Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Well-Known Member
I've been hearing on the radio lately, I think from a talk show host named Mark Levine, often lamenting how new laws might force religious people to do things like make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple preparing for marriage.

This has been delived as an attempt to say the religious freedoms of the (pseudo)Christian are being violated if the law forces them to violate their religious beliefs by baking a gay wedding cake.

Horse shit.

As a Christian, nothing offends me more than when fellow Christians use our collective religion as an excuse for their bigotry or ignorance. Not since the crusades has a more bullshit story been attached to Christian philosophy.

The Bible says do unto others as you would have done unto you, Jesus said how you treat the least of these is how the father will treat you, and he says that the first amongst us without sin may cast the first stone.

He says a lot of other shit that makes these people look like the charlatan assholes they are.

The only thing the Bible says about homosexuality is that it is a sin, it goes on to say we are all sinners, and that a great many things are sins. Jesus goes on to say that we should have love for sinners.

So do we have any pseudo-Christians out there that are willing to challenge this?
I dont understand what is considered gay
Like if I eat it off some dudes buttocks?
Just dont tell them what you're planning.
Yeah if they baked it that guy would die.
Thats a hate crime.
Im out.
He looks like joe rogan all roided out

i have been right far more often than i have been wrong. mydogcody admitted he was a sock puppet, hedwrappedturtle got banned, neckhole was gone within hours...and you simply refuse to admit who you are because you are a menstruating vagina.
agreed! i think He pretty much showed how He feels about homosexuality, with the destruction of sodom and gomorra, don't you think??? i don't think he destroyed entire towns of liars or thieves, lol....

I try not to be judgmental but the bible definitely says a lot more on the subject than what he stated.
Agreeing with it or not is a different matter.
"They have to accept our life choices but we don't have to accept theirs!"

That's some extremely libturded shit spewing from a guy with a picture of blowbama burning the constitution as his avatar...
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