end?

No I think actual science dismisses your tales. This would mean millions of dollars saved annually from large facilities

Theres a reason it’s not done by anyone.

I would not hesitate to blow up a whole warehouse with this style, but I am already set for life and like I say, weed is a hobby. Also, who is to say that nobody is doing this? Maybe they don't want to give up competitive advantage.
I have purchased the Greenhouse Management textbook also and it confirms much of what he claims about short day long night plant varieties. That is why I made the leap and I will not go back. Paying 30 to 40% more for electricity to grow plants is stupid.

Your replies are STILL not valuable, so I am done replying. You have not provided anything constructive other than to say you know better because of three letter acronyms and the fact you watched some dude in a lab coat on YouTube.
Is it the Ted Goldhammer Greenhouse Management book? If so, read page 88 on DLI, and maybe you'll get what I'm saying.

These are the two books on greenhouse management and design that I have:


Really, Ball RedBook is the more authorative book though. I like this chart they have for DLI showing intensity relative to time period:

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Those are Pietri's words, not mine. Copy pasta.

I am done with this thread. You have made up your mind anyway. I am sure your flowers are far superior because you spend more on electricity.
If you are going to paste his words, then it appears that you also support his theories. So, now you say that you don't support the theory? Which is it?

Who said that I spend more on electricity? Again, it's about DLI. If you are looking at only intensity or only duration, then you are way off the mark.

I never said that you can't grow cannabis plants with a shorter day cycle, but I will absolutely dispute your claim of higher yields with a shorter day cycle. You also haven't done a comparative side-by-side grow to know what the yield difference is at all, you are simply speculating, nor are you taking DLI into account at all.
As smart as he is, I've never heard him talk about alternative lighting schedules such that can save 30-40% on electricity costs...
That’s because he is smart and understands that your plant needs specific amounts of PPFD in a given 24 hour period. What would the point of setting up timers to run ridiculous schedules when you can just run your light? I don’t understand what exactly you’re trying to get at here.
As smart as he is, I've never heard him talk about alternative lighting schedules such that can save 30-40% on electricity costs...

Honestly… re-reading through the thread, I can see that all you’ve done is just find the most outlandish information available and force feed it to people.

Solid males and females only show leaves until flip? And you posted photos of a THREE MONTH VEG? Man… just so you’re aware, cannabis shows reproductive organs at sexual maturity, which is generally 4-6 weeks after sprouting. If your plants are NOT showing sex by then, they are stressed out. Usually I find most people are overwatering, causing the plant to stunt if they’re not showing sex. With you, you’re just not allowing them the ability to fully photosynthesize because you think you’re gonna save money on electricity and still grow gas.